
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Send A Secret Holiday Greeting Card

Monday, December 24, 2007

Send A Secret Holiday Greeting Card - zlythernSend A Secret Holiday Greeting Card - zlythern
Christmas is less than 1 day ^^

Tomorrow is the day we all be waiting for ^^

Send your friends a Holiday Greeting Card, with your message coded ;)

Your friend will have to enter the secret code to be able to read it ;)

A little fun way to send a Greeting Card :D

p.s: I wish I can write more than 40 characters :P It would be a perfect message :P

The Twelve Days of Christmas

Friday, December 14, 2007

The 12 Days of Christmas - zlythern
The first time i hear this song, i hardly can understand each and every day of the presents being sung. More worse, i hear the song in the Disney version ! Which Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck (his voice was the worst :P can hardly understand what he is saying), Goofy, and all others, each with a different voice and accent sing the song ! The worst of all, i was still a little kid, minimum English vocabulary, don't have an English dictionary, and still no Internet access back at my hometown in Indonesia :P

Heh, what a story that is :D I always chuckle when i hear and remember this song :P

Anyway, now with all the access to Internet, world's largest knowledge database, now i know the whole lyrics of the song :D And even the stories behind it too :)

There are different stories regarding to The Twelve Days of Christmas. To quote some of it:

The Twelve Days of Christmas as a celebration and festival is old and steeped in traditions from Christian cultures around the world. For many, the idea of the 12 days as a length of celebration is based on a sequence of verses in the Holy Bible (Matthew 2:1-12), and a belief that it may have taken 12 days for the three kings (also called wise men or magi) to travel to Bethlehem. The number 12 is also symbolic of the 12 Tribes of Israel, who received Christ before the Three Kings, the Gentiles came to pay him homage.

[source: Wikipedia]

During the Middle Ages, Christmas celebrations in Europe were elevated to new heights when people adopted the custom of giving 12 gifts to loved ones, one every day from Christmas to Epiphany. From the grandest of lords to the poorest peasants, the tradition was celebrated with great enthusiasm.

[source: howstuffworks]

So, incase some of you still don't know the lyrics, here it goes

"The Twelve Days of Christmas" Lyrics

1. On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
A partridge in a pear tree.

2. On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.

3. On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.

4. On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and partridge in a pear tree.

5. On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.

6. On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Six geese a-laying ...

7. On the seven day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Seven swans a-swimming ...

8. On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Eight maids a-milking ...

9. On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Nine ladies dancing ...

10. On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Ten lords a-leaping ...

11. On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Eleven pipers piping ...

12. On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent to me:
Twelve drummers drumming ...

After knowing the lyrics, i feel it's kinda weird, and apparently the Taking Back Sunday feels the same too ;)

Oh, and howstuffworks have a nice Christmas Game for you to print out the pdf version, and have it with your family ;) It's called Find The Twelve Days of Christmas :)

Can't Wait For Christmas

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Can't Wait For Christmas - zlythern

Can't wait for Christmas? Here's the 10-step remedy from it's Facebook Event:

  1. Visit Can't Wait For Christmas
  2. Admire the countdown
  3. Share your holiday wishes
  4. Spread the holiday joy to your friends and family
  5. Check the countdown again
  6. Bookmark to the site
  7. Come again tomorrow, and the next day, and the one after that
  8. Watch the countdown hit 00:00:00:00 with glee
  9. Leave Santa some milk and cookies (chocolate chip please)
  10. Rejoice with your wishes come true

The spirit is around the corner ^^

Can't Wait For Christmas indeed :D and it will be my first one in Singapore ;)

Make This The Biggest World Greeting Chain!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Orli Yakuel the beautifull lady who managed Go2Web2 (a must read), sent me a message about this Mixmas thing, that she also covered on her blog.

Design a cool character of yourself, write a greeting, and send it to your friends. In no-time you'll be able to see how the chain grows. No registration required!

Create Your Own Character

There's quite a lot of option, stuff, accesories which you can add to your character :) this is nice ;) and most of all, the important thing is, IT'S FLASH ^^ yay ^^ long live flash :)

But hey ! What's with mine ? I got placed so small ! Darn :(

Well, anyway, Happy Holidays, and as Orli says:

Spread the word and help make this the biggest World Greeting Chain!

Did You Hunt For A Tree Yet ?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's less than a week till Christmas ! Did you already hunting for some tree ? If you havent got one, or maybe havent got the money to buy a real one (like me :P) then we can still have a beautifull tree like this one ;)

Now you can have that tree either in your web page, or in your desktop ! Isnt that a good news ?! ;) Or maybe have 'em both on your web page and your desktop ;)

This beautiful tree was brought to you by SpringWidgets ;) This widget makers are really nice, since you can customize your widget and currently you can embed it in 6 different places, including MySpace, HTML, Blogger, Friendster, Hi5, Xanga, and even in your inbox ;)

And as for the desktop version you're gonna hafta download the SpringWidget Engine ;)
Once you have downloaded our widget platform(click the "Download" button on this page), you will be able to spring widgets to your desktop using a single click. Just look for the little green widget icons on web pages - any time you find one, just click it. If your platform is running, that widget will "spring" ready to use to your desktop!
Nice eh ?! ;)

So let's put the tree ^^

Yet Another (Better) SnowFlake Maker

Thursday, December 14, 2006

If you have try to make a flake before, then i tell you this, THIS ONE IS BETTER ^^ WAY MUCH MUCH BETTER !

Okay, first thing first you can of course cut a paper to make one, but the best thing here is that IT GOT A PREVIEW AREA ! So you can saw how it'll turned out ! And another good thing is there's an UNDO button ! WOW ! Great eh ;)

After you make yer own beautifull snowflake like mine ;) then it'll shows up on the scenery :) and just so you know, there are others too, which you can point with yer mouse, and the definition will pops up :) GREAT !

Another good thing is, you can FIND A FLAKE ! Your Flake, will be saved, with unique ID (in numbers) or, if you don't know the numbers, just enter the name ;)

Once you enter the name, the next search results will fall down, and you can point it to view the details ;) And you can even RESPOND as in reply a msg to the creator of the Flake ;) COOL eh ;)

More of it YOU CAN PRINT IT ! In 3 differents LAYOUT ! Perfect ! ;)

So, what do you waitin for ! Go for it ! Make a Flake, search mine, and leave a comment ;P

[source: Ursi's Blog]

Flickr Easter Egg for Xmas

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ho .. ho .. ho .. You'd better watch out !
Ho .. ho .. ho ..
He .. he .. he .. :P

Flickr is giving us some nice easter egg to celebrate the nice xmas seasons :)

Here you go, the results ;)

Just add some notes to your picture and VOILA ;) YOU'RE A SANTA :D

Oh, and the notes are :

     ho ho ho beard
     ho ho ho hat

Have Fun ^^


About Me

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An ordinary, a bit 'geeky' guy, who enjoy blogging about all unique things across the internet world. Blogs about the blogosphere, scripts, fun, games, interesting stuffs, etc. Currently staying and working in Singapore.
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