
Showing posts with label eBook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eBook. Show all posts

The War of the Worlds

Monday, September 24, 2007

The War of the Worlds, Dark Horse - zlythern

But who shall dwell in these worlds if they be inhabited?
. . .
Are we or they Lords of the World?
. . .
And how are all things made for man?
KEPLER (quoted in The Anatomy of Melancholy)

The War of the Worlds (1898), by H.G. Wells, is an early science fiction novella which describes an invasion of England by aliens from Mars. It is one of the earliest and best-known depictions of an alien invasion of Earth, and has influenced many others, as well as spawning several films and a television series based on the story.

Dark Horse Comic has a really nice War of the Worlds Comic version ^^ packed in 125 colourful pages.

The War of the Worlds, Dark Horse - zlythern

If you wanted to have a soft-copy of the novel, then grab in on Project Gutenberg, The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.

Or perhaps you prefer War of the Worlds in an audio-book so that you can listen to it using your iPod in your daily traffic jam :P

Either way, it's a really good read, otherwise it won't be continuously in print for over 100 years wouldn't it ? ;)

More eBooks From Professor Solomon

Monday, September 17, 2007

Have you finished reading The Book of King Solomon i introduced to you ?

If you do, then Professor Solomon have another 2 ! Yes ! TWO ! For you ;)

Professor Solomon Free eBooks - zlythern

Japan in a Nutshell, Professor Solomon - zlythern
Japan in a Nutshell
At last, the unknown Japan. The traditional Japan. The real Japan.

Who are the Japanese? Where did they come from? What are the origins of this unique people?

Professor Solomon give us a brief yet depth detail of Japan. In this Japan in a Nutshell book, you'll find enormous information regarding Japan, you will know the dos and don'ts, places for sightseeing, a general info on where to stay, enjoying an o-furo ;) having a nice tea ceremony, and whole lot more !

Go and download the 6 MB Japan in a Nutshell to print out and read ;)

Now from the East, we switched to the West ;)

Coney Island, Professor Solomon - zlythern
Coney Island
A tribe called the Canarsie dwelt in the forest that the urban wilds of Brooklyn have replaced. That forest has utterly vanished; and so, too, those for whom it was home and hunting ground.

I probably will never heard Coney Island if it wasn't for Professor Solomon. Actually maybe it's because i was more interested in the East culture, China, Japan, Mongolia, Persia, etc. :P

Once renowned as a funspot, Coney Island has been largely forgotten. Does it still exist? What has survived of the place? And what was it like? In his book CONEY ISLAND, Professor Solomon takes us there to find out.

Go and download the 6 MB Coney Island to print out and read ^^

All of this eBooks are brought to you by Professor Solomon :)

Thanks for the tip Professor ;)

The Book of King Solomon

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Book of King Solomon - zlythern
Wise man on earth can be counted, few can be named through out the history. King Solomon, was one of them :)

As many of you who are Christian or Catholic, i believe you all know his wisdom. But wisdom, can be applied to every aspect of our life. So, even if you're not Christian or Catholic, this book can be a valuable reading for you ;) I also read others wisdom from the East, Zen, Buddha, everything, well, that's another story.

Back to The Book of King Solomon now. This book is generously given to you for FREE ! By the author himself !

Professor Solomon, an "amateur professor" with a degree in English from Harvard, Professor Solomon is a findologist—an expert at finding lost objects.

Authorship of The Book of King Solomon is explicitly credited to "Ahimaaz, Court Historian." Moreover, this same Ahimaaz appears in the story. He plays a part in the struggle with Absalom; and on several occasions he discusses with Solomon the chronicle he is keeping.

Turning to the Bible, we do find an Ahimaaz in the court of King Solomon—but there is no indication of his being a historian. He is presented rather as the resourceful son of Zadok, the High Priest. The Biblical Ahimaaz helps defeat Absalom; eventually marries a daughter of Solomon; and is appointed governor of Naphtali. A certain Jehoshaphat, meanwhile, is mentioned as chronicler during the reign of Solomon.

One of my favourite is the story about the Disputed Infant. The way King Solomon solve the problem is amazing ! Here are some excerpt of the story.

Disputed Infant, The Book of King Solomon - zlythern Solomon addressed the two women. "This is a difficult case," he said. "We have no witnesses—no evidence as to which of you is the mother—no way to ascertain which of you is telling the truth and which is not. So we must seek a compromise, rather than justice. A settlement. Do you follow me?"

They nodded uncertainly.

"Captain," said Solomon, "divide this living child in two, and give half to one woman and half to the other."

What a bold decision from the King. Well, some of you may have know how the story end ;) As for those of you who are curious, head on the Professor Solomon page, to get the book for FREE ! ^^

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An ordinary, a bit 'geeky' guy, who enjoy blogging about all unique things across the internet world. Blogs about the blogosphere, scripts, fun, games, interesting stuffs, etc. Currently staying and working in Singapore.
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