Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Photo of the Day

Preach it GRandma.

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Pam Bondi is TBT's Loser of the Week

Steve Bousquet awarded Pam Bondi the well-earned title of political loser of the week.

Pam Bondi. The attorney general, who immediately appealed a South Florida court ruling overturning Florida's same-sex marriage ban, is becoming the face of opposition to marriage equality. All signs point to the tide of history rolling over Bondi, who is up for re-election in November.

Hysterical sidenote: Bondi has been divorced twice. I don't think Bondi's divorces are a threat to the institution of marriage. The same holds true for gay people marrying.

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Tea Party Nation Offers Tony Dungy PR Advice

Who better than Cap Black the Hood Conservative of Tea Party Nation to advise Tony Dungy on how to handle his PR disaster. Dungy made this statement, on openly gay NFL draft pick Michael Sam, to the Tampa Tribune.

“I wouldn’t have taken him,’’ said former Bucs and Colts coach Tony Dungy, now an analyst for NBC. “Not because I don’t believe Michael Sam should have a chance to play, but I wouldn’t want to deal with all of it.

“It’s not going to be totally smooth … things will happen.’’

I am not shocked by Dungy's statements. Taken at face value they are not offensive. Some people feel that Dungy's stature in the NFL will give teams cover not to draft gay players. I have never been a Dungy fan. Partly because I have never been a fan of the Bucs or the Colts. I am not the best person to comment on Dungy's stature. I also don't give a shit what Dungy has to say on any particular subject. I find the man painfully dull.

Here comes Cap Black the Hood Conservative (who makes these tea party names) to defend Dungy's honor.

CAP BLACK SAYS: " Dungy isn't required to prostrate himself at the secular altar of gay rights. He made a valid assessment and isn't a " coward " nor "bigot. " Black man are free NOT to be part of the Political Correctness choir. This seems more an issue of using this foot ball player to advance a majority White, progressive assault on traditional marriage and gender roles. Any Black man who speaks contrary to this trend must be demonized lest more of his people follow suit. "

Dungy has taken a stance on gay marriage. Dungy is against gay and lesbian couples marrying. Dungy even spoke to the anti-gay marriage group the Indiana Family Institute.

"We're not trying to downgrade anyone else. But we're trying to promote the family -- family values the Lord's way," Dungy said.

If that statement wasn't so sad it would be funny. I doubt Dungy has ever asked a gay couple if they would feel downgraded if they wouldn't be allowed to marry. I wish Dungy would.

Update: Nick Wagoner asked Michael Sam about Dungy's comments. Sam doesn't seem too worried.

Update: Keith Olbermann rips the hypocrisy of Dungy.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rick Scott Hates Answering Questions About Gay Marriage

The Miami Herald political reporting staff has been hounding Gov. Rick Scott on his position on gay marriage. Circuit Judge Luis Garcia has declared that the Florida ban on gay marriage violates the equal protection clause in the United States Constitution.

Political reporters across the state have been trying to get a straight answer from Scott on various subjects. Scott is a talking points machine that panics when he goes off script. Scott's refusal to answer questions have made national news. Scott's canned response was hysterically feautured on The Rachel Maddow Show.

Scott gave a sort of answer to The Miami Herald on gay marriage. Basically, Scott doesn't support gay marriage being legal in Florida.

Q: “Gay rights groups say that the marriage ban discriminates against them but proponents of the ban say that judges are now discriminating against their votes. You have said you are against discrimination. Which kind of discrimination are you against?”

A: “First off, as we know in 2008 the voters of the state decided that marriage would be between man and a woman, traditional marriage. It's gone to the courts. The courts will end up deciding. The Attorney General is doing her job. She is appealing it which is her job to defend the Constitution. In my case I believe in traditional marriage. Also I don’t want anybody discriminated against. We will see what the courts do.”

Q: “How did you vote in 08 on that?”

(Scott’s response was so quiet I couldn’t hear him.)

Q: “What?”

A: “I would have voted for the traditional marriage.”

Scott whispered when attempting to give a canned response answer. Scott is a disaster with the media. The more serious matter is Floridians have a right to know where Scott stands on policy matters. What Scott fears is if people actually knew he was a crony capitalist they wouldn't vote for him.

