Showing posts with label PNW. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PNW. Show all posts

Monday, May 21, 2012


So, my excuse is that I've just been sittin' around, enjoying the views and smells of spring finally getting here!

The fact is, I've been doin' bunches of stuffs, but my regular blogging routine has been interrupted.  We've been getting the food prep room of my house re-done to look purtee-ur. 

This is what it looked like before:
And this is almost done:

 I have to admit, the nice stone feels good on my nose when I sniff for forbidden goodies!

Here's a quick update on what I've been doing:
 Posing for flower pictures for mom (pink is NOT my color!)

Hiking and enjoying views of Mt. Rainier.

 More camping with the folks.

So, next time, more updates on my recent adventures.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Furrst Trip with the Port 'O House this year!

A few days ago, we went on our first camping trip of the year. 
  It turned out to be a really nice day here, which was a nice surprise!
We set up the port'o house.
 There were some hooooge trees at that place.  
I did my darnest to mark as high up as I could.
I put on my tough look to guard our site.
  We went for a walk down to the river, where dad said there would probably be good fishin'.
 It was a good adventure.  
Can't wait for the next trip with the port-o house!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Dragon Went on Vacation

So, the snowpacolypse continued.  Mom was keeping me company during one of our snow days, the dragon just picked up and left.  Guess he wanted to go somewhere warmer with no snow and ice.  Can't say I blamed him.  But, dang.  I really missed him.  Mom made me wear my fleece all day and sleep with two blankets on.
It was so chilly that I even wore my blankie when I ate my lunch!

The cold, ice, rain, snow, and wind continued and it looked really ominous out.  
Luckily, the dragon only went on a short vacation.  He was back the next night and we were all cheering.  Not that he doesn't deserve a vacation, but the last time he went (2006), he was gone for 10 days!!!! 
My auntie's dragon went on a 6-day vacation this year.  You'd think they'd plan it during the summer!!!

Anyway, after the snow, ice, rain, and wind stopped, it was time to do some clean up.
So we did a little shopping around for a chain saw.  
There were only like 2 left in town, so we weren't too picky.
Then mom and dad did lots of noisy work and had big piles of tree parts all around the yard.
They got most of the rest of it done yesterday, but its been a few days of hard work to get things cleaned up.
I let her get a day of rest before making her help me get caught up on the blog.

Hope you're all having a warm, safe winter and I hope your dragons wait 'til July to vacation!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Series of Unfortunate Events

This morning, me and Memphis' walking adventure took us to Lake Fenwick Park. 
It had a nice, wooded trail that took us down some serious stairs.

Those stairs were a piece of cake!  No Problem-O.  At the bottom was a little open area perfect for a little wrestling.
C'mon mom!!!  Can I go play NOW?!?!

We ended up going to the end of the trail and having to turn back, which meant having to go UP ALL THOSE STAIRS!!  Yeowsers!
We kept going and came across the actual lake.  The colors of the trees and the reflection on the lake were beautiful and mom wished she brought her real camera, but the iphone does an ok job.

Mom and me...

Memphis and his dad...
We came to a pretty long dock/bridge.  Let me just say that Memphis REALLY likes the water.  We're walking along the dock....then SPLOOSH!  Memphis stepped off the dock and did like a nose dive into the water.  All I saw was his tummy and feet sticking up.  I'm thinking he thought it was a lot more shallow than it was, and when his front feet didn't hit the bottom, he just flipped head over tails.  Luckily, since he likes the water, he didn't panic and was able to get back on the dock.  Didn't phase him at all. 

So we got back to walking, and mom was yaking away, then all of a sudden...
BOOM!...then silence.   Mom?  Mom?  I turned around and she was sitting on her butt.  She had slipped on some of the slick wood on this long dock bridge.  "Smooth moove, Mom!"
Needless to say she was okay, so we got back to walking and...BIFF!  Mom wipes out again, this time tripping on a tree root.  How embarassing!  My Mom, the picture of grace and coordination!
We decide it's definitely time to go before anything else happens. 

So, our review of Fenwick Lake Park is that it's probably a much safer place to take mom when it's DRY.  Here in the PNW, that means we might go back in...oh....about 8 months!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Toys for Rainy Daze!

Too many words for Wordless Wednesday today.
Camping adventures will continue after this brief message from our sponsors...

With the rainy season fast approaching in the PNW (yeah, like it ever left), Mom has been on the look-out for toys to keep me busy indoors (since you all know how much I hate being dripped on!)
We got this cool Kyjen toy.  They're the same people who made the tug toy I really LOVE. 
You can see that review here. 
I noticed that Frankie recently had the opportunity to review this toy. 
You can see his review of it here.
At first I was like, "What the heck is this thingy?"
Hmmmm...  I smell treatz!!!
Maybe it I just move this thingy...
So I discovered that there were treatz hidden in these little cup thingies.
YUM!!!!  (notice all the slobber on it)
Last one....
Mmmm...  very yummy! 
Since I've played with treat dispensing toys before, this was relatively easy for me. 
But, it was still fun and yummy, and mom said it kept me occupied for a few minutes.
So I give it 1.5 Thumbs up (on a scale of -2 to 2).
And it was definitely better than the muffin pan we were using last year!!!