Showing posts with label Nelli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nelli. Show all posts

Monday, December 9, 2024

A Life Full of Adventures

 Remi's mom here...its taken me 3 years to be able to write this final blog entry for Remi.  Despite the time that has passed, the tears still come.  Remi was my 'heart dog.'  He was there when I needed him most and helped me through many challenges.  We went on so many adventures, just the two of us, and then many more as our pack grew.  Still, my fondest memories are of when Remi and I would go discover a new park or trail, full of new sights and smells.  He was a wonderful companion, friend, and protector.  He loved people, especially kids, but was very particular about his doggie friends.  His best friend, Memphis, passed a few years before Remi, so I know they are somewhere having glorious adventures and endlesswrestling practice.  Remi changed my life and I learned so much from him.  There will never be another one like him, and I don't want there to be.  

Remi passed away at home on December 16, 2021.  He was surrounded by his pack sisters Nelli and Ema, the lions Millie and Harmon, and his 2 humans.  We were right there with him to help him transition to his next stage, where he would be free of the physical body that would no longer allow him to do what he wanted and be pain free.  It was hard to see him leave, but what made it worse was losing Nelli unexpectedly the next week to hemangiosarcoma, losing Millie 2 weeks after that, and losing Harmon a few months later.  It was a horribly traumatic few months for the humans and the sole remaining pack member, Ema.  In less than 6 months, we had gone from a house with 3 dogs and 2 cats, to one 2-year old dog.  


We saw the impact losing the pack had on Ema and it was so sad.  The carefree puppy with boundless energy had no interest in going outside or playing, preferring to lay inside and sleep.  I totally understood.  I felt the same way.  And the last thing I wanted at that time was another dog, or specifically, the pain of losing another pet.  A few months later, after no improvement with Ema, I decided to look for another pack member for her.  In March 2022, we brought home a little sister for Ema, who we named Arie, and she has helped Ema (and me) get back into living life.  

I will never ever forget Remi, Nelli, Millie, and Harmon, and am grateful for all the wonderful memories and love.  Remi must have known how helpful this blog would be for me now, that seeing all the fun times would make me feel better.  That's how Remi was.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I'm 11 years old!!


Mom said we were celebrating a special day.  Ok, so where's my special treat??

Hmmmmm.   What's this???

Ahhhhhh!  Nice creamy, coconutty, frozen yumminess!!!!!!  Perfect for a hot day.  Wait a minute...just one??

Now to chill under the air conditioning.  What a relaxing way to celebrate my 11th birthday. 

This was much better than a few weeks ago when I had to go to the emergency room for having something stuck in my throat.  NOT fun.  Here I am waiting (fur-EVER) to go to the ER.  Mom said everything took longer and was more stressful with the COVID restrictions. Plus, I had to go 2 days in a row because they totally messed up my diagnosis (said I had gastritis instead of something stuck, despite like 6 X-rays).

Mom made me this special potion to help me and my throat feel better.

It took a few days, but I started feeling better. 

My pack helped me feel like myself again.

And, yes.  Mom did something about the ER doc messing things up.  We are lucky mom took me right back in the next day and I got seen by a different doc, who got it right.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Camping Catchup

Mom said it's the start of port 'o house season, and I realized I hadn't posted any pics from last season.    So, here's a bunch to catch up.  This is in my new port 'o house:

I think this was 3 trips, 2 different states, lots of different smells.  We're all looking forward to some excellent adventures this port 'o house season!!!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

I'm 9 years old now!

It's been a great summer.  A little too hot for my liking.  I don't know how my relatives could stand the heat in Africa.  But this is much better than that drippy stuff.

Me and Nelli getting our disco on.  Mom makes us wear these so she can see us after dark.  Sometimes we like to turn them off and freak her out.

 Celebrating my 9th birthday with big yummy frozen bones.  Takes me a little longer to chew them now, but they're still tasty!

A nice new treat...raw beef trachea.  A little chewy, as you can see...

 Little sister Ema is growing up, but she's still annoying.  Here's she's practicing her innocent, cute look.  It took lots of coaching from me to help her with this.  She's getting there.  

Saturday, July 21, 2018

It's been so hot and dry here this summer.  I still get out to soak in some sun, but now it's in smaller bursts.

I can't imagine my great, great, great relatives in Africa, out in that heat every day.  But it does feel good on my old bones.  I'll be 9 years old in a few days.  Mom says she can't believe it because I used to be such a little stinker, but now I'm a 'Goooood boy!'

My sisters can hang out in the heat all they want...

.... but I know the secret cool spot.  I'm no dummy and know the nice cool air from the machine falls right on my couch.   Aaaahhhh....

Monday, July 27, 2015

Super summer sunshine

It's been a hot, dry summer here, which is ok with me cuz I hate that drippy stuff. 

Enjoying the warm sun while watching for bunnies:

A visit to Pop pop's:

Sometimes, early in the morning, Nelli likes to snooze on the ground under the tomatoes in the greenhouse.

I prefer my broken-in bed, thanks. 

This Friday will be my 6th birthday.  Can you believe it ?!?!   Here's me when I met mom and dad for the furrst time.  It was the day I picked them as my hu-mom and dad.  I think I was a month old.

Guess I haven't changed too much :)

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Remi, a few weeks old, 9/2009:

Nelli, first day at home, 11/2012:



Sunday, July 6, 2014

Bunny chasin' 101

Teachin my sis the art of bunny chasin.  This is the best spot for waitin for da bunnies!

Wait for it....

Wait for it.....



Drat!  They're fast little buggers!

Maybe next time......