
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer. Show all posts

July 10, 2011

camp out

This last weekend we went camping
with our ward
we went to Green Canyon

on our way out there we were
3 cars behind this accident...

pretty scary stuff
fortunately everyone was ok

camping was great though

note to self: get another head lamp so we can each have one

June 23, 2011

garden growth

The weather in Rexburg is sometimes pretty extreme. So when Ryan told me he wanted to plant a garden I though, "why so I can be disappointed when nothing grows?"  Fortunately though he was right and I was wrong and we have had little baby plants spring up while I was in Zions.




I'm pretty excited

June 20, 2011

catching up

sorry I haven't posted in a while. Ryan told me it doesn't matter though because there are only about 5 people who read our blog. Anyways for all 5 of you that read our blog, things have been busy. I got stomach flu twice in about a week and a half (how does that happen?) and went to a family reunion. Got the first round of Ryan's dental school applications in (YES!!!!)  and went to my brother's wedding. might take me a couple posts to catch up. These are some of my pictures.

cousins yogaing


my little brother likes bacon a lot
my mom found this for him