Friday, August 26, 2011

Song of the Summer

My roommate Megan is one cool gal. And among other things, she has amazing taste in music. One Saturday we were getting ready for a barbecue and she created a Foster the People station on (if you haven't heard of, you've got to check it out!).

Ever since that day, I've been hearing them everywhere.

 And I'm kinda in love.

Here's my favorite song of the summer: Pumped up Kicks.

Here's to summer and all its awesomeness!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Letters from Taiwan

I received such a pleasant surprise in the mail last week--an actual piece of mail. And from Taiwan at that! I've been home from Taiwan for a little over a year and a half, and had thought my students had all but forgotten me. But to my delight, they definitely haven't!

Madline (on the right) was in my fifth grade class that I had twice. She is now in Junior High, which is super intense (I'm so glad I went to school in the States. It's pretty cut-throat from what she tells me). A couple of other students from that class have added me as friends on Facebook (Frank and Nancy (on the left)), and it's been so nice to keep in touch with them all--to know how life is treating them after Berhan.

I think I probably drive people crazy with how much I still talk about my time in Taiwan (I really do--just ask any of my friends). It doesn't help that I know I can get cute Asian stationary and a place in Seattle that makes dong gwa milks. I would move back in a heart beat if I didn't know that I need to stay in the States for a while. But I do hope I get to visit sometime in the next couple of years...right after I go back to the Czech Republic!

I guess I can satisfy myself with the fact that Madline is still writing her pen-pal that I set her up with, and that they've become great friends. One of the things I really wanted for my students.

This is just another reminder that my heart is in teaching, and that I need seriously focus on grad programs and Teach for America!

Wo ai Taiwan!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

All kinds of random...

Sometimes I wish life weren't so complicated. Just when you think everything is peachy-keen, something else gets thrown into the mix. I've been mulling over something to the point that I've almost given myself a headache. Perhaps I should just stop thinking. Or just stop thinking about that one thing.

Anyhow, life is great; life is wonderful.

I have finally landed a job, albeit a temporary one. But income is income, right? And the people seem really nice! That's the most important thing. And it's normal hours, and it's only 15 minutes from my house. Pretty awesome, huh?

Seattle was gorgeous yesterday as my friends and I did a whirlwind tour. My favorite stop of the day? Hands down the Olympic Sculpture Garden. A-maz-ing. Part of the park was sectioned off for a wedding, which ended up not being that big of deal--we still got to see everything. And I found out that they have three similar/the exact same sculptures as the National Sculpture Garden in DC. And I also had the realization that I love sculpture. Perhaps more than media on canvas. Calder anyone?

Now I'm just rambling. But I think it's been good for me to ramble along. I apologize to you though.

You know what else? I get highly peeved when people do not return texts, especially when highly important information is being relayed. Irritating, huh? But perhaps I should be better about returning my own texts. Now that IS something I should apologize for.

You know what else? The Amelie soundtrack is perfect to calm and sooth oneself. And it's French, which equals interesting. Here is one of my favorite songs from the film for your enjoyment:

Hope ya'll had a great weekend! I can't believe tomorrow is Monday already!
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