It could not have come sooner! What a week! Some major ups and downs, but that's life right? Sure keeps things exciting. I know I keep on promising I'll update with the interesting bits of life, and I may actually get to it this weekend. Horray! Aren't you excited?
And today is sunny
and beautiful
and warm. And it's February. These things rarely coincide.
I have to admit, February is the very best month. One, it's my birthday month. Two, Valentine's Day. Three, Leap Year. There's something incredibly special about Leap Year, don't you think?
Anyway, I digress. I really just wanted to share some music, like I do most Fridays. (Or used to do most Fridays).
I purchased some tunes this week (two albums plus two more songs!), which I don't usually do. I'm normally perfectly satisfied listening to Pandora or to, but sometimes there's an album or song that I just have to have. And that's how it was with The Civil Wars. I'm in love with their album
Barton Hollow. It's been out for a while, but I just recently rediscovered them through one of my roommates.
Please enjoy!