
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

February 19, 2012

adventures in Hawaii

we're just hanging out
on the North Shore of Oahu
not a whole lot going on

sorry I haven't posted much
our life has been pretty uneventful
other than coming to Hawaii
to see my family

June 20, 2011

catching up

sorry I haven't posted in a while. Ryan told me it doesn't matter though because there are only about 5 people who read our blog. Anyways for all 5 of you that read our blog, things have been busy. I got stomach flu twice in about a week and a half (how does that happen?) and went to a family reunion. Got the first round of Ryan's dental school applications in (YES!!!!)  and went to my brother's wedding. might take me a couple posts to catch up. These are some of my pictures.

cousins yogaing


my little brother likes bacon a lot
my mom found this for him

June 19, 2011

to my dad

I was so excited that I got to spend Father's Day with my dad. 
I hadn't been able to do that in a long time. 
I've always been a daddy's girl so it meant a lot to me. 

April 17, 2011

learning to let go

This week has been a roller coaster of emotions. 
I graduated and that was amazing, but on the same day my grandmother passed away.

She was an amazing woman.
Its always really hard when people close to you go, even when
you know that it will be better for them so they don't suffer.

On the other hand it was great to see so many of my
cousins that I have not seen in probably 10 years. 

April 10, 2011

a sea of caps and gowns

Our weekend looked a little like this...

I did it! I graduated! 
It was an amazing feeling. 

I was so glad for all of our family that was able to come. 

I felt like I talked so much about wanting this dress that I had to show a picture of me in it.
I had it on the whole time but my gown hid it.