Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tea Party Nation Offers Tony Dungy PR Advice

Who better than Cap Black the Hood Conservative of Tea Party Nation to advise Tony Dungy on how to handle his PR disaster. Dungy made this statement, on openly gay NFL draft pick Michael Sam, to the Tampa Tribune.

“I wouldn’t have taken him,’’ said former Bucs and Colts coach Tony Dungy, now an analyst for NBC. “Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it.

“It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.’’

I am not shocked by Dungy's statements. Taken at face value they are not offensive. Some people feel that Dungy's stature in the NFL will give teams cover not to draft gay players. I have never been a Dungy fan. Partly because I have never been a fan of the Bucs or the Colts. I am not the best person to comment on Dungy's stature. I also don't give a shit what Dungy has to say on any particular subject. I find the man painfully dull.

Here comes Cap Black the Hood Conservative (who makes these tea party names) to defend Dungy's honor.

CAP BLACK SAYS: " Dungy isn't required to prostrate himself at the secular altar of gay rights. He made a valid assessment and isn't a " coward " nor "bigot. " Black man are free NOT to be part of the Political Correctness choir. This seems more an issue of using this foot ball player to advance a majority White, progressive assault on traditional marriage and gender roles. Any Black man who speaks contrary to this trend must be demonized lest more of his people follow suit. "

Dungy has taken a stance on gay marriage. Dungy is against gay and lesbian couples marrying. Dungy even spoke to the anti-gay marriage group the Indiana Family Institute.

"We're not trying to downgrade anyone else. But we're trying to promote the family -- family values the Lord's way," Dungy said.

If that statement wasn't so sad it would be funny. I doubt Dungy has ever asked a gay couple if they would feel downgraded if they wouldn't be allowed to marry. I wish Dungy would.

Update: Nick Wagoner asked Michael Sam about Dungy's comments. Sam doesn't seem too worried.

Update: Keith Olbermann rips the hypocrisy of Dungy.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Sgt. Shamar Thomas of Occupy Wall Street

Sgt. Shamar Thomas stood up to the NYPD and got them to stand down against the Occupy Wall Street protesters. Thomas told Keith Olbermann that the police are using excessive force against the OWS activists.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pam Olson: Rick Perry's Florida Campaign Co-Chair

Pam Olson of the Tallahassee House of Prayer (IHOP for short) is the Florida co-chair of Gov. Rick Perry's presidential campaign. Olson has a history of being anti-gay and anti-abortion. Olson describes God as if he is having a seizure.

God is shaking. If anybody looks at the news and has just seen what's been happening recently with the floods, the fires, the tornadoes, God is shaking. Yeah I think you have God shaking, sure you have the Enemy shaking, you have both and I don't want to say oh that's the judgment of God or that's the Enemy. But the reality is God is judging us, and I think it's going to get worse.

What an inspiring message of fearmongering.

In 2:33 of this Keith Olbermann video, Olson talks about who she will bring back from the dead. I shit you not.

Judging by how Perry did in the P5 straw poll, Perry would have done better if he selected a co-chair that knew more about campaign and less about necromancy.

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Monday, May 02, 2011

Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on Osama bin Laden's Death

Keith Olbermann points out how Republicans have used Osama bin Laden to make Democrats look weak. Never mind that Bill Clinton was more focused on catching bin Laden than George. W. Bush or that the terrorist died on President Obama's watch.

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Monday, January 24, 2011

David Shulter on Olbermann

David Shulter defends Keith Olbermann on Reliable Sources. Baltimore Sun David Zurawik actually says that Bill O'Reilly has been more reasonable during the past year than Olberman. O'Reilly defended calling George Tiller a baby Tiller after the doctor's death. On what planet does Zurawik find that reasonable. Zurawik goes on to attack the "Worst Persons" list by comparing Olbermann to Joe McCarthy. Zurawik fails to realize he can't attack Olbermann for using heated rhetoric and then commit the same journalistic sin.

Fun fact: at the end of the video Howard Kurtz says the daytime news shows practice journalism standards. The news shows are unapologeticly anti-Obama.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

Keith Olbermann's Goodbye

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Keith Olbermann says goodbye to his Countdown. The MSNBC press release reads like Olbermann was fired.

