Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Gallup Poll Shows Support For Raising the Minimum Wage

Via GottaLaff: the Gallup poll finds 71 percent of Americans support raising the minimum wage.

Raising the federal minimum wage is typically a crowd pleaser when it comes to policy prescriptions, and Obama's proposal to push the rate from the current $7.25 to $9 is no exception. The 71% vs. 27% balance of U.S. public opinion in favor of passing it is convincing, particularly when considering that even half of Republicans are in favor.

In fairness, the Gallup poll has been off the last two presidential elections. However, a USA Today/Pew Research Center showed support for raising the minimum wage at an identical 71 percent. A You Gov poll had a lower number of 62 percent.

President Barack Obama is advocating raising the national from $7.25 to $9.00. House Speaker John Boehner is unsurprising against raising the minimum wage.

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Monday, March 05, 2012

There is No Moral Majority

Jerry Falwell liked to tell Americans there was a "Moral Majority" of people that hated feminists, gays and black people with the same passion as him. The controversy surrounding Rush Limbaugh's "slut" remark disproves Falwell's claim. The latest proof that Americans don't buy into social conservatism is the new Gallup poll

Mitt Romney now leads Rick Santoum by 16 percent. Republican voters didn't suddenly decide that Romney was the second coming of Ronald Reagan. GOP voters can't stand Santorum's self-ri'ghteousness. Alex Leary of The Tampa Bay interviewed Pennsylvania voters and found that Republicans felt Santorum spent too much time discussing social conservative issues.

"He's too preachy," said Marilyn Harrison, 80, who remembers Santorum knocking on her door in Mount Lebanon in his first Senate run in 1994 and being impressed with his vibrant attitude. In 2006, Harrison crossed party lines and voted for Democrat Bob Casey Jr., whose father had been immensely popular as governor and shared Santorum's pro-life views.

"Santorum is out of step with the day," Harrison said. "I'm not against family values, but I don't want him imposing his version on others."


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Monday, August 22, 2011

Triangulation Man: The Base

As a wrote before, President Barack Obama's pursuit of Dick Morris' 1996 strategy is resulting in alienating the base. The latest Gallup poll finds that only 85 percent of Democrats would vote for President Obama. You can bet that Republicans will get the tea party mobilized.

Republicans are masters of GOTV. The excitement for Obama is gone. It is unlikely for Obama to get the youth vote turnout he received in 2008. Obama hasn't been using the presidential bully pulpit for job creation. Before you you mention the stimulus. Tas pointed out at how poorly the stimulus was designed.

Hah! Just kidding. Obama's "stimulus" bill spent $26 billion on highway infrastructure projects, while allotting $116 billion for a tax credit. Fat lot of fucking good that did -- Obama added that to get Republicans to vote for the stimulus deal, which none of them did. Corporations awash in investors money still didn't hire, and now investors finally realized that corporations tied to their stock portfolios weren't going to expand, so they fled.

Lesson to corporations: If you don't spend the money when you have it, then you lose it.

Obama's foreign policy successes with Osama bin Laden and Libya are important but not enough to secure re-election. Obama needs to create jobs. Obama needs to start painting Republicans as the enemy of job growth. Republicans have blamed Obama for the economy. The White House message has been the economy is the fault of both parties. While that it true it is also horrible messaging.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Quote of the Day

“As someone who was a leader in the White House that turned a record surplus into a deficit, that got us in a war that we never should have been in, and turned the floor of the New York Stock Exchange into a casino? I don’t think the American people are quite ready to hear a lecture from you on good governance.”

Bill Burton, former Obama administration spokesman slamming Karl Rove on Fox News.

I guarantee that if Burton was still serving in the Obama administration he would take Rove's criticism and say both parties need to compromise. Burton's remarks (unsurprisingly) tell me the The White House's poor messaging comes directly from President Obama and filters down. Obama does not want confrontation. The Republicans want to rip Obama a new one. The result is Obama's poll numbers are sinking to Rick Scott levels.

The Gallup poll shows Obama with a 39 percent. Three months ago Obama's job approval was 56 percent in the Gallup poll. Obama's strategy triangulation and giving the Republicans everything they wanted it the debt ceiling deal killed his poll numbers and resulted in Standard & Poors downgrading the United States credit rating. I would like the Obamabots to explain to me how Obama is playing three dimensional chess and I am not smart enough to realize what a political and policy genius the president is. Go ahead, Obamabots. Tell me.

