Showing posts with label Love Is The Answer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love Is The Answer. Show all posts

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Rock My World – Scatter Your Dark – December 3, 2015


The dark is so very thick sometimes.

Some days, you have to push really hard to scatter your dark.

But Love can do it.

Let's do it.

Shine your love lights, beautiful Ones.

The world needs us so very badly.


This blog post had some good dark scattering ideas that inspired me this morning:

Fifteen Things for When the World is Shitty and Terrifying.



The Rock Fairy

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

So Many Gifts...

Three days until my birthday...
The birth festival is in full swing !
I have already received so many gifts !

(Roman Glass Necklace - a precious gift created by my dear friend Donna Yarger)
I am filled with gratitude and joy !

(Crystal Singing Bowl - a gift from my dear friend, Linda E.)
I feel so very LOVED !
I had a little art tribe gathering at Art More Place hosted by my amazingly generous friend, Sherri, over the weekend. 
I wasn't feeling so hot last week, with perimenopausal nightmarish symptoms and anxiety on high alert.
But the healing, loving, playful time with my friends has made things so much easier.
Though some of the symptoms linger, I have new tools to hold on to, and new thoughts to think as I go through them, thanks to my amazing women friends !
I am surrounding myself with my all the sweet gifties I received and soaking it all it.
Check out how beautiful my lanai looks this morning with my treasures displayed !
I am finding the words "Thank you!" inadequate to express how grateful I am to my loving, generous, supportive and accepting friends.
But I am saying them over and over, and sending them out in big puffs of love from my filled up heart !
Thank you, my friends ! Love you so much !

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September in the Queen of Arts Studio and a L,C&C Giveaway

Wow !

I can’t believe how fast time is going ?

Don’t you feel like the days are just flying by ?

Here we are the 22nd of September already !

Only 18 days until I turn 50…


But more about that later…

September has been all about the Tracy Verdugo Paint Mojo E-Course for me.

This is a great class in creativity and in intuitive painting.

Tracy is so very generous and dedicated to giving her students a positive and rich experience. I have been totally immersed in the activities and in the creative flow that Tracy has inspired. Loving it !

One thing we are doing is gradually adding layers to a canvas,

a bit at a time, over the six week class.


My blank 24X24” canvas went from white to this with symbols and marks…IMG_3069  to this with the addition of a bit of pastel color


to this with the washes of warm and cool colors.


In week three, we went in deeper and added more layers…

IMG_3085[1]And this is where my work in progress piece is now. Loving that purple ! 

Three more weeks of layers to go !

Another thing I love about Tracy’s class is that she encourages you to see everything as a potential art piece.

Everything including the palettes that you use to spread your paint on.



These two pieces are from watercolor paper that was used as a palette and the shapes left behind inspired the bird and the angel to emerge.

I am excited to see what else will develop as I continue this Paint Mojo journey for the next few weeks !


I have also been continuing my 50 Days for Love, Compassion and Connection leading up to my 50th birthday.

I have to admit that my crappy accounting skills took over and I don’t have an exact count of how many acts of L,C&C I deliberately committed.   

I will say though, that when you make this intention to spread the love, opportunities arise all the time and when you share what you have done, other people get inspired to join in. I really love that part of the journey!

It becomes a lovely love ripple flowing out from that centering intention.

Some of the things I’ve done include providing food and water for a homeless person I passed in my car one day,


paying the entry fee at Fort DeSoto state park for the car behind us,


sending out surprise love notes and thank you cards to some dear ones,


donating some time and some Rock My World rocks to some fund raising  for causes close to my heart,

and working on looking people in the eye and making a genuine connection with a smile whenever I can.

This experience has been wonderful for me. I definitely see how life can feel much more positive when you make kindness and connection a focus in your world!

And now :



I will giveaway 5 bags of 13 Rock My World rocks to the first 5 people who comment here.

But instead of sending the bags to the winners, I will send them out to the person of their choice with a little note of love and appreciation,

To win, leave a comment on this post with the first name of the person you would like to receive the Love Compassion and Connection rocks and what you would like the love note to say. Also include your email and  I will email you to get the address of your little gift recipient.

I will be sending the rocks out by the end of this week.

Thanks for reading through this long post !

Sending big love out there to all of you !

Pass it on… ;)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Preserving sunshine…

Last week I bought this glorious sunshiny bouquet of sunflowers to grace my home when my dear friends Linda and Mike came for a visit.



This morning, the sunflowers were droopy, dropping petals and looking kind of sad.


Kind of like me after a sleep-less night of worrying about some peeps I love.


While my coffee was brewing, I went to my art stuff stored in the garage,

and brought out my Microfleur Flower Press.


I gathered the some of the petals off of the wilting sunflowers and arranged them on the press for drying.


About 40 seconds in the microwave and I had these beautiful bright yellow petals preserved.


Sunshine captured for later use in a collage or art piece of some kind.


Maybe a mandala with some other leafy bits from the past?

All the pieces carefully, lovingly,  preserved in the pages of some old books ready to be given another chance to be part of the beauty ?


The sleepless night and the process of preserving these sunshine petals this morning made me revisit some lessons I am learning


for what seems like the billionth time.

Worrying doesn’t change the outcome.

Focusing on the negative only brings more negative to you.