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

It Gets Better: Erin Robinson

The lovely Erin Robinson (formerly Erin White) talks about her best friend Matthew dying of an overdose. Matthew had problems dealing with the stigma of being gay. Robinson talks about how painful the lost of her best friend was to her.

The political and social demonization against the LGBT community has real life consequences. Hetrosexual conservatives aren't going to suddenly get divorced and become gay if gay marriage is legal. Gay people do have to deal with discrimination. Fear of coming out to employers and family members. Gay people in America have to deal with certain segments of society telling them that they are going to Hell and are worthless. That takes a toll on people like Matthew.

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Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Wendy Davis Comes Out Against Reparative Therapy

The Republican Party of Texas 2014 platform endorses reparative therapy for gays. Reparative therapy has been conducted by people such as Marcus Bachmann. Christian conservatives have claimed that reparative theorapy can make gay people straight. San Francisco State University has found that reparative therapy has highly destructive results on gay people.

The lack of scientific backing on reparative therapy hasn't stopped the Republican Party of Texas from placing reparative therapy in the platform.

Homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable alternative lifestyle, in public policy, nor should family be redefined to include homosexual couples. We believe there should be no granting of special legal entitlements or creation of special status for homosexual behavior, regardless of state of origin. Additionally, we oppose any criminal or civil penalties against those who oppose homosexuality out of faith, conviction, or belief in traditional values. We recognize the legitimacy and value of counseling which offers reparative therapy and treatment to patients who are seeking escape from the homosexual lifestyle. No laws or executive orders shall be imposed to limit or restrict access to this type of therapy.

Fortunately, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis has come out against reparative therapy. From the Lone Star Q.

In response to the headline-grabbing plank, a spokesman for Davis’ campaign confirmed this week in an email to Lone Star Q that the Democratic gubernatorial nominee would back a statewide ban on reparative therapy for minors similar to laws that have passed in California and New Jersey.

Reparative therapy is dangerous. The Southern Law Center is asking for people to share stories of their bad experiences with reparative therapy.

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Monday, June 16, 2014

Robert De Niro Talks About His Gay Artist Father

This is very sad. Robert De Niro's father, was a painter. He separated from De Niro's mother when he was 2 years-old. Rober De Niro Sr. could not find happiness in his lifetime because of the stigma against homosexuality during his lifetime. The younger De Niro reads from his father's journal. The journal entries show the elder De Niro to be very lonely and feeling as though he will never find love. From a journal entry by De Niro Sr.

Being a painter is an affection like being a homosexual. One had to have the strength to continue working without the thought of recognition even before or after death, just as one had to have the strength to accept life alone without the thought of a romantic attachment.

The documentary Remembering the Artist: Robert De Niro, Sr. will air on HBO. De Niro explained to Out why he made this documentary about his father.

Q: I think people may be curious because, in a way, you are coming out for your father. He may not have been hiding his lifestyle or who he was, but it’s not something that is common knowledge. I felt I had to. I felt obligated. It was my responsibility to make a documentary about him. I was always planning on doing it, but never did. Then Jane Rosenthal, my partner at Tribeca [Enterprises], said, “We should start doing that now.” It was not intended to be on HBO. It was just something I wanted to do.

De Niro: I had footage from a guy who used to follow my father around in the ’70s. We started with that. I bought it from him and gave the footage to Thelma Schoonmaker, who was Marty Scorsese’s editor. I asked her what she could do with it, and she assembled it and put it together — it was falling apart. Then we started the documentary [with director Perri Peltz], really working, using pieces that would make sense. My original idea was to do it for the kids, about my father — whatever it would be. I didn’t know how long it would be. The thing with HBO is, I felt they would be objective about certain things. I said, “Let’s see what we come up with.”

Conservatives say they do not discriminate against gays. If you tell gay people that God does not approve of them or that they do not have the right to marry than how do you expect gay people to feel. De Niro Sr. lived through a time when anti-gay public service announcements were made.

Update: Katie Couric interviews De Niro about his father.

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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Wingnut of the Day: Judson Phillips

Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation has penned another comedy masterpiece. Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed SB 1062. Brewer came under immense pressure from the business community. The NFL moved the 1993 Super Bowl because of Arizona refusing to recogize Martin Luther King Day as a national holiday. The NFL was prepared to move the 2015 from Arizona if Brewer didn't veto SB 1062. An NFL source was quoted by Deadspin.