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hillary Clinton Gallup Poll

Hillary Clinton's favorability rating is at 66 percent in a Gallup poll.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gallup Poll on Spending Cuts

Americans love government spending cuts in theory. That is until cuts are proposed to government programs they support. The latest Gallup Poll shows Republican and Democratic voters support spending for Social Security, anti-poverty programs, and Medicare. There is agreement on spending cuts for foreign aid (which Sec. of State Hillary Clinton won't let happen) and farm subsidies.

An unsurprising finding is only 16 percent of all voters support shutting down the government if President Obama and Congress can't come to adeficit reduction and raising the debt ceiling compromise. Sec. of Treasury Robert Rubin was worried that not raising the debt ceiling could unleash havoc on international finances. Rubin borrowed money from federal pension funds to keep government running.

Newt Gingrich's government shutdown was a political gift to President Bill Clinton. Contrary to popular believe: Clinton didn't magically shoot up in the polls. The American people did view Clinton more favorably than Gingrich. Short answer: if the newly elected Tea Party Republicans shut down government they will be helping Obama get a second term.

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Monday, March 29, 2010

Why Opposing Health Care Was Politically Bad For GOP

Via Pensito Review: A new Gallup finds the highest group of voters uninsured are independents. 48 percent of independent voters are without health insurance. 31 percent of Democratic voters are without health insurance. 17 percent of Republicans are uninsured. 36 percent of Democrats are on Medicare. Independents are next at 33 percent.

The Republican Party opposed to bill to appease the independents voters known as the Tea Party. The GOP's problem is their voter base is strinking. Democrats registered record numbers of voters in 2008. The Tea Party independents have long voted Republican.

Mark Blumenthal makes a strong argument that only 10 percent of independent voters can shift for either party. Third Party candidates are competing with Republicans for fundraising dollars. Democrats will use the health care bill to woe Democratic-leaning independents. Proof the Tea Party strategy was bad for the GOP: Democrats are still raising more money than Republicans.

Conservative David Frum wrote how attempts to repeal the health care bill would be a political and policy failure for Republicans.

No illusions please: This bill will not be repealed. Even if Republicans scored a 1994 style landslide in November, how many votes could we muster to re-open the “doughnut hole” and charge seniors more for prescription drugs? How many votes to re-allow insurers to rescind policies when they discover a pre-existing condition? How many votes to banish 25 year olds from their parents’ insurance coverage? And even if the votes were there – would President Obama sign such a repeal?

That is a message of hope to sell to voters.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Michael Steele's Factually Wrong Health Care Message

"260 million Americans currently have health insurance coverage, the great majority through private insurers, and polls consistently show that they are overwhelmingly pleased with their current coverage. ... The vast majority of Americans like their health care coverage. The vast majority of Americans like the quality of their health care. The vast majority of Americans don't want Uncle Sam to touch their health care."

RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Steele and other Republicans have been delivering the message that the American people are satisfied with the current state of health care. A New York Times/CBS poll shows 59 percent believe the government would do a better job with health care than the private insurance industry.
A Gallup poll shows 56 percent support of the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. The only reason for the slip in some poll numbers is the dishonest information from Republicans.

New York Times columnist David Brooks said the rich would by taxed by 52 percent to 57 percent.

They got a House bill out, they've got a Senate bill moving forward. They're scaring the dickens out of the moderates in their own party, let alone the Republicans. They're scaring the dickens out of them because the House bill calls for raising the top tax rate to 52 or in some cities 57 percent. That's higher than in France, Spain, Italy...

Nowhere in the House bill does it lay down such a health care tax. No one making under $350,000 will pay health care taxes. Here is a breakdown by income brackets.

Another Republican myth is that the House health care bill will add the the federal deficit. The Congressional Budget Office found the House bill would save the government money. Republicans want to kill health care for the same reasons as 1993. They are afraid public option health care will provide the Democratic Party the same political success as the New Deal.

Bill Kristol worked for the Project for the Republican Future in 1993. Kristol sent memos to Congressional Republicans urging them to kill Bill Clinton's attempt at Universal Health Care. The message was health care reform would be a political victory for Clinton.

