
October 11, 2012

football season

We went to a Michigan football game. 
Football is such a huge deal around here that if you 
don't join in the festivities you will definitely get left out.

This was such a cool old restored car. They even had music like the
ice cream man than played the Michigan fight song

this was very popular for little girls to wear a football 
jersey and a tutu at the game

Michigan played Air Force so the Air Force did a fly by
with the stealth bomber

Air Force also released a bald eagle during the national anthem
(sorry the picture is so blurry. The bird was flying so fast it was hard
to get a picture)

attendance at the game

August 05, 2012

an official welcome

The summer semester is already almost over. I can't believe where the time has gone. A week ago they had the white coat ceremony at the dental school where they welcomed all of the new students into the profession.   Sorry some of the pictures in the auditorium are terrible coloring. It was hard to figure out the lighting in there. 

Ryan receiving his white coat

the "fab five" as well call them

Ryan's parents came out for the ceremony

July 15, 2012

life in Ann Arbor

Things have been very busy since we got here. Unpacking and settling 
in and trying to figure out the town have consumed much of our time. 

Ryan in front of the Kellogg building

Ryan had a birthday the day before school started. 
We went to Zingerman's a popular Ann Arbor restaurant to celebrate 
His actual birthday was on a Sunday so we had cake and ice cream with a few of his fellow classmates

At the school they have an event that goes on in the summer time every night for 5 weeks called Top of the Park. They have food vendors and live music and show movies and things like that. We have gone to that several times.

First day of school!

Ryan's class

our dog Molly flew to Michigan and we went and 
picked her up the second day of school

she is adjusting well

So far things have been going pretty well other than we had
a bad storm roll through the morning after 4th of July
and we went about 40 hours without power. 

getting to Ann Arbor

So I was going to try and do better on posting more regularly because we are so far away from everyone and I feel like this is easier to keep in contact. Of course since we have been here I haven't done a very good job, but I am trying to do better.

There is so much to talk about that I decided to break it into two posts. One about getting to Ann Arbor including pictures and then another post about the things that we have been doing since we got here. Here it goes. Sorry the pictures are terrible quality. Most are from Ryan's phone. We forgot to leave a camera somewhere that is was easily accessible.

picture Ryan drew in Jamba Juice before we left Rexburg

this is the backside of the Tetons as we drove east out of Jackson Hole

Devil's Tower, WY

did you know that Devil's Tower was the
first official national monument?

Mount Rushmore

*spoiler alert* 
it is way smaller than I expected it to be

June 22, 2012

sprucing up

So I have had a bunch of requests for pictures of our apartment, but it is still a bit of a disaster. So... I thought I would show you something we have been up to.

When we walked into our apartment for the very first time we noticed that there were only ceiling lights in the kitchen, bathrooms and hallways. SUPER! (not)  Now we have to buy lamps. We started looking around for lamps at retail stores and discovered very quickly that most of them were far more than we wanted to pay. So we found these two lamps at Salvation army. I don't have a complete picture from before with their burgundy shades that were falling apart, but this is the base. Ick.

so we taped them off

and primed them (sorry this picture is blurry)

and painted

and voila

a totally different looking lamp

Next project: sewing slip covers for my chairs. 
Remember my ugly old orange chairs that I got a super deal on?

June 15, 2012

I promised

I promised people that I would write a blog post about how the move went. So here I am trying to remember all the details. Sorry, there will be few (if any) pictures in this post. I will try and post some later. Our apartment still looks like lots of boxes and loads of laundry to do. And this will probably be a long post.

Our move was a multifaceted move. It was kind of complicated. For dental school the first date that the schools are allowed to tell you if you got accepted is December 1st. Ryan got into 3 schools the first day, fortunately, but he was graduating in a few weeks and we were moving to California for the winter to work and we weren't sure where we were going to accept. A friend suggested that since the weather was bad (although it turned out to be an incredibly mild winter by Idaho standards) and we were just going to put our things in a storage unit once we got to California anyways, that we just store them in Rexburg. So we decided since storage units in Rexburg cost about half of what they cost in California where Ryan's parents live (we stayed with them over the winter until we moved out here) and that way we didn't have to rent a U-haul and move in December, that it was a good idea. So we stored our things in Rexburg.