No one wants to do this, but if the league's hand is forced, it would have to begin preparing for that process,'' the source close to the situation said. "If this doesn't get vetoed, it has to know, what has to be done next? That discussion has begun.

"Two weeks ago no one would have been discussing who finished second in the 2014 Super Bowl bid process. So that's what changed. The NFL has to know the possibility, however remote, that it would have to move the game and begin preparations to do that. It would be imprudent not to begin that process.''

Brewer realized the NFL and many other businesses would stay clear from Arizona. Money is more important to the Republican establishment than social conservatives. That doesn't make Judson Phillips happy. He went off on Tea Party Nation. Mediaite has posted Phillips' post.

Should a devout baker be required to create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it or should a baker be required to create pastries for a homosexual wedding in the shape of genitallia? (sp) Or should a photographer be required to photograph a homosexual wedding where the participants decide they want to be nude or engage in sexual behavior? Would they force a Jewish photographer to work a Klan or Nazi event? How about forcing a Muslim caterer to work a pork barbeque dinner?

Phillips apparently spends way too much time thinking about penises. How many gay couples are rushing to their local baker and asking, "Can you make me a cock cake?" What Nazi or member of the Klu Klux Klan would ask for a Jewish photographer? The problem is nonexistent. Judson is just mad because Arizona cannot legally discriminate against gays.

Don't believe Phillips is homophobic? Phillips accused President Barack Obama of being a gay crack addict.

A man named Larry Sinclair claims that in 1999 he and Barack Obama had sex and then smoked crack cocaine. This is 1999, nine years before Obama would run for President.

Crack cocaine is very addictive. It is very destructive. Addiction specialist will tell you that a crack addiction is very tough to break.

Is Obama an addict? Was he an addict in the past?

These are all legitimate questions to ask about a man who has his hands on the nuclear trigger.

Pjillips didn't bother to fact-check Sinclair because that wouldn't help his agenda. Politico reports Sinclair has a lengthy criminal record. Sinclair has forgery charges in two states. He has 13 aliases on his Colorado criminal record. Sinclair served a year of jail in Florida for theft and forging a bad check. It goes on and on.

Phillips is willing to cite someone as discredited as Sinclair to falsely gay bash President Obama. Phillips is a bigot. Plain and simple.

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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Quote of the Day

A fantastic point. Maybe these Christian football players believe that Jesus and the disciples played touch football.

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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Danita Kilcullen Doesn't Heart Gay People

If there is any doubt about the tea party being more about social conservative issues than fiscal issues look no further than this email by Danita Kilcullen of the Tea Party Fort Lauderdale. Kilcullen sent an email describing Log Cabin Republicans as "a thug organization.
“We must fight with all we have... We must put pressure on the House like has never been seen before. I'll be damned if I will ever be forced to hire someone with orange hair, body/neck/face covered with tattoos, multiple piercings, or a man in a dress... or for that matter, a demonstrative effeminate male or purposeful butch-looking female. The Log Cabins are the same lobbyist organization that has all but taken over BREC; and besides that, we have someone on the Board of BREC who is using her position to openly put pressure on some BREC members to stand for same-sex marriage.

This is the same group who, based on nothing other than his recent stand for gay marriage, supports Chris Christie and who publicly worked against Cuccinelli for his stand for traditional marriage. Keep in mind, this is a thug organization with only their own "special interests" in play. I wonder what they will do with democrat Charlie Crist now running for governor? I'm betting on them to vote for Charlie, along with some other mousey republicans. I will now be accused of 'splitting' BREC. I am not! I am in standing with the Republican Platform, which is what I stated the very night I was sworn-on to BREC. We must stop this in short!

The irony of Kilcullen's "thug" quote is she was arrested in 2011 on the charge of kicking a police officer. Welcome to the Republican Party of 2013.

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Saturday, November 09, 2013

Dubious Rubio Hearts John Stemberger

Orlando social conservative activist John Stemberger is obsessed with the LGBT community. Stemberger has dedicated his life to demonizing gay people. Stemberger thinks a lot about what gay 17 year-olds will do in the Boy Scouts.