"Health care will prove to be an enormously healthy project for Clinton... and for the Democratic Party." So predicts Stanley Greenberg, the president's strategist and pollster. If a Clinton health care plan succeeds without principled Republican opposition, Mr. Greenberg will be right. Because the initiative's inevitably destructive effect on American medical services will not be practically apparent for several years--no Carter-like gas lines, in other words--its passage in the short run will do nothing to hurt (and everything to help) Democratic electoral prospects in 1996. But the long-term political effects of a successful Clinton health care bill will be even worse--much worse. It will relegitimize middle-class dependence for "security" on government spending and regulation. It will revive the reputation of the party that spends and regulates, the Democrats, as the generous protector of middle-class interests. And it will at the same time strike a punishing blow against Republican claims to defend the middle class by restraining government.

For Republicans this has nothing to do about policy. (I'm sure most Congressional Republicans don't care for the public option.) Republicans don't bring up the CBO report and have not offered a serious alternative to rising health care costs. Their fundamental objection to the public option is to provide the Democrats a defeat and an issue to use in the 2010 elections.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Less Voters Are Republicans

A new Gallup poll shows 53 percent identify themselves as Americans. 39 percent consider themselves Republicans. The Republican Party brand has been strinking for years. The increasing unpopularity of George W. Bush and the succes of Democrats in registering voters has contributed the the GOP slide.

Credit must be given to former DNC Chairman Howard Dean's 50 State Strategy. Democrats aren't going to win every red state or district. However, the 50 State Strategy can increase Democratic voter registration, help down ticket candidates and pull off wins in traditionally Republican states. Obama was able to win Virginia and Indiana. Obama could have pulled off a win in Arizona. Word is Obama felt confident he was going to win the election and did not feel the need to embarrass McCain. Obama did not campaign in Arizona. The McCain Phoenix office lacked volunteers and was poorly managed.

Arizona GOP Executive Director, Sean McCaffrey said that the state party spent a hefty sum of money putting in phone systems and building a call center in the Phoenix GOP headquarters. The technology that the Arizona GOP is using is expensive, but it is also old school. Arizona Republicans are relying heavily on expensive automated telephone systems (robocalls), while Democrats have an army of volunteers armed to the teeth with laptops and cell phones.

In September, when the Barack Obama campaign opened its main office in the heart of downtown Phoenix, an estimated 1,000 cheering volunteers showed up. Arizona's Obama for America Communications Director, Dave Cieslak, says,

If enthusiasm is a measure, it shows a deep and thorough level of support. It's stunning! Offices are filled daily with volunteers -- answering questions, getting ready for community events. Phoenix volunteers have taken on an incredible amount of work, as well as working full time jobs.

Arizona was Obama's for the taking. The 50 State Strategy works.

Republicans have kept support with Churchgoers and strongly-leaning conservatives. This represents the base. Did is the same base that attends tea parties and scares the daylights out of swing voters.

Gallup did telephone interviews with 7,139 national adults. The ages were 18 and older. The margin of error is 1 percent.

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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Welcome to the Center-Right America

"The United States remains “basically a center-right country."

Jeb Bush

36 percent of Americans identify themselves as Democrats. 28 percent are Republicans. Democrats have their highest advantage since 1983. The Gallup poll sampled 30,000 people. It is hard for poll skeptics to argue with a straight forward polling question about party affiliation. (It is like asking someone their gender.) The poll margin of error is one percent. Gallup is fairly confident on the results.

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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Obama With 84 Percent Approval Rating

The latest CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll shows Barack Obama's approval rating going through the roof. I am not sure what makes Obama so popular. Being the anti-Bush does not explain these outlandish numbers.

The poll is good news for the mood of the country. 6 out of ten Republicans approve of Obama. 93 percent feel Obama's inauguration is a celebration of democracy. Previous CNN polls showed most Americans believed the 2001 and 2005 inauguration were a celebration for Republicans.

The Karl Rove strategy was focusing on red state turnout and wedge issues. It was effective. However, it alienated half of the country. If you doubted the administration's national security policy then you are with the terrorists. Rove questioned the patriotism of Vietnam veterans John McCain, Max Cleland and John Kerry. The Bush people felt only they were entitled to wrap themselves in the flag. Obama ran a cordial that avoided smar tactics. That endeared Obama to independent voters.

Obama used the McCain campaign's smear tactics against them.

"Sen. McCain and his operatives are gambling that they can distract you with smears rather than talk to you about substance. They'd rather try to tear our campaign down than lift this country up," Obama said at an event in Asheville, North Carolina.

