Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sunny Days in Seattle

The past couple of days have been absolutely beautiful--a rarity this time of year. Monday smelled like summer! I set out on a walk as soon as I got home from work with objectives in mind. One, to see if I could handle going on a long walk in a maxi skirt--I plan on wearing them all the time this summer. Two, to take pictures--I'm seriously lacking in this department of late. Three, to stretch out my legs and get a spot of exercise.

I loved seeing people out and about taking in the evening sun--families with kids on bikes with training wheels, moms power walking, kids playing baseball.

Walks in the suburbs may not be incredibly inspiring such as those in the city, but they are more peaceful. Less cars, less crouds, but also less material for photos. But there are more smiles and salutations exchanged. The air is fresher with scents of flowering trees, and on this particular evening, the clink of softballs hitting metal bats.

Walking by a little league game in the nearby park brought back so many memories of my youth. I remember the try-outs, the smell of the grass, the hope that I would be chosen for the best team. I remember the sunflower seeds, the cheers from the dug-out, and the joy of getting a really good hit.

I loved playing softball, and I was proud of my arm. I had a really good one you see. I could throw long distances, and sometimes could out-throw my brother--that really was something to be proud of (he's one of those irritating, natural-born athletes that is awesome at anything he touches). And I was great at bat. There was a certain satisfaction knowing that the other teams recognized me as a power hitter, and would always back up as I came to the plate.

Some of my greatest friendships came from playing softball. I met one of my very best friends, Ilene, when her dad was our softball coach in 4th grade. We stayed friends throughout junior high and high school. We were close through college and often went on walks, played catch, or volleyball. And I'm so grateful that we continue to be friends as we've entered the real world, meeting up for dinner or dropping by her workplace for lovely chats.

Who knew that one lovely evening walk would trigger such nostalgia? Then again, it is me we're talking about.

Hears to memories, friendships, and spring/summer in Seattle!

P.S. Still undecided about the whole 
going-on-walks-in-maxi-skirts thing...
I'll keep you updated. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

A few favorites of the moment

I know, it's been a while, huh?

Of late, I often have those moments when I sit down at my computer with full intentions to write,and then...nothing.. Inspiration gone.

 I don't know what's happening to me. It's not like I don't have things to write about. I do. Life has become immensely more interesting over the past couple of months. New Year's resolutions have actually come to fruition (sadly, not the one for lipstick)!

But all I can really think about is how much I want it to be summer right now. In the Northwest. Mr. Weather is such a tease. Giving us sun one moment and torrential down pours and wind the next. Oh, well. I'm just impatient is all. This is really becoming apparent in my life of late.

Anyhow, on to my favorites of the moment:

Lemons--I'm slightly obsessed. Always have been, really, but it seems to come out a bit more when spring has sprung. I'm addicted to Dreyer's (or Edy's on the East Coast) Lemonade popsicles. A-Mazing! I pretty much love all forms of lemonade, but my favorite right this second is blackberry lemonade. Yup, it's as delicious as its sounds.

Pretzels--this week I learned how to make pretzels with a dear friend from high school, and they were sooo good that I had to try out the recipe myself tonight. And they were pretty good, I must admit. A new favorite.

Jane By Design--a new favorite show (and I may have started and finished the first season this week(. It was on netflix, and I needed a show in the background as I was doing other things. And it's pretty amazing.

Chicago--I think it's my new favorite city. I had the change to visit earlier in the month, and loved everything about it. I mean, it doesn't get better than a city on a lake with beaches, right? Maybe Miami could compare, maybe? I felt like it had the best of the West mixed with what I loved in the East. Loved it.

Ellie Goulding--she's just amazing. Her sound Lights, is one of my favorites. I came across this little video earlier today, and had to share. It's sooo good. Ellie normally is all electronic, so it's really neat to be able to hear her go acoustic.

Please enjoy! (I was just there, too!!!)

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