
Showing posts with label Comic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Comic. Show all posts

Happy 2008 Birthday Garfield !

Friday, June 20, 2008

Actually it's yesterday ! And I forgot ! My .... how can I forgot ?!

Anyway, anybody a Garfield fans know how old is he now ? ;)

Spam Can Be Fun

Monday, June 09, 2008

Don't we just hate SPAM, but well i received this funny picture on my mailbox. SPAM now can be Fun ^_^

(click the picture to see the bigger version)

(click the picture to see the bigger version)

If any of you know who is the brilliant artist for these, please let me know.

And have a fresh Monday everyone ^_^

An Excuse For Lack of Post

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Adam@Home by Brian Basset
Many bloggers sometimes need an excuse for the lack of post, it's not that they don't like to blog, they do. It's just that sometime they really don't have anything to blog about.

And that is just another excuse :P to keep your reader updated, that you're still blogging. Blogging about the thing that you don't have something to blog today. Nice eh ? ;)

See more of Brian Basset's Adam@Home here ;)

p.s: Another excuse from me, I really am very busy at office ;) but then again you might find something nice on my bookmark at ;)

It's 2008 Leap Year !

Friday, February 29, 2008

For those of you born in leap year, Happy Birthday ^^ you're one of those rare babies ;P

Here, take a seat and have some comic strip ;)

2008 Leap Year - Born Loser Comic Strip

2008 Leap Year - Cleats Comic Strip

2008 Leap Year - BC Comic Strip

2008 Leap Year - Drabble Comic Strip

2008 Leap Year - Rose Is Rose Comic Strip
Anyway, have a nice weekend ^^ we have an extra day, extra sleep, extra play, extra time, and as Mimi says: 'Xtra BAFF!!!' ^^

(via: iGoogle Fullpage Comics)

Garfield Minus Garfield ?!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Some of you people maybe already know that i'm a loyal follower of Garfield Comic Strip :D

I found out today that there's some person that has a unique idea ! That person make a parody of the Garfield Comic Strip into a Garfield Minus Garfield !

Who would have guessed that when you remove Garfield from the Garfield comic strips, the result is an even better comic about schizophrenia, bipolor disorder, and the empty desperation of modern life?
Friends, meet Jon Arbuckle. Let’s laugh and learn with him on a journey deep into the tortured mind of an isolated young everyman as he fights a losing battle against lonliness and methamphetamine addiction in a quiet American suburb.

Basically it remove Garfield out of frame, thus only displaying Jon, which already have some unique mind and attitude (if you get what i mean) ;)

So, let's take a look some of the strips, compared to the original, and you'd be the judge ;)

Minus Garfield:
Garfield Minus Garfield

The original:

Minus Garfield:
Garfield Minus Garfield

The original:

Minus Garfield:
Garfield Minus Garfield

The original:

Bottom line, if you like this kinda thing, it's worth your time to browse through Garfield Minus Garfield ;)

As for me, the Original Garfield Comic Strip is perfectly fine :D

Blogging = Dangers !

Friday, January 11, 2008

Apparently one can die when blogging :|

Blogging = Dangers - zlythern(image source: the brilliant xkcd)

Have a nice weekend everybody ^^

Don't do anything dangerous ! ;)

The War of the Worlds

Monday, September 24, 2007

The War of the Worlds, Dark Horse - zlythern

But who shall dwell in these worlds if they be inhabited?
. . .
Are we or they Lords of the World?
. . .
And how are all things made for man?
KEPLER (quoted in The Anatomy of Melancholy)

The War of the Worlds (1898), by H.G. Wells, is an early science fiction novella which describes an invasion of England by aliens from Mars. It is one of the earliest and best-known depictions of an alien invasion of Earth, and has influenced many others, as well as spawning several films and a television series based on the story.

Dark Horse Comic has a really nice War of the Worlds Comic version ^^ packed in 125 colourful pages.

The War of the Worlds, Dark Horse - zlythern

If you wanted to have a soft-copy of the novel, then grab in on Project Gutenberg, The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells.

Or perhaps you prefer War of the Worlds in an audio-book so that you can listen to it using your iPod in your daily traffic jam :P

Either way, it's a really good read, otherwise it won't be continuously in print for over 100 years wouldn't it ? ;)

Howtoons is FUNtastic !

Friday, September 07, 2007 - zlythern

Howtoons Cofounders: Joost Bonsen and Saul Griffith - zlythernHowtoons is a bloody FUNtastic comic cartoon style strips, which is easy-to-follow, story-driven instructions on DIY projects using simple stuffs ! Even a kid can do this !

