Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I'm 11 years old!!


Mom said we were celebrating a special day.  Ok, so where's my special treat??

Hmmmmm.   What's this???

Ahhhhhh!  Nice creamy, coconutty, frozen yumminess!!!!!!  Perfect for a hot day.  Wait a minute...just one??

Now to chill under the air conditioning.  What a relaxing way to celebrate my 11th birthday. 

This was much better than a few weeks ago when I had to go to the emergency room for having something stuck in my throat.  NOT fun.  Here I am waiting (fur-EVER) to go to the ER.  Mom said everything took longer and was more stressful with the COVID restrictions. Plus, I had to go 2 days in a row because they totally messed up my diagnosis (said I had gastritis instead of something stuck, despite like 6 X-rays).

Mom made me this special potion to help me and my throat feel better.

It took a few days, but I started feeling better. 

My pack helped me feel like myself again.

And, yes.  Mom did something about the ER doc messing things up.  We are lucky mom took me right back in the next day and I got seen by a different doc, who got it right.  

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I'm 9 years old now!

It's been a great summer.  A little too hot for my liking.  I don't know how my relatives could stand the heat in Africa.  But this is much better than that drippy stuff.

Me and Nelli getting our disco on.  Mom makes us wear these so she can see us after dark.  Sometimes we like to turn them off and freak her out.

 Celebrating my 9th birthday with big yummy frozen bones.  Takes me a little longer to chew them now, but they're still tasty!

A nice new treat...raw beef trachea.  A little chewy, as you can see...

 Little sister Ema is growing up, but she's still annoying.  Here's she's practicing her innocent, cute look.  It took lots of coaching from me to help her with this.  She's getting there.  

Monday, October 31, 2011


I woke mom up at 5:30 this morning so she could start working on this punkin'.
Doesn't it look EEEeeevil?
We went out zombie hunting today.  We're part of the:

Hmmmm.... I smell something dead over there, mom. Can we go check it out?
Drat.  Just some old poo.  No luck finding zombies today.
My dad got a zombie the other night, so maybe we'll have better luck tonight.  For some reason, all these little vampires and such chose tonight to come around and beg for food.  But,until the doorbell rings again, I'm enjoying this special raw buffalo treat:

Hope you all have a safe Halloween (and lots of yummy treats)!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

My Second 5k!!!!!!

I did my second 5k race yesterday.  It was the Fremont Oktoberfest 5k. 
You can see my post from last year's Oktoberfest 5k here. 
Me and dad chillin' before the race...

This is a really good dog friendly race.  There were more dogs this year.
Me and mom after finishing the race...
 Our time was 32:19.
That was more than 3 minutes faster than last year!!!
Course, I didn't stop for a poop break either and only had one 3-second pee stop.

Since it was 'Dogtoberfest', I got to take mom and dad into the beer tasting area.

The weather was nice during the run, but it started dripping later.
Me and dad got under this tent to keep dry. 

 I was really hoping that dude would drop that yummy smelling food item,
but no such luck.

It was a great time again and even better that I set a new PR!!!
Can't wait til my next race!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Toys for Rainy Daze!

Too many words for Wordless Wednesday today.
Camping adventures will continue after this brief message from our sponsors...

With the rainy season fast approaching in the PNW (yeah, like it ever left), Mom has been on the look-out for toys to keep me busy indoors (since you all know how much I hate being dripped on!)
We got this cool Kyjen toy.  They're the same people who made the tug toy I really LOVE. 
You can see that review here. 
I noticed that Frankie recently had the opportunity to review this toy. 
You can see his review of it here.
At first I was like, "What the heck is this thingy?"
Hmmmm...  I smell treatz!!!
Maybe it I just move this thingy...
So I discovered that there were treatz hidden in these little cup thingies.
YUM!!!!  (notice all the slobber on it)
Last one....
Mmmm...  very yummy! 
Since I've played with treat dispensing toys before, this was relatively easy for me. 
But, it was still fun and yummy, and mom said it kept me occupied for a few minutes.
So I give it 1.5 Thumbs up (on a scale of -2 to 2).
And it was definitely better than the muffin pan we were using last year!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ruffin' It !! Day 6 (continued) - Mom's Old Stomping Grounds

 Ok, back to camping stories.
Mom thinks she's being funny by pointing at the 'Bear Country' sign!
As you can see, I am not laughing!
Anyways, mom was excited to get into town.  She lived in Bozeman for a while.
So we went into town and mom and dad had lunch at this place called the Pickle Barrel. 
Mom said they used to have THE BEST sandwiches.
She said they're still just as good!
That's a HUGE sandwich!  Hope some's for ME!!!

We drove around more so mom could see some of the stuff that was new, and some of the stuff that was the same.  Then we headed back to our campsite so we could all relax.
Today was a busy day and our dogs were tired (really!)
We had to get some shut eye cuz tomorrow was going to be packed full of fun stuffs. 

Stay tuned for Day 7  -  While the Hoomans are Away....

Monday, September 5, 2011

Birthday Visit Adventures

Here's a picture of my Pop-pop on his birfday:
Can you believe I didn't even get to taste that cake!?!?!
Luckily, mom brought me some buffalo treats.

The next day, we got to go check out the

Checking out some weird smells...

It's okay.  Coast is clear. 

This morning, we walked around Carrie Blake Park.
They have lots of lavender.
...and other purty flowers.

Mom found this duck stuffie with my name on it:

But she said I can't have it until we get back to our house. 
She thinks I'll destuff it and make a "total mess".
Who?????    ME?!?!?!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Ruffin' It ! Day 4 - Final Day at Big Arm

I'm on the tippy top of the highest peak in Montana:
Okay, so maybe I'm just on a rock at our campsite...
It still makes a good lookout spot. 
...and someone needs to keep an eye out for bears...or dinosaurs...or zombies!!

We went for a walk and pawzed for a moment to take in this breathtaking view:

We went for a short drive up the lake so mom and dad could grab lunch at the Tamarack Brewery
Mom said they had the best roasted veggie sandwich she has EVER had!

Then we went back to the campsite and put up this umbrella thingy:
Hmmm....  seems a little short!  Maybe if you water it, it will grow.
Much better!

  It helped keep the inside of the port-a-house cool, so me and dad decided to take a nap.
Actually, dad napped and I kept an eye out for....well, you know what!

Ooooh....supper time!!!   This was going to be our last night at Big Arm.  Tomorrow we would hit the road for Great Falls.
I will miss this booteeful place!!

Stay tuned for Day 5 - Not Really Ruff