Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black and white. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Life in Black and White

I missed one day of the August Break challenge.

The prompt was “jump” but since I was alone most of the day yesterday, no jumping and no capturing of jumps happened.

Today’s prompt is “Black and White”




The kitties look good in any color but what I love most about them in black and white is their whiskers !


I love this shot of Happy too.

My beautiful little Buddha statue that my sweet David bought for me as a surprise after I had told him about falling in love with it at Pier One Imports.

He makes me happy every day.

And the statue does too.

Hee !

Loving this August day.

And excited about having my niece Jessica coming in three days !

Life is good in FLA.



Hosted by Susannah Conway

Monday, January 13, 2014

Boo, black and white and shiny all over…

Boo, my oh so black black kitty cat,

came to visit in the studio as I sat down to lose myself in doodles today.



It would seem that since I was working in black and white


he thought that his blackness would be of help to me.


The black was inspiring, but the chewing on my pen and the lying down on my page was not.

In spite of Boo’s help,

this little black and white doodle emerged.





As I was doodling, I was listening to Pandora radio.

I was suddenly filled with thoughts of my friend Joe Spado who passed recently.

This favorite song of mine by David Gray came on the radio at that moment.

I wrote a note to Joe on his Facebook page.

I saw that some other friends and family are still writing to him there as well.

He is no longer here in the physical world,

but oh how I could feel his bright spirit shine today.

Sending love and peace out there to you and yours, my friend Joe.

Shine on, Man.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monochrome and Marigolds

white rocks wrapped with black linen thread and beads.

Reach Out - Journal Page in black & white, 06/19/12

Marigolds are known as the "Herb of the Sun" and are symbolic of passion and creativity. The Welsh believed that if marigolds were not open early in the morning, then a storm was on the way. Marigolds have been used as love charms and incorporated into wedding garlands. Water made from marigolds was thought to induce psychic visions of fairies if rubbed on the eyelids. In some cultures, marigold flowers have been added to pillows to encourage prophetic or psychic dreamsLivingarts Originals

I hope your day has some creativity and passion in it.

Big Love, Beautiful Ones.