In an interview with Tony Perkin, Stemberger continues his obsession with boy on boy sex in the Boy Scouts.

What they’re thinking of is a little boy saying, ‘oh I think I’m attracted to guys, I think I’m gay,’ well that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the sixteen, seventeen-year-old openly gay activist from the local campus that is there for ill-motives: there as a plaintiff, there as a person to either have interest in the other boys or to promote their agenda. That is going to be the problem, not the boys—we have those boys already, scoutmasters take them in and we deal with them, we talk with them, we work with them. It’s the activists that we’re concerned with and that’s why we think sex and politics have absolutely no place in scouting, it will utterly destroy the program.

I think this has less to do with "what they're thinking" and more to do with what Stemberger is thinking.

Stemberger continues with his strange obsession with male on male teenage sex.

I think the national organization is just kind of winking and nodding, saying, ‘oh yeah, homosexual boys, no big deal, we can influence them for the better, boys are better off in scouting.’ Well wait a second, yeah homosexual boys are better off but what about the other boys who may be preyed upon? You know BSA’s own statistics show, their own youth training program shows that seventy percent of all abuse in scouting takes place by other boys, not by adults. So I’ve been saying from day one that this is going to create a wave of boy-on-boy sexual abuse which is going to contribute future to the scandal that scouting has had in the past and also not to mention the physical, psychological and sexual abuse of countless boys.

Stemberger doesn't believe the word gay should be used in public discourse. It would harm the children. Does Stemberger want gay people to be refered to as very happy guys and gals.

" "You look at anything that has the world 'gay' on it in our culture," Stemberger said, "a gay magazine, a gay blog, a gay website, a gay parade, you name it, it's gonna be guaranteed to be inappropriate for kids. And that's what we're talking about; we talking about injecting hyper-sexuality and a leftist political agenda right into the veins of the Boy Scouts and it will utterly devastate it":

Stemberger also has scorn for women. Stemberger attacked Pam Bondi when she was running for Attorney General. Stemberger's reason was Bondi had no children and was living with a man.

Stemberger is homophobic and sexist. That doesn't stop Sen. Marco Rubio from speaking at Stemberger's Florida Family Policy Council dinner. If you want to know Rubio's position on gay rights issues then just look at the company he keeps.

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Republican Lynne Osterman Regrets Her Vote For DOMA

Former Republican Minnesota state legislator member Lynne Osterman admitted she voted for the Defense of Marriage Act for "politically expedient" reasons. Osterman tearfully told Minnesota legislators that she regrets her vote. Osterman asked that Minnesota elected officials voted to make gay marriage legal.

I served as a Republican because of my interest in smaller government. And it was incredibly counter-intuitive to me to then upon my arrival, tell citizens how the government wanted them to live their lives. I didn’t’ come to St. Paul to single out same-sex couples and their families. But in my only term as a member…..[long pause, tearing up] I cast a politically expedient vote in favor of DOMA and I have regretted that ever since…

Nothing in my life says it’s OK to treat people differently than how I would want to be treated— fairly, respectfully, equally. And that’s really what this conversation is about. Whether you believe in big government or small, do you believe in fair, respectful, equal? Is it ever OK to say “well, except for those people”? …

I blew my vote. And I’m imploring you, please get this right. Minnesota citizens just want you to lead.

Gay marriage became legal in Minnesota in May. I had a Twitter discussion with Litbrit about President George W. Bush's evolving position on gay marriage. Litbrit feels Bush doesn't deserve a pass. I'm not interested in pardoning Bush. However, I never believed Bush and Karl Rove cared about the Christian Right. In fact, there is evidence they looked at Christian conservatives with disdain. Bush and Rove were cynically willing to use gay marriage as a wedge issue. Lynne Osterman is guilty of the same thing.

We need elected Republicans to support gay marriage and abortion rights. The truth is the majority of so-called religious leaders that pressure Republicans on social issues have nearly nonexistent followings. Locas Christian Right activists, such as Terry Kemple and David Caton, literally run one man operations. These people aren't that powerful. Republicans have pandered to Christian Right activists because the GOP can't run on income inequality. Mitt Romney is proof of that.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quote of the Day

"I think it is somehow related to demonic possession."