"That's what you do when you're out of touch, out of ideas, and running out of time," he said.

During the campaign, I complained about Obama not going more negative. This is why I'm a blogger and Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of the United States.

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Friday, December 05, 2008

Poll Results On Charlie Crist's Presidential Prospects

A CNN poll found that Charlie Crist is at he bottom of names mentioned for potential Republican presidential in 2012. The factors may extend to national name recognition. Sarah Palin tops the list at 45 percent. Palin's star power was bigger than John McCain's during the campaign. The Republican Party will lose if Palin becomes the nominee.

The candidate that could cause Barack Obama problems is Mike Huckabee. The Huck has a bestselling book and is good on the stump. The GOP is high on Bobby Jindal. However, Jindal faces the same problem as Crist; most people haven't heard of him. Bloggers and pundits don't count as the "the people." Howard Dean would have been the 2004 nominee if internet buzz and magazine covers were the deciding factor. Although, the political landscape could change in Jindal's and Crist's favor.

Ryan Goellner wrote how Obama's commitment to competence over political ideology appeals to voters. Obama backed his words by retaining Robert Gates. Jindal's commitment to "covenant marriages, outlawing abortions--no exceptions--creationism, and banning stem-cell research from the public sector" will not convince voters of his bipartisanship.

What is most notable is Gingrich's weak support. Gingrich has national name recognition and years in the political arena. People know Gingrich and they associate him the 1995 shutdown of the federal government.

Giuliani: ran worst campaign of a frontrunner in recent memory. Enough said.

Somewhat Likely Support From GOP Voters.

Mitt Romney can raise money and looks the part. He failed to connect with Republican voters. I'm far from convinced he could beat Obama in a general election. Obama is lights years ahead of Romney as a fundraiser and speaker. Romney is better suited as a CEO.

Sarah Palin - 45 percent

Rudy Giuliani - 34 percent

Mitt Romney - 33 percent

Mike Huckabee - 31 percent

Newt Gingrich - 25 percent

Bobby Jindal - 25 percent

Charlie Crist - 25 percent

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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Polling Numbers Improving For Obama

The Florida Mason-Dixon poll shows Barack Obama with a 47 to 45 percent lead over John McCain. The poll has a margin of error. However, other polls have been following the same trend. The news cycle has shifted towards economic policy. A a Gallup poll record 53 percent. McCain struggles when he talks about domestic or foreign policy. Which explains his campaign's mudslinging.

Mason -Dixon managing director Brad Coker emphasized McCain's need to win Florida.

"This is bad news for McCain," Coker said. "I haven't seen a map yet that shows the Republicans winning without Florida and this means McCain is going to have to spend a lot more time and a lot more money in Florida."

The ABC News/Washington Post national poll shows Obama with a 53 percent to 39 percent on who voters trust to handle the economy. Democrats usually do better with economic polling. The Wall Street bailout news isn't helping McCain. The key number is 14 percent said to country is moving in the right direction. That plays into Obama's change message.

McCain has gone into panic mode. This morning the Maverick announced he was suspending his campaign and wanted the first presidential debate postponed.

“Tomorrow morning, I will suspend my campaign and return to Washington after speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative. I have spoken to Senator Obama and informed him of my decision and have asked him to join me,” he said in New York.

“I am calling on the President to convene a leadership meeting with the leadership from both houses of Congress, including Senator Obama and myself. It is time for both parties to come together to solve this problem,” he said.

Unsurprisingly, Instapundit and Ann Althouse think McCain's decision is fantastic. Glenn Reynolds quotes a blogger saying, "Volunteer to let his VP nominee sit in for him against Obama on Friday." Palin would generate more ratings than the top of the ticket. (Which is not something the GOP wants to brag about.) Only idiotic conservative bloggers would think it's a good idea to field a candidate whom has not prepped for the debate. Can the McCain campaign please hire Reynolds and Althouse.

Side note: Reynolds always snarks someone's quote. I would ask if he has an original idea. I then remember original ideas are not his forte.

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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gallup Daily Poll

The Gallup Daily tracking poll has John McCain up by two points on Barack Obama.

McCain - 47 percent
Obama - 45 percent

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Time/CNN Poll

The latest Time/CNN poll shows Barack Obama breaking away from John McCain. Below are the numbers for three key battlefield states.

