Showing posts with label One World One Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label One World One Heart. Show all posts

Sunday, January 30, 2011

One World One Heart 2011


Welcome to the wonderful One World One Heart Event here at the Queen of Arts blog !

"One World One Heart is a worldwide event for bloggers only. It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world….Think of it as a GIGANTIC open house allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home........going from blog to blog in various countries, and meeting all the fabulous people behind them. As a bonus each blogger participant will offer up a "door prize or prizes"....just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world."



I am Kim de Broin Mailhot, aka the Queen of Arts, the Rock Fairy (see my Rock My World link on my sidebar for more info.), Artist and Life-Lover. My home town is Montreal, Quebec, and I now live in New Hampshire with the love of my life, David, and our 3 furry kids. Getting home to my Canadian roots and my close knit family there is very important to me and I do it often.

I have been writing this blog for almost three years now, sharing my art, especially my art journaling, bits of my life living adventures and a lot of my heart. (click on any image to enlarge).


Art Journal page 2008 Art Journal page 2009


Art journal pages 2010


Art journal page – January 2011

My Blogland friends are very important to me, as are my “real life” ones, and I have built some wonderful relationships with many of my dear Blog Pals. What would a girl do without her super yummy friends ?

My mantra for life is “Love is the answer to every question” and it is one thing that I know deep down inside is absolutely true !

This is my third time participating the the OWOH lovefest and I am thrilled to be a part of it !I have met so many wonderful people as a result of this project and discovered some incredibly inspiring blogs along the way. I want to send out a big thank you to our hostess with the mostest, Lisa Swifka, for all the wonderful hard work that she has put in these past five years to bring us bloggers together this way !

I will be offering four door prizes this year. The drawings for all four are open to anyone in the world with a blog who is participating in the One World One Heart project. Just leave me a comment on this post that includes your email or blog address so that I can get in touch with the 4 winners. I will do the drawing for the prizes with a random number generator at 9:00 pm Eastern time on the last day of the OWOH project, February 17th, 2011.

This is what I am giving away this year :

One set of two round Winged Heart Love magnets :


One set of four square Rainbow Hearts Love magnets :


One sweet orange, lavender-stuffed Love Bird with a beaded tail :


And finally one set of my 4 original art “Love is” notecards with envelopes :


and who knows, a few little Rock My World rocks may find their way into the winner’s packages as well !

I hope you enjoy your One World One Heart blog travels and look forward to connecting with you along the way !

Big Love to you, Beautiful Ones !

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Yay ! It is time to announce the winners for the OWOH giveaways !

First let me say that I had such fun with this whole experience ! Thank you, thank you Lisa for all your hard work at making this all happen ! Discovering new Blogfriends, sharing little pieces of me here and there, and enjoying the OWOH Lovefest !!! Can't wait until next year !

Okay without further ado, here are my two winners :

1. The winner of the "Love Magnets" is :

# 148 from the Random Number Generator :

lady_ponies_23 !!!! Her comment was :

"I love the magnets, but the rocks are just too special. I know exactly what I would do with them! What a fantastic giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance!Come check out my OWOH giveaway (#542), for a ton of scrapbooking supplies!"

2. The winner of the "Rock My World" rocks :

# 184 from the Random Number Generator :

Janna Johnson from Feed Your Pig !!! Her comment was :

"Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!"

I am sending emails out to the two winners right after I post this ! I already got an email this morning saying I won a turquoise necklace (my very favorite stone !) from Terry at magicalbeadstalk ! She is originally from Montreal too ! How cool is that ! Just goes to show how small the world can be and how very wonderful life is when you put out the LOVE ! It always comes back to you tenfold !

Until next year, gypsy caravan !

Monday, January 19, 2009

One World-One Heart - Right When I need it !

Well, That's all folks ! Comments are now closed at 210 comments ! How wonderful to have had all these talented and generous people visit my blog home ! Good luck to all the participants and off the numbers go to the Random Generator !!! Stayed tuned for the winners ! Yay!

Please Note that this wonderful OWOH adventure will be ending tomorrow, February 12, 2009 ! I will accept entries to my giveaway until 9:00pm EST tonight, February 11th. Thanks for all the wonderful comments and visits ! This has been a sweet ride on the Gypsy Caravan !


So this oceandreamer Lisa started this great, great event ! Have you heard of it ? One World One Heart is an event meant to bring all our hearts together in Blogland and in our world in general. The idea is that you offer part of yourself, your talents, your heart on your blog any time from January 19 through February 12 in the form of a give away. Whatever kind of give-away you want and then you let people know it is part of the OneWorld-One Heart Event. Hundreds of bloggers have taken part in this even in the past and it seems the same for this year ! Can you imagine all the great loving energy that hundreds of bloggers sharing the love can bring ? Not only that but it brings the whole blogging community together and allows you to find some new great blogs out there that you never knew about ! A lovely positive event all over !

Again, the Universe always brings you what you need when you need it ! When you're feeling mucked down by your own problems and crap, what do you do ? Do something good for someone else ! It always, always works to make you feel better !

So here I go ! Joining the One World-One Heart phenomenon !

I have two things to give away right now. The first are these sweet Love Magnets full of Queen of Arts Love:

and the second is a bag of "Rock My World " rocks that you can use to spread the love around even more :

This giveaway is open to any blogger in the US or Canada (these items are just too heavy to send across oceans right now ! I will try and come up with a lighter giveaway a little later for my overseas friends - I do love you guys too !!!). Just leave a comment on this post (make sure you leave your email address so I can reach you if you win !)) and I will do a random drawing for each of these two items ! The winner will be announced on the 12th of February !

Now get out there and visit some of the great bloggers participating in the lovefest ! (after you leave a comment here, or course !)

One World - One Heart ! Go to it !