Pat Robertson, on his theory that homosexuality is caused by demonic possession.

Is it me or does Robertson really like talking about gay men cruising the streets for sex. I seriously cannot watch this video without laughing. Pat, stop being ashamed and fly your freak flag.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Seattle Mariners Will Fly Pride Flag

The Seattle Mariners will fly the pride flag on June 30th. The game will be against the Chicago Cubs and coincides with the 39th annual Seattle Pride Parade. Seattle Out & Proud issued this statement.

"We're thrilled to have so much community support in Seattle and greatly appreciate the leadership from the Mariners in promoting equality and acceptance in professional sports," says Adam McRoberts, Spokesman for Seattle Out & Proud.

The Seattle Mariners explained their reasoning for flying the pride flag.

Rebecca Hale, Director of Public Information for the Mariners told Seattle Out & Proud this morning, "We're a part of this community. Our fans are a reflection of our community. We thought this was an appropriate gesture on a day that is very meaningful to the LGBT community."

I'm glad to see the Mariners doing this.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Orlando's Exodus International End Anti-Gay Therapy Sessions

The Orlando, Florida church Exodus International will no longer attempt to cure homosexuality through its unscientific therapy sessions. The ministry's president Alan Chambers issued this statement.

It is also strange to be an outcast from powerful portions of both the gay community and the Christian community. Because I do not completely agree with the vocal majorities in either group and am forging a new place of peaceful service in and through both, I will likely continue to be an outsider to some degree. I imagine it to be very much like a man I recently heard speak at a conference I attended, Father Elias Chacour, the Melkite Catholic Archbishop of Israel. He is an Arab Christian, Palestinian by birth, and a citizen of Israel. Talk about a walking contradiction. When I think of the tension of my situation I am comforted by the thought of him and his.

My desire is to completely align with Christ, his Good News for all and his offer of peace amidst the storms of life. My wife Leslie and my beliefs center around grace, the finished work of Christ on the cross and his offer of eternal relationship to any and all that believe. Our beliefs do not center on “sin” because “sin” isn’t at the center of our faith. Our journey hasn’t been about denying the power of Christ to do anything – obviously he is God and can do anything.

With that, here is an expanded version of the apology I offered during my recent interview with Lisa Ling to the people within the LGBTQ community who have been hurt by the Church, Exodus International, and me. I realize some within the communities for which I apologize will say I don’t have the right, as one man, to do so on their behalf. But if the Church is a body, with many members being connected to the whole, then I believe that what one of us does right we all do right, and what one of us does wrong we all do wrong. We have done wrong, and I stand with many others who now recognize the need to offer apologies and make things right. I believe this apology – however imperfect – is what God the Father would have me do.

The LGBT group Truth Wins Out praised Chambers and Exodus International for ending anti-gay therapy.

"It takes a real man to publicly confront the people whose lives were destroyed by his organization's work, and to take real, concrete action to begin to repair that damage," the group's associate director, Evan Hurst, was quoted by The Associated Press as saying.

NPR has another audio story on Chambers and Exodus International. In the interview Chambers said said that 99.9 percent of gay people that went through the therapy sessions didn't change their sexual orientation.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

Equality Florida On Dubious Rubio Not Backing ENDA

Nadine Smith of Equality Florida sent out this press release. Equality Florida takes exception with Sen. Marco Rubio not supporting ENDA. Rubio made this statement about ENDA to Think Progress.

RUBIO: I haven’t read the legislation. By and large I think all Americans should be protected but I’m not for any special protections based on orientation.

The Equality Florida press release.

Senator Rubio's statements are indefensible and heartless. I challenge Sen. Marco Rubio to meet with families torn apart by current laws. Let him sit with couples who have been forced apart and children who are denied access to both parents because the law does not recognize their family.

Thankfully the Senator does not reflect the majority of Americans or Floridians who, by an overwhelming margin of 67%, believe “it is important that the US immigration system keeps families together regardless of sexual orientation.”1 Nearly two-thirds of Hispanic voters support the inclusion of same-sex bi-national couples in immigration reform, and 70% of Hispanic Catholics support these provisions. Rubio's recent rhetoric about pulling his support for immigration reform if same-sex couples are included is a slap in the face to his constituency and the families directly harmed by the current laws. The Senator’s opposition to the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is also out of sync with the country and Florida voters who believe people should not be fired based on prejudice.