MSNBC and Keith Olbermann have ended their contract. The last broadcast of "Countdown with Keith Olbermann" will be this evening. MSNBC thanks Keith for his integral role in MSNBC's success and we wish him well in his future endeavors.

Update: according to Jane Hamsher, Lawrence O'Donnell will replace Olbermann in the 8:00 PM time slot.

6:00 p.m. Cenk Uygur
7:00 p.m. Chris Matthews
8:00 p.m. Larrence O’Donnell
9:00 p.m. Rachel Maddow
10:00 p.m. Ed Schultz

I am interesting in what Uygur will do with is Los Angeles-based Young Turks online show. MSNBC is in New York City.

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Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Keith Olbermann Tribute to Elizabeth Edwards

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Keith Olbermann has a fantastic tribute to Elizabeth Edwards.

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Monday, December 06, 2010

Dancing Rush Limbaugh

Newsbusters is actually boasting that Rush Limbaugh won a dance contest. Limbaugh looks like demons are being exorcised out of his body. What I want to know his how a man who made a career out of comparing feminists to Nazis got to be a judge at the Miss America pageant. Limbaugh can't hide his loading of feminists.

“Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.”

Considering that Limbaugh couldn't make it on television and his main format his talk radio, he really shouldn't be judging the appearance of others.

The comment is mean-spirited and smacks of sexism. This is the same Rush Limbaugh who mocked for having Parkinson's disease.

If I thought like Limbaugh, I would accuse him of faking Parkinson's disease during his dance off.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Quote of the Day: Glenn Beck Edition

"If I may make a prediction, they are going to make this into a talking point, a regular talking point. You are going to hear the liberals come out and start to throw MSNBC under the bus, and throw them under the bus hard, and here’s why, MSNBC is marked for death. If it is sold to Comcast, Comcast will run it like a business. If it remains liberal, it will just be a good liberal station. It will just run things that will actually get ratings. If it’s not, it will most likely just be a news channel, or I mean, I don’t know what they’re going to do with it, but it won’t feature Keith Olbermann and they know that."

Glenn Beck, on his radio show. MSNBC is not going to get rid of Keith Olbermann. The reason is Olbermann is the network's star and brings in the most advertising revenue. Corporations care more about money than politics.

Beck must have watched Network one too many times. How is an entire corporation like MSNBC "marked for death"? Beck fails to explain this bit of hyperbole.

Bonus quote:

"So just like everyone as soon as they start to outlive their usefulness for radicals and revolutionaries, they shoot them in the head, and that’s exactly what’s going to happen to MSNBC, and they’ll offer up a false choice, they’ll say look we’re willing to get rid of MSNBC and you get rid of Fox and we can have real news. Mark my words, that’s that what they’ll say. We’ll get rid of MSNBC, and you get rid of Fox. Yeah, really you’ll do that? You shoot the shows that nobody watches on one that’s marked for death anyway? Well, how big of you. I don’t think so."

Can Beck give names who who will be pulling the trigger and committing murder? If Beck really is psychic and can see into the future, doesn't he have a civic responsibility to prevent murder?

Beck will get called out on his latest conspiracy theory and will use the defense that he is just an entertainer. Beck has been honest about why he makes bizarre statements.

With a deadpan, Beck insists that he is not political: "I could give a flying crap about the political process." Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. "We're an entertainment company," Beck says.

Beck told the New York Times that he is a "rodeo clown."

He added later: “I say on the air all time, ‘if you take what I say as gospel, you’re an idiot.’ ”

Beck made his career as a Morning Zoo shock jock. Beck plays with puppets on his Fox News show. Off-the-record Fox News employees told Howard Kurtz that Beck practices crying in rehearsals for his show. Beck is the professional wrestling version of broadcast journalism. Beck lets people know it is an act. People still hang on every banal utterance preached by Beck.

Beck is actually worse than right-wing pundits like Sean Hannity who makes no attempt to hide his love of the Republican Party. Beck uses his inflammatory rhetoric to full-fill his greed and desperate need for attention. Beck is the Paris Hilton of Fox News.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Joe Scarborough Suspended

MSNBC had a PR nightmare when the network suspended Keith Olbermann. MSNBC is repeating itself with the suspension of Joe Scarborough. Many progressives and Republicans can't stand Scarborough. So MSNBC will not experience the same kind of pressure to bring back Scarborough. Conservative bloggers will make political hay with it. The Pajamas Media crowd hearts won't be fully into supporting an MSNBC anchor who his viewed as a traitor to the Republican Party. Mostly, the Right will accuse MSNBC of hypocrisy if Scarborough's suspension is longer than Olberamnn's.

