Showing posts with label Joe Spadoman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joe Spadoman. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014

Boo, black and white and shiny all over…

Boo, my oh so black black kitty cat,

came to visit in the studio as I sat down to lose myself in doodles today.



It would seem that since I was working in black and white


he thought that his blackness would be of help to me.


The black was inspiring, but the chewing on my pen and the lying down on my page was not.

In spite of Boo’s help,

this little black and white doodle emerged.





As I was doodling, I was listening to Pandora radio.

I was suddenly filled with thoughts of my friend Joe Spado who passed recently.

This favorite song of mine by David Gray came on the radio at that moment.

I wrote a note to Joe on his Facebook page.

I saw that some other friends and family are still writing to him there as well.

He is no longer here in the physical world,

but oh how I could feel his bright spirit shine today.

Sending love and peace out there to you and yours, my friend Joe.

Shine on, Man.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Haiku My Heart–A Haiku for Joe

A Haiku for Joe


A weaver of tales

He made deep marks on this world

With his heart story.


Man of Peace, my Friend,

Now makes his journey onward

Flies on wings of love.


My friend, Joe Spado, died on Monday, December 2nd, 2013.

We connected through Haiku My Heart, lovingly hosted each Friday by Rebecca of recuerda mi corazon.

We never met in person but I know him by heart.

A beautiful work of art by him hangs in my bedroom window, catching dreams and shining with love and care.

I feel as though I have a new guardian spirit hovering in that gentle space beyond.

I know your new travels on the wind will be gentle and peaceful, Man.

I am sending love and comfort to the hearts of those you have left on this side.

Thanks for what your Beautiful Spirit brought to my world.

Love & Peace, Man.