Minnesota: Obama 53%, McCain 41%

Iowa: Obama 55%, McCain 40%

Ohio: Obama 47%, McCain 45%

Obama recent hit the magic 50 percent mark in the Gallup poll. 38 million people watch Obama's acceptance speech. The Democratic Convention rating exceeded all expectations. The second night of the Republican convention drew less than the second night of the Democratic convention.

More than 21.5 million people watched the second night of the 2008 Republican National Convention — a 17% decrease from the 26 million viewers who tuned in last week for day two of the Democratic National Convention.

Tuesday night’s speeches by Former Senator Fred Thompson and Senator Joe Lieberman drew many more women (11.2 million) than men (9.5 million), as was also the case on day two of the Democratic convention, when Hillary Clinton delivered her endorsement of Barack Obama.

I tuned out last night's convention. I couldn't bear listening to Thompson or Lieberman drone on. The GOP is lacking star power this year. It didn't help matters that the GOP went into damage control mode over hurrican Gustav. I understand why they did it. The problem is it prevented Republicans from hammering Obama on the floor nonstop.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hand the Shovel to Joe & the Maverick

Joe Scarborough repeats McCain campaign talking points about how the momentum has turned. Keith Olbermann tells Scarborough to get a shovel. Olbermann asked Scarborough if the McCain campaign can back up their rhetoric. John McCain numbers dropped in the USA Today poll amongst likely voters.

Obama holds a 47%-43% edge over McCain among registered voters and a 48%-45% edge among likely voters. Both leads are within the margin of error of +/—4 percentage points.

In the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll a month ago, Obama led McCain by 3 percentage points, but McCain held a 4-point lead among likely voters.

On a certain level, McCain's negative attacks have worked to cast doubt in Obama. McCain's problem is he is a horrible candidate. McCain volunteered wife Cindy for a biker rally pageant. No word on how Cindy McCan felt about the possibility of posing topless or using a banana as a sex toy. Needless, to say, this set off the Christian Right's Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell.

"Well, I don't know a lot about John McCain's family history, I do know, however, that as recently as last week I think it was, the Senator made a comment in South Dakota regarding his wife entering some Buffalo Chips contest which is this topless deal and if she were to enter she would probably win it and my personal opinion and based on my understanding of the Christian faith, that's not not, N-O-T, not the type of expression that a presidential candidate, or anyone for that matter who is a follower of the Christian faith, ought to make," said the Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell. "I don't know if that is a perfect case in point, but it surely does help to juxtapose the DNA of Senator Obama, if you would, versus the DNA of Senator McCain."

Caldwell went on to endorse Barack Obama, in a conference call with reporters. Caldwell is the Pastor to President Bush. Caldwell presided over Jenna Bush's recent marriage. The McCain campaign made a hysterical response to Caldwell's diss.

These people are Obama campaign surrogates. These kinds of personal attacks are disgraceful. This absolutely exposes the hypocrisy of Obama's claim to represent a 'new kind of politics.'

So, now a noted Christian conservative and President Bush's spiritual advisor is a Democrat. The McCain campaign won't answer questions about the Maverick's faith or sexist comments. It is easier for them to accuse all the people that disagree with being evil liberals.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Conservative Filter

Conservatives enjoy calling the media the filter. Meaning that the media is somehow blocking access to the truth. If it wasn't for the brave keyboard warriors, we wouldn't know that there were WMDs in Iraq.

CHEMICAL WEAPONS IN IRAQ: Austin Bay has a roundup on this story.

Glenn Reynolds, the gift that keeps on giving.

Conservatives really don't want unbiased journalism. They want the media to tell them what they want to hear. Rush Limbaugh could never make it (and I'm laughing as I write this) as a football analyst because he enjoys making racist comments. Conservatives don't mind. In their minds poor Mexican laborers are taking all the high tech jobs in Seattle.

Today's Gallup poll shows Barack Obama leading John McCain 47 percent to 41 percent. A USA Today article on the poll shows Obama leading McCain 47 percent to 44 percent. All this makes the unfiltered truth of the conservative blogs hysterical.

Say Anything blogger Ken McCracken writes the poll "shows McCain now ahead 49%-45% among voters that Gallup believes are most likely to go to the polls in November." Which in true. This is a demographic that isn't even registered to vote. The poll has a margin of error of 4 percent. McCracken uses this one demographic as prove that Obama's trip failed. I fail to see what McCain gained by constant media attention on Obama.

Wizbang runs the headline "His Own Worst Enemy."