Does anyone actually believe any of the anchors on MSNBC are nonpartisan? Scarborough and Olbermann wear their political allegiances on their sleeves. MSNBC has a right to enforce it's rules of anchors not giving campaign contributions without consent. It seems MSNBC doesn't want to deal with the backlash or keep anchors off-the-air that help networks make money.

Press release sent out by MSNBC President Phil Griffin.

Statement from Phil Griffin, President of MSNBC:

This morning Joe Scarborough informed me that he made eight contributions of $500 each to local candidates in Florida between 2004-08. In my conversation with Joe two weeks ago, he did not recall these contributions. Since he did not seek or receive prior approval for these contributions, Joe understands that I will be suspending him for violating our policy. He will be immediately suspended for two days without pay and will return to the air on Wednesday, November 24th. As Joe recognizes, it is critical that we enforce our standards and policies.

Scarborough press release.

Statement from Joe Scarborough:

It was recently brought to my attention that I made political contributions over the past several years that are not consistent with MSNBC's guidelines. These contributions were to close personal friends and family members and were limited to local races.

Despite the fact that these races were local and not relevant to my work at MSNBC, I have been told they violated MSNBC guidelines.

I recognize that I have a responsibility to honor the guidelines and conditions of my employment, and I regret that I failed to do so in this matter. I apologize to MSNBC and to anyone who has been negatively affected by my actions.

I gave a number of $500 contributions to my brother and three longtime family friends. These contributions were nothing more than simple acts of friendship. I gained nothing personally, politically, or professionally from these donations.

To be blunt, I had no interest in their campaigns other than being kind to longtime friends.

Because the contributions involved local, non-competitive races--and were given for personal rather than political reasons--I mistakenly believed I did not need approval from MSNBC. I also apologize for that oversight.

After learning of this situation, I called Phil Griffin and agreed with Phil's immediate demand of a two-day suspension without pay.

I am proud to work for the NBC News family. There is nothing more important than maintaining the integrity of its highly respected brand.

I apologize to Phil Griffin, Steve Capus, and my colleagues. This will not happen again.

MSNBC needs to figure out how they want to handle their pundit anchors.

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Sunday, November 07, 2010

Exile From 30 Rock

Keith Olbermann fired off this tweet thanking his supporters. The Progressive Change Campaign Committee has an online petition to get Olbermann back on-the-air.

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Olbermann on Gibbs & Professional Left

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Keith Olbermann gives a special comment to Robert Gibbs' misplaced rage at the "Professional Left."

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lewis Black on Glenn Beck

Comedian Lewis Black did a hysterical take on Glenn Beck's "I see Nazis everywhere" spiel. My favorite moment was Black taking Beck to to task for comparing the Peace Corps to the SS.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Progressive Sexism

Megham McCain got grief for posting a picture of yourself on Twitter. Cenk Uygur of the The Young Turks said McCain was "asking for it." Could a progressive pundit use a worse choice of words than Uygur.

Keith Olbermann refered to conservative blogger Michele Malkin "as a mashed-up bag of meat." Another poor choice of words.

[Malkin's] total mindless, morally bankrupt, knee-jerk, fascistic hatred, without which Michelle Malkin would just be a big mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick on it.

Progressives, you can diagree with a conservative woman, without making sexist remarks. Progressive values are about promoting equality. Not bashing women.

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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jay Rockefeller On the Public Option

Sen. Jay Rockefeller talks to Keith Olbermann about his new public option amendment.

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Obama We Can Expect For the Next Four Years

"When will the White House stop wasting its time trying to convert people like Grassley to real health care reform?" Arianna Huffington asked on Twitter. The answer is never. The townhall meeetings have gotten increasingly out of control. Republicans Jim DeMint and Michael Steele have called health care Obanma's Waterloo. Obama praised Republican Charles Grassley's work as being bipartisan. Grassley repaid Obama's praise by saying Obama was advocating death panels.