And of course,

Love is the answer to every question.

Going to focus on how love applies today.

Starting with myself !

Happy Thursday, Beautiful Ones !

Monday, August 11, 2014

In my own hand…




“How does Love apply ?”

Art journal page – August 11, 2014

August Break prompt : Handwriting


Sometimes when I write in my journal and I don’t really want anyone else to ever read what I write, I go over my words with nonsense writing, scribbles that look like cursive handwriting.

The message is illegible, no one could ever be hurt by it,

but I still know what it says.

I also like circling words that are positive or stick out to me.

Today’s writing was questioning what to do when you have conflict with someone you love and care about.

The answer came, as it always does.

When in doubt, Love.

Ain’t always easy,

but it sure feels better in the Soul than the alternatives.

Working on it…


Happy Monday, Beautiful Ones !



Hosted by Susannah Conway

Friday, January 17, 2014

Haiku My Heart - Let Love be the Guide.


Babes in the Wood -

(Art journal spread, Moleskine journal, spray inks, acrylic paint, India ink, Faber Castell pens, Distress Ink pens, and white paint pen)







Sweet, as you wander,

Keep your heart open to love.

Let it be your guide.



Keeping my big heart open.

Sometimes that is pretty scary.

As scary as things that go bump in the night.

Vulnerable, knowing hurt may be around the corner.

But choosing




That’s what feels right in my soul.

And that can’t be wrong ?

Right ?

Happy Friday, beautiful Ones !

May your heart be open to big old loving !


For more haiku love, join us at recuerda mi corazon.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Last minute gift ideas…



Last minute gift ideas…

 To your enemy, forgiveness.  To an opponent, tolerance.  To a friend, your heart.  To a customer, service.  To all, charity.  To every child, a good example.  To yourself, respect.  ~ Oren Arnold


I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish all you you a beautiful and peaceful

Christmas time.

May your hearts be light and full of love.

Thank you for all the joy you bring to my world.

Big Love !

Friday, December 13, 2013

Haiku My Heart–Making my Season Merry and Bright






I’m checking the list.

Doing only what feels right.

Love, joy, season’s bright.



I think the perfectionist of old in me has finally truly got it.

There is no such thing as a perfect Christmas.

No amount of decorating, baking or fretting will make it so.

And there is no way to make someone else’s Christmas perfect either.

What there is is joy in giving wherever you can and without expectations.

Little things that make someone smile.

And not expecting everyone to smile, either.

Just giving because your heart feels open to do so, and because you know that it is part of your purpose on this Earth.

And loving what is.

And fiercely loving the people who are in that close circle around your heart,

not with the packages under the tree,

but in the kindness,

the loving gestures,

the real Love giving

that lets them know they are deeply loved by you.

This is what Christmas means to me now.

If it brings my heart joy, I will do it.

If it brings me stress or worry, it will be off the list.

I am making my season merry and bright !

Big Love to all of you, Beautiful Ones !

Be kind to your awesome self today !


for more haiku love, visit rebecca at recuerda mi corazon.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Haiku My Heart–A Haiku for Joe

A Haiku for Joe


A weaver of tales

He made deep marks on this world

With his heart story.


Man of Peace, my Friend,

Now makes his journey onward

Flies on wings of love.


My friend, Joe Spado, died on Monday, December 2nd, 2013.

We connected through Haiku My Heart, lovingly hosted each Friday by Rebecca of recuerda mi corazon.

We never met in person but I know him by heart.

A beautiful work of art by him hangs in my bedroom window, catching dreams and shining with love and care.

I feel as though I have a new guardian spirit hovering in that gentle space beyond.

I know your new travels on the wind will be gentle and peaceful, Man.

I am sending love and comfort to the hearts of those you have left on this side.

Thanks for what your Beautiful Spirit brought to my world.

Love & Peace, Man.


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Perfectly Blessed !

This photo is in response to Patti Digh’s post on 3X3X365 yesterday.

“We find happiness where we can. And that is everywhere.”


The Universe sent me this smile gift in the form of a food face last night.

Do you notice little gifts from the Universe?

Like food faces,

heart rocks,

or maybe a tune that the dishwasher brings into your head for you to hum along with ?

(Yes, I do need to get out more. Some of my Blogland friends do too! You know who you are !)


they are harder to see

than the bright shiny gifts that friends give us.



Like this glorious print that arrived in the mail yesterday from my loving friend, Sherry.


The piece is by artist and wise woman, Julia Fehrenbacher

and goes along with this incredible post she wrote last week on the Painted Path.


At a time when I have been struggling with loving myself just as I am, right in this moment,

and making each day feel of value to my life,

Julia’s words are like a friend reaching out in the darkness.

Just like my friend Sherry does!

Thank you to both of you for making me feel seen, and loved,

and most of all,

thank you for inspiring me to see and love my blessedly imperfect self !


Blessedly imperfect perhaps, but perfectly blessed, that’s for sure !



We are bracing for some kind of icky storm here. A crazy mix of rain and snow and ice and all the crap this time of year can throw at us.

I am off to get a haircut and do a little shopping today,

and then buckle down to some Thanksgiving prep. here at home tomorrow.

Be safe, and be thankful, Beautiful Ones !

Big Love !