Look at Obama's just-ended world tour. The media sure loved him, but Obama actually dropped in the polls, McCain gaining on Obama by not doing or saying much at all. It's as if America wants both of these guys to sit down and shut up, and they are willing to reward the one who actually does it.

Obama didn't drop in the polls. Obama is beating McCain in the major polls. The likely voters is a soft poll. Who knows how many of the people polled will actually vote? I'm fascinated by how conservatives can use the smallest poll fragment and say McCain now leads Obama in the Gallup poll.

Another point, I'm sure Jim Johnson will agree with. the Zogby poll predicted John Kerry would win. The problem with that is Republicans had a good turnout. What hurts McCain is he can't get supporters to fill small venues. Democrats have been registering voters in record numbers and Obama will accept the Democratic nomination at INVESCO Field. Turnout will be the key come election day.

Another point: McCain gambled by daring Obama into going to Iraq. Obama got Prime Minister al-Maliki to support his timetable. Obama isn't even President and he has achieved more diplomatically than Bush. McCain can't decide whether he likes or hates Obama's timetable.

Tastes great:

“I think it’s a pretty good timetable, as we should — or horizons for withdrawal,” he added, echoing a phrase President Bush used in recent days. “But they have to be based on conditions on the ground.”

Less filling:

"The difference between the two candidates going into November is that Barack Obama wants a rigid timeline for withdrawal," McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said on CNN's "American Morning."

"John McCain wants to start reducing our troops, keeping the gains in security that we've earned in Iraq, but by doing so, avoiding a third war.

Obama scored a foreign policy coup and received photo-ops with eager European leaders. How Wizbang figures that Obama is his worst enemy and not the guy that flip flops on a timetable is beyond me. I'm just the filter. Wizbang and Say Anything are the truth.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Quinnipiac Presidential Poll

Barack Obama leads John McCain 50 - 41 percent, in the latest Quinnipiac poll.

Obama leads McCain with women and black voters. Obama is closing the gap with male voters. McCain leads by 47 to 44 percentwith male voters. That is within the 2.5 margin of error. McCain holds a more commanding 49 to 42 percent leads with male white voters.

The biggest surprise is Obama running even with McCain with 55 and older voters. Both are polling at 45 percent. 10 are undecided. If McCain loses older voters he loses the election.

Polls can change. The do create momentum for a campaign. Bad polling numbers will affect the morale of McCain's canpaign staff. Even Republicans are wondering what McCain is doing to make himself the frontrunner.

There is a reason Obama is campaigning in red states.

The Democrat gets 44 percent to the Republican's 47 percent in red states, which went Republican by more than 5 percent in 2004, and leads 50 - 39 percent in purple or swing states.

Obama has the money to campaign and buy television and radio ads all over the country. What the Obama campaign is attempting to do is shrink the map of states can win and make McCain spend money faster than he wants to. This isn't being a partisan blogger. McCain is in trouble. Other polls have been bad. Obama's polling numbers are getting better. What does McCain plan to do after Obama's big football stadium speech at the Democratic convention?

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

More Good Polling Numbers For Obama

The latest NBC/Wallstreet Journal poll is good news for the Barack Obama campaign. The new Gallup poll shows Obama making inroads with white voters. I said in my previous post that white voters are McCain's closest thing to a base. The less-than-Straight-Talker is losing them. Where Obama is weakest with white voters is white married men.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Straight Talk Doesn't Want You to Hear sent an email out attempting to spin John McCain's statement that the Maverick is fine if America stays another 100 years in Iraq.

Today, RedState sent an email alert to readers to further push the point ... making a, shall we say, novel argument (emphasis added): "Clearly McCain was talking about a peace time standing presence ... Someone should ask the Democrats if they think we're still at war with the confederacy, the Germans, and the Japanese given all the standing American armies in the South, Germany, and Japan." As I said in my previous post, 'Claiming a 100-year occupation in Iraq would be like Germany or Korea reveals an immense lack of foreign policy knowledge, judgment and vision.'

Nice try. Watch the video made the the Democratic National Committee and judge for yourself. knows the statement is a loser for the Republican Party. A recent Gallup poll shows 63 percent of Americans believe the Iraq war is a mistake. Barack Obama would be foolish not to pounce on McCain for his continued support of the war.

Update: The RNC calls the ad a "complete distortion of Senator McCain’s comments and record." That's funny.

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