Welcome to Quirky Crafts Challenges

Welcome to Quirky Crafts Challenges the place where any craft project is allowed.

We're a small design team with big inspiration.

On the first Sunday of the month, at 6pm UK time, we will set a new challenge which will close on the 28th of that month at midday. The DT will pick their top three favourites and you could win a prize and join us as a Guest Designer. Winners are posted on the first Sunday in the month (midday usually) before the new challenge - don't forget to come and check if you are a winner.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Challenge 36 - Winner

Here is the announcement you have all been waiting for, sorry for the delay.

Once again there was a high standard of entries for our last challenge, making it so hard to choose a winner.
However after much consideration the Design Team have chosen: Kelly H's lovely Snowy card.

Congratulations: Kelly! Please help yourself to the winner's badge from the side bar to display on your blog.
We would also like to invite you to join the DT as a guest designer for Challenge 38 so please email us using the link in the sidebar letting us know if you would like to join us on the DT, then we can send you all the details.

Please don't be disheartened if you didn't win this time, all the entries were great and we love to see what you can do, please come along and play again, who knows; it could be you next time!

The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Sunday 24 October 2010

Challenge 37 - 24th October Recipe

Its challenge time again here on the Quirky Crafts Challenge blog and this time we have a yummy recipe by the lovely Anne.

The colours have suggested Christmas to the DT, however this can be any occasion you like.

We look forward to seeing your craft projects, and don't forget this is a mixed media challenge, so any craft project can be submitted as long as you use all of the following items:

- Two different types of gold (ie paper, card, embellishments, ribbon etc)
- One patterned paper

- One stamped image

- Colour scheme red and gold

- One length of ribbon

Guest Designer Johanna's gorgeous cone

Caro's scrapbook page (Christmas 1987)

Lyn's (Spyder) Christmas Card

Cazzy's Christmas (Housemouse) card

The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Sunday 17 October 2010

Important Announcement about closing dates

The Design Team have decided that in order to be able to decide and announce the winner a little sooner, hopefully before the next challenge is posted, that we need to close challenges one day earlier.

Therefore all entries must be in by 18:00 GMT the Saturday evening before the next challenge begins (Sunday) which still gives everyone 13 days to come and join in.


The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Monday 11 October 2010

Challenge 35 - Winner

It isn't about quantity but quality for Challenge 35, as we had only 7 entries. The Design Team have chosen a winner and it is: Number 6 Johanna, congratulations Johanna your book is stunning.

Please collect a winner's badge and display it on your blog. We would also love it if you would join us on the Design Team for a guest spot, so if you could email us using the link in the sidebar we will get you set up with details of the next challenge. See the winning entry here: Johanna's beautiful book

Thanks to everyone else for playing along with us, please come and join in with our Current Challenge!

The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Challenge 36 - 10th October Sketch by Caro

It's Challenge Time again here on the Quirky Crafts Blog, and this time we have a sketch by the talented Caro. We look forward to seeing your interpretation of this sketch and are happy to accept any form of altered art, scrapbook pages as well as cards. Feel free to rotate the sketch, invert it or use it in any way you wish, just so long as we can still see the sketch within your work. We also have a guest designer on the team, Debbie, who won Challenge 34 with her gorgeous card. We had some great entries for Challenge 35 recipe and the winner will be announced later this evening or tomorrow. Caro has kindly offered to provide a small prize to the winner of this challenge, who will also have the opportunity to join the DT for the next challenge and be able to proudly display the winner's badge.

Caro's Sketch

Caro's Scrapbook layout

Anne's New Baby Card

The prize for this challenge will be these great embellishments supplied by Caro.

The Quirky Crafts Challenge Design Team.