Joost Bonsen and Saul Griffith, grad students at the MIT Media Lab are the brains behind all of these :D Both were inspired as kids by the imaginative power of comics and cartoons. And they hope to make Howtoons so intriguing that kids tear themselves away from television and computer screens in order to learn the old-fashioned way--through hands-on experimentation.

Howtoons is available via the official Howtoons page. DIY projects have never been this fun ! They provide the idea behind, list all the materials, guide you on how to DIY, and all of this was presented in a comic strip, thanks to professional DC Comics artist Nick Dragotta ;)

But the best thing of Howtoons is the .pdf they offered for FREE!
^^ you can print all of 'em :D

And if that's not enough there's an Instructable's Howtoons version too, an addition to the official site :P also here we get to see some movie too :D

And if you do like this kinda thing, they have a book too ;) Howtoons: The Possibilities Are Endless! Perfect for your kids or your nephews birthday gift :D

Hm... gonna spend the weekend launching a Soda Bottle Rocket :D or maybe play some Tabletop Hockey

Who knows ?! The possibilities are endless ! ;)

Have a nice weekend folks ^^

Wikipedia as Cartoons

Friday, August 17, 2007

Wikipedia - zlythern
Lately there's a lot of buzz going on wikipedia. Everybody knows that wikipedia is open for public to edit an article. So, yes you do can imagine there's some who used it for their own goods. This is earth. Nobody as pure as a dove ! Live with it !

Apart from wikipedia given much knowledge, if you are concerned by that 'editing' part. Then do your research ! Go to a library, lurked in those alley, grab the dusted books. Manual methods always work perfect.

Anyway, let's forget of all those things. This weekend we'll be spending a whole new view to wikipedia ;)

As, the title suggest, let's see Wikipedia as Cartoons ;)

Greg Williams a designer and illustrator for The Tampa Tribune in Tampa, Florida, made a brilliant collection of cartoon versions of Wikipedia entries ^^

Wikipedia as Cartoons, Greg Williams

Nice piece of work there Mr. Greg ^^ hm.. i wonder if someone will edit that page other than Mr. Greg himself :P

Have a nice weekend everybody :)

[via: Drawn!]


Friday, July 27, 2007

garfield the cat
Garfield the Cat first appearance is 19 June 1978.

A fat, lazy, cynical, but endearing cat. Born in the kitchen of Mamma Leoni's Italian restaurant, Garfield weighed five pounds, six ounces at birth and right from the start he showed a passion for Italian food. The restaurant owner, forced to choose between Garfield and closing his doors for lack of pasta, sold Garfield to a pet store. Garfield thought he was a goner until Jon Arbuckle walked in the door.

Garfield loves TV and hates Mondays. He's all sass and sarcasm, but he has a soft side too. He loves his teddy bear Pooky, and deep down he loves his owner Jon and his dopey pal Odie.

Garfield is a funny comic strip created by Jim Davis. In the comic strip there were also his owner Jon, and Odie the dog.

garfield comic strip characters

garfield first comic stripAbove is the first comic strip of Garfield ^^ there's a whole exciting world to explore in Garfield :) And it seems that i only know a little bit of Garfield, Jon, Liz, and Odie :P There's a whole bunch of other characters too.

So if you wanted to have a Garfield's Daily Comic, you can have it in two ways ;)

First is Garfield Desktop Comic :) You won't be needing a browser ;)

Or you have can easily browse all the archive here ^^ and most favourite of all, is that you can have it daily in your RSS reader ;) yes, they offer you a feeds for it :)

garfield comic strip
So, don't miss it, check out the archive, you can spend the weekend browsing back through it's archive ;)

Have a nice weekend everybody ^^

Modern Web Design

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Although a little bit too rude :P I have to agree with some portion (the red and green) ;)

[via: My Confined Space]


Saturday, July 07, 2007

When I'm reading my Fullpage Comics over at my iGoogle. I just realize today is 7-7-7 :)

Well then, that was a quick post ^^

I'm goin to play inline skates ^^ Have a nice weekend everybody ^^

I will not throw paper airplanes in class

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

^^ hehehe.. this made me laugh back then :D i think i'm geekier than i think :P
anyway click the image to enjoy another series of it ;)

p.s: i'm a bit busy for this week, so maybe my posting freqencies will drop a bit :P or maybe some of you wanted to guest blog here ? (drop a comment or an email) ;)

meanwhile, just check my GOODIES at the bottom of this page (RSS reader just navigate to zlythern) ;) i'm sure some of you will find it delicious :D

[source: digg]

About Me

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An ordinary, a bit 'geeky' guy, who enjoy blogging about all unique things across the internet world. Blogs about the blogosphere, scripts, fun, games, interesting stuffs, etc. Currently staying and working in Singapore.
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