Nearly three-quarters of voters (73%) support protecting gay and transgender people from workplace discrimination. This support cuts across political party affiliation, with 81% of Democrats, 74% of independents and 66% of Republicans supporting workplace nondiscrimination laws for LGBT people. - See more at:

1 April 2013 poll conducted by Public Policy Polling (PPP), one of the most accurate polling companies in the country.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Dubious Rubio Runs From Questions on ENDA

Via Towerroad: why conservatives should worry about Rubio is that he chokes under pressure . Rubio ran into the rain to avoid Marc Caputo's questions about David Rivera's legal problems. Rubio's State of the Union response was an epic choke. Rubio's latest misstep is him running dodging Think Progress reporter Scott Keyes.

KEYES: The Senate this summer is going to be taking up the Employment Non-Discrimination Act which makes it illegal to fire someone for being gay. Do you know if you’ll be supporting that?

RUBIO: I haven’t read the legislation. By and large I think all Americans should be protected but I’m not for any special protections based on orientation.

KEYES: What about on race or gender?

RUBIO: Well that’s established law.

KEYES: But not for sexual orientation?

Walking away from a reporter as he is asking a question is a sign of political cowardness.

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Dubious Rubio Grandstands Again

I mentioned before how I'm am getting bored with Sen. Marco Rubio's grandstanding. proposed a constitutional amendment to end Obamacare that has zero chance of ever being ratified. Rubio made to the claim that he will walk away from his own immigration bill if protection for gay couples is included.

"If this bill has something in it that gives gay couples immigration rights and so forth, it kills the bill. I'm done," Rubio said on the Andrea Tantaros Show. "I'm off it, and I've said that repeatedly. I don't think that's going to happen and it shouldn't happen. This is already a difficult enough issue as it is."

Big words from Rubio. The funny thing is President Obama has already asked Sen. Patrick Leahy to kill his amendment. Democrats in the Senate don't have the 60 needs needed to have the amendment pass. So Rubio is dramaticly threatening walk away because of an amendment that won't be submitted or pass. Good God, the man is a drama queen. This man wants attention so badly.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Classy Moment From Mark Sharpe

Mark Sharpe goes against his natural conservative leanings to vote to repeal the 2005 policy that prohibits recognition of gay pride by Hillsborough County. Sharpe isn't about to go out and promote gay pride. He does feel quite emotional about "singling out a group" in a very negative public way.

Last week, Sharpe tearfully told the crowd that he was late to the commission meeting because he'd been at school with his son, who was being given the American Legion Award. His voice broke as he described telling his son, "When you make a mistake, you correct it yourself." After a long pause, he expressed his regret for having voted for the policy in the first place.

"We made a mistake, and I am just glad that I'm here today to be able to correct that mistake. ... I'm supporting the motion to repeal what we-- the vote that took place in 2005."

Sharpe get receive scorn from the tea party and Christian Right base of the Republican Party. It is nice to see a politician show political courage.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Russia's Discriminatory Anti-Gay Law

The Russian parliament passed a bill 434-0 that would make it illegal to tell children of the existence of gay people or homosexuals should be treated with the same equality of heterosexuals. You will be less than shocked to learn that Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party is the driving force behind the bill. What is even more important is that bad laws always lead to confusion. Some Russians are wondering if Elton John could be prosecuted under the law.

Fines for breaking the law will be up to £100 for individuals, £1,000 for officials, and £20,000 for organisations. Already there have been doubts about how to define propaganda, with a group of Communists in southern Russia complaining that Elton John’s stage outfits should be considered “homosexual propaganda”.

Putin is doing his best of not addressing Russia's economic woes and corruption. foreign businesses don't want to deal with Russia because of the rampant corruption. Putin's PR campaign isn't going to change perceptions from people in and outside of Russia. Targeting gays with Jim Crow-style laws is a way for Putin to change the subject.

I wonder if Putin is going to push for legislation to officially ignore reality if Russia's economy gets worse.

Update: the Washington Post reports that two dozen protesters were beaten up at Duma. Riot police moved in when the protesters attempted to hold a kissing rally.

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