So we made a decision on schools. Michigan had the best program and even paying out of state tuition was the cheapest option. Since there is all this talk about the student debt bubble that is supposed to pop soon we thought we should try and get in the least amount of debt we could. So we paid a deposit and started making plans. Things actually turned out better than we thought because we had some friends also get into U of M dental and they were still living in Rexburg. So we decided to get a shipping container together and split costs. We looked at several other options and felt like this one would work the best. So Ryan and I drove to Rexburg. We ran into some car problems on the way and had to stop in Twin Falls and spend the night. We got up the next morning and finished the drive. Once we got to Rexburg it was taking care of errands and getting rid of things we decided not to take to Michigan. The shipping container came and we started packing like mad. Those were some very long days. I wish I had taken a picture of the packing process, because it was kind of insane, but unfortunately I didn't.

We were throwing the last couple boxes in when the driver showed up to pick up the shipping container. We finished and locked up and watched as he drove away. It was one of those feelings like when you get done with finals. It was so stressful and was all you spent all day doing and thinking about.  Then it's over and you're not quite sure what to do with yourself and all that adrenaline you have built up to cope. I turned to our friends and said, "well, now we have to go to Michigan because all of our stuff is going there."

We helped our friends clean their apartment and spent Memorial Day weekend in Utah saying goodbye to family and friends. We drove back to Rexburg for the last time and spent one day finalizing things and then left on Tuesday. Tuesday night we stayed in Casper, Wyoming. We drove through Targhee National forest that day. There were feet, feet, of fresh snow as we went through. I sent a picture to my sister and told her that I vowed never to complain about Rexburg weather again. The next day we went and saw Devil's Tower in Wyoming and Mount Rushmore in South Dakota and spent the night in Mitchell, SD. Let me tell you, those black hills of South Dakota are worth going to see. The last full day of driving was a blur of states. That day we went through what we had left of South Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois and stayed in South Bend, Indiana. It was a very long day and we drove right into a storm system in Illinois and Indiana. It was scary driving. The last day was only about 4 hours of driving before we made it to Ann Arbor.

We got to our apartment complex and had to fill out paperwork and show proof of insurance and things like that. I had asked the people at the apartment complex before we moved if I could send them all the necessary paperwork for us to move in and they said just bring it when you come. So you can imagine my frustration when we arrived and they said we don't have your paperwork. Fortunately, I could access the information from a computer, but it was still frustrating. As we were trying to pull up the information on the computers in the clubhouse we got frustrated at how slow they were working, which was almost not at all. There were two guys sitting on some of the other computers. One noticed our frustration with the computers and offered to let us use his. Ryan got on and was trying to get said information and I stood there talking to the guy. It turns out they were the missionaries for our church. I remember thinking "what are the chances that we move across the country and the first people we meet are the missionaries?"

So that is the move in a nut shell. I will post more about our apartment and things we have been doing since we got here later, but right now my fingers need a break from typing and I have other things to do.

April 19, 2012

t-minus one month

it seems like I haven't been on here in forever. Please forgive me. Things have been so busy.
Also the whole month a March was just an off month. You know?
Nothing went horribly wrong, but nothing went that great either.
And here we are halfway through April. I can't believe it.
We leave to go to Michigan by way of Rexburg in one month.
The nervousness and the prepacking anxiety is starting to set it.
I felt like we just did this...

February 22, 2012

hawaiian adventures

a pretty rainbow as we went through the pineapple fields

waiting outside Matsumoto's for our favorite
shave ice on the north shore

Ryan with my parent's lab, Lucky, that thinks
she is a lap dog

Fumis- our favorite shrimp

February 19, 2012

adventures in Hawaii

we're just hanging out
on the North Shore of Oahu
not a whole lot going on

sorry I haven't posted much
our life has been pretty uneventful
other than coming to Hawaii
to see my family

February 10, 2012

a night in San Fran

We went last night to my first concert 
it was definitely an experience
for the most part we had fun
except for the guy that spilled his beer all over me
and the Asian girl that stood in front of me most
of the concert that practically gave me a lap dance

heading into San Francisco

The Fillmore