“In the House bill, there is counseling for end of life,” Grassley said Wednesday during a town hall in Winterset, Iowa. “You have every right to fear. You shouldn’t have counseling at the end of life, you should have done that 20 years before. Should not have a government run plan to decide when to pull the plug on grandma.”

Keith Olbermann interviewed Huffington. Both Olbermann and Huffington seemed bewildered by Obama's refusal to fight for health care reform. I'm convinced Obama believes he can charm his way into getting his health care reform bill. This is the Obama we can expect for the next four years. Don't believe me? Huffington stressed the need for the federal government to have to power to negotiate for cheaper drugs. Obama already promised the pharmaceutical industry that the White House won't back legislation for the federal government to cut a Wal-Mart-style deal.

This is Obama's governing style. Obama bended over backwards to please Rick Warren and abandoned ending "Don't Ask Don't Tell." The administration asked for a loophole for corporate bonueses. The public was outraged when AIG executives were awarded huge bonues. Obama desperately wants to please the conservative base. I am certainly not implying Obama is a Republican. Eventually, Obama's progressive base is going to get fed up. Obama will wake up and find his faith-based initiative and corporate favors will not have helped his political base.

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Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Michele Bachmann's Greatest Hits

Keith Olbermann highlights Michele Bachmann's strangest moments. And there are plenty.

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Friday, June 05, 2009

What the Fuck Is Wrong With Jill Stanek?

Anti-choice wingnut Jill Stanek posted photos of late-term abortion provider LeRoy Carhart's clinic on her blog. Stanek did this after the murder of George Tiller. I'm not going to link to Stanek's blog post. To understand just how bizarre Stanek is she actually believes Chinese people eat fetuses as a delicacy.

The Next Magazine, a weekly publication from Hong Kong, reported that infant corpses and fetuses have become the newest supplements for health and beauty in China. Not only is the placenta considered a beauty remedy, but also aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies. In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals. The magazine's investigations into this form of cannibalism took them to Liaoning province.

According to The Next Magazine, during a banquet hosted by a Taiwanese businessman, a servant Ms Liu from Liaoning province on the mainland inadvertently revealed the habit of eating infants/fetuses in Liaoning province and her intention to return for the supplement due to health concerns. The Taiwanese women present were horrified.

This is the social conservative movement the Republican Party panders to.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mancow Waterboarded

Erich “Mancow” Muller is a Chicago morning talk radio host for WLS radio. Mancow repeatedly said on his show that waterboarding is not torture. As a joke, Mancow volunteered to have himself waterboarded. Mancow lasted "6 or 7 seconds" and reluctantly admitted waterboarding is torture.

"It is such an odd feeling to have water poured down your nose with your head back...It was instantaneous...and I don't want to say this: absolutely torture."

Mancow submitted himself to be waterboarded as a morning radio stunt and to prove it was not torture. Mancow told Keith Olbermann he was in pain two days after the experience.

“I felt the effects for two days. I had chest pains. I told my wife — I have two little kids. We prayed. I said, dear God, help me. I had chest pains. I was so stressed out by this,” Mancow said.

Money quote:

MANCOW: First of all, Sean Hannity called me and said, “It’s still not torture.” I said, “Sean” — he is a friend of mine — “it is torture.” All right. But, look, you are giving 10,000 dollars to the Veterans of So I think you are stand-up guy for doing that.

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Saturday, April 25, 2009

Olbermann Calls Hannity on Waterboarding Claim

Sean Hannity debated Charles Grodin about torture. Hannity jokingly volunteered himself to be waterboarded.

GRODIN: You're for torture.

HANNITY: I am for enhanced interrogation.

GRODIN: You don't believe it's torture. Have you ever been waterboarded?

HANNITY: No, but Ollie North has.

GRODIN: Would you consent to be waterboarded? We can waterboard you?


GRODIN: Are you busy on Sunday?

HANNITY: I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it. I'll do it for the troops' families.

Keith Olbermann was offended Hannity would be so dismissive about waterboarding. Olbermann expressed doubts that Hannity would allow himself to be waterboarded. Olbermann offered $1,000 for every second Hannity lasts.

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