
July 15, 2012

life in Ann Arbor

Things have been very busy since we got here. Unpacking and settling 
in and trying to figure out the town have consumed much of our time. 

Ryan in front of the Kellogg building

Ryan had a birthday the day before school started. 
We went to Zingerman's a popular Ann Arbor restaurant to celebrate 
His actual birthday was on a Sunday so we had cake and ice cream with a few of his fellow classmates

At the school they have an event that goes on in the summer time every night for 5 weeks called Top of the Park. They have food vendors and live music and show movies and things like that. We have gone to that several times.

First day of school!

Ryan's class

our dog Molly flew to Michigan and we went and 
picked her up the second day of school

she is adjusting well

So far things have been going pretty well other than we had
a bad storm roll through the morning after 4th of July
and we went about 40 hours without power. 

1 comment:

  1. I am just so excited for you guys and your new adventure! Keep the posts coming!
