Monday, February 13, 2012

Then and Now...

Weight-loss is something I've always hated talking about. Probably because it was something I always struggled with. But, now I'm down 70lbs! Woohoo! I haven't seen this poundage since I was actively playing volleyball and basketball in school. Even now it's strange to look back at pictures from DC, and to see the transformation.

Here is the progression, as promised:

A trip to Annapolis last spring.
Over Memorial Day.
In August.

Trip to pumpkin patch in October.
Ugly Sweater Party in December.
From trip to San Francisco in January (we were at a military fort).
And there you have it! The progression of weight-loss. 

 For those of you wanting to know how I've done it, it's all due to Weight Watchers. They have an amazing program that they reinvented the start of 2011, and further revamped it for 2012. I couldn't recommend it more.

Friday, February 10, 2012

What the Water Gave Me


I went to karaoke two times in two nights. I may need an intervention.

On the one hand,
I love to sing and it relieves stress.
On the other, 
I stay up much too late, 
which makes me mighty tired for work the next day.

A different, yet kind of related note (haha), I bought more music this week! 
Hoorah! I love new music!

Florence Welch is one of my very favorite artists. Her lyrics are introspective and deep, and really say something. She sings of spirituality, and has a lot of religious imagery in her videos. I recently watched an interview with her, and she said that music is the means that she can fully communicate her true self. And I feel like I understand what she's saying.

I have to admit that some of her videos creep me out a bit--that's the main reason why I don't post more of her music on my blog. This song is one of favorites from her new album, Ceremonials, and it's not creepy.

Please enjoy.


Could it be you...?

For the better part of last week and the first part of this one, Mr. Weather had me fooled. Sun? Upper 50s? This is February and Washington State--should that even exist this time of year?

Apparently not.

I was hoodwinked! Good one Mr. Weather. Just as I was putting away my heavy coat and warm layers, we're now back to the typical rain and gray. What was I thinking? It is February and I live in Seattle.

(It's so hard going back to rainy weather appropriate
 clothes when one has already vowed not to wear
 them again until next winter. 
Don't you think?)
At least I wasn't the only one fooled...
These rhodies had the wool pulled over their eyes too!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

It could not have come sooner! What a week! Some major ups and downs, but that's life right? Sure keeps things exciting. I know I keep on promising I'll update with the interesting bits of life, and I may actually get to it this weekend. Horray! Aren't you excited?

And today is sunny and beautiful and warm. And it's February. These things rarely coincide.

I have to admit, February is the very best month. One, it's my birthday month. Two, Valentine's Day. Three, Leap Year. There's something incredibly special about Leap Year, don't you think?

Anyway, I digress. I really just wanted to share some music, like I do most Fridays. (Or used to do most Fridays).

I purchased some tunes  this week (two albums plus two more songs!), which I don't usually do. I'm normally perfectly satisfied listening to Pandora or to, but sometimes there's an album or song that I just have to have. And that's how it was with The Civil Wars. I'm in love with their album Barton Hollow. It's been out for a while, but I just recently rediscovered them through one of my roommates.

Please enjoy!

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