Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Vice-President was overheard by the media tell President Barack Obama that the passage of the health care bill was a "big fucking deal." The Democratic National Committee and Organizing For America is using Biden's verbal gaffe as a fundraising T-shirt. DNC spokesman Brad Woodhouse explained the reasoning to CNN.

"Health reform is a huge and historic deal that will benefit American families and small businesses," Woodhouse said. "We and our supporters agree with the Vice President – health reform is a big bleeping deal."

Biden forgot to add the bleep.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Meet the New GOP

The new DNC ad hightlights the Republican Party's problem. They don't have new stars on the horizon. Bobby Jindal crashed and burned with his State of the Union response. Jindal came on the national stage and automatically became a punchline.

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Monday, March 09, 2009

Make Your Own Rush Billboard

The Democratic National Committee is asking for suggestions for a Rush Limbaugh billboard. The billboard will be placed in Limbaugh's hometown of West Palm Beach, Florida. The billboard is receiving national attention. Limbaugh "wanted to see evidence" that the billboard will not use tax dollars. The dittoheads will eat that up. The DNC is paying for the billboards through contributions.

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Saturday, December 20, 2008

FDP News

The Florida Democratic Party has selected its leadership.

Karen Thurman, Marion County, re-elected state party chair
Rhett Bullard, Hamilton County, Vice chair
Rick Boylan, Pinellas County, Secretary
Alma Gonzalez, Leon County, Treasurer

DNC Members:

Diane Glasser, Terry Brady, Joyce Cusack, Evelyn Garcia, Nancy Jacobson, Chuck Mohlke, Jon Ausman, Mitch Ceasar, Alan Clendenon, Tony Hill

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Quote of the Day

"We have sort of become a nation of whiners... You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline."

Phil Gramn, telling the Washington Times that Americans need not complain about the U.S. economy.

Update: Democratic National Committee spokesperson Karen Finney responds to Gramn's nonsense.

What John McCain, George Bush Phil Gramm just don't understand is that the American people aren't whining about the state of the economy, they are suffering under the weight of it -- the weight of eight years of Bush-enomics that John McCain and Phil Gramm have vowed to continue. How dare John McCain and his advisers so callously dismiss the challenges the American people face. no wonder voters feel John McCain is out of touch, he and his campaign don't even understand the everyday issues Americans are dealing with.

Can I get an amen?

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

DNC Hearts Obama

Barack Obama For President

The Democratic National Committee posted this image on their website. It is clear that the party is officially behind Barack Obama.

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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Howard Dean on Meet the Press

Howard Dean answers questions about the Florida and Michigan delegate situation on Meet the Press.

"You've got to keep order, and that's part of my job is to keep order," Dean said on Meet the Press. "It's understandable that the folks you call out because they think they're more important than everybody else are going to be upset about that. We did keep order, we do have an orderly process. I'll defend the process."

But Dean said he believes politics - not the voters - are to blame.

"The voters of Michigan and Florida were not the people that screwed this all up, it was politicians," Dean said, later adding, "I believe Michigan and Florida should be seated in some way because ...their voters did not cause this problem. This was caused by a political problem, not the voters' problem."

The problems with Florida and Michigan were political. Both states' Democratic party leaders moved up their primaries against repeated warnings from Dean and the Democratic National Committee. The problem with settling the delegate seating is Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have too much sway in the process. Candidates for the presidency can't be unbiased about how the delegates are seated.

The DNC's duty is too get Democrats elected. Not play election officials. Florida and Michigan party leaders placed a task on the DNC they weren't meant to handle. A few state party leaders moved up the primaries to curry favor with the candidates. The voters and party have suffered because of their aggorance.

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Straight Talk Doesn't Want You to Hear sent an email out attempting to spin John McCain's statement that the Maverick is fine if America stays another 100 years in Iraq.

Today, RedState sent an email alert to readers to further push the point ... making a, shall we say, novel argument (emphasis added): "Clearly McCain was talking about a peace time standing presence ... Someone should ask the Democrats if they think we're still at war with the confederacy, the Germans, and the Japanese given all the standing American armies in the South, Germany, and Japan." As I said in my previous post, 'Claiming a 100-year occupation in Iraq would be like Germany or Korea reveals an immense lack of foreign policy knowledge, judgment and vision.'

Nice try. Watch the video made the the Democratic National Committee and judge for yourself. knows the statement is a loser for the Republican Party. A recent Gallup poll shows 63 percent of Americans believe the Iraq war is a mistake. Barack Obama would be foolish not to pounce on McCain for his continued support of the war.

Update: The RNC calls the ad a "complete distortion of Senator McCain’s comments and record." That's funny.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

DNC To Florida Democrats: Piss Off

The Democratic National Committee told Florida Democrats they can not release candidates from the no campaign pledge, since Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina made the candidate sing the pledge. That is a correct reading from the DNC's part. Alex Sink, Ted Deutch and Dan Gelber made a valient attempt to end the boycott.

Florida's Democratic leadership needs to convince the early states to release Clinton, Obama and Edwards. (Gravel and Kucinich do not matter.) There are only six days left until the primary. The Florida Democratic Party and Bill Nelson's blame game and refusal to compromise pissed off national Democrats. The Sunshine State's Democrats are now resorting to begging. Great strategy, gang.

The pathetic part is Nelson and state Democrats won't admit that they fucked up. Despite repeated warnings from Howard Dean and the early states, Democrats voting to move up the primary, then blame Republicans for this madness. The reason the Democrats are the Florida minority is because of a lack of political courageousness.

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Blame Bill Nelson

In news that will shock no one: Judge Robert Hinkle threw Bill Nelson's lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee out of court.

U.S. District Court Judge Robert Hinkle took all of an hour to rule against Sen. Bill Nelson’s lawsuit against the DNC for stripping Florida of its 210 delegates to next summer’s nominating convention.

The DNC and RNC makes the rules about delegate selection for the national conventions. The 1981 Supreme Court decision Democratic Party of U.S. v. Wisconsin, 450 U.S. 107 makes that absolute.

The State has a substantial interest in the manner in which its elections are conducted, and the National Party has a substantial interest in the manner in which the delegates to its National Convention are selected. But these interests are not incompatible, and to the limited extent they clash in this case, both interests can be preserved. The National Party rules do not forbid Wisconsin to conduct an open primary. But if Wisconsin does open its primary, it cannot require that Wisconsin delegates to the National Party Convention vote there in accordance with the primary results, if to do so would violate Party rules. Since the Wisconsin Supreme Court has declared that the National Party cannot disqualify delegates who are bound to vote in accordance with the results of the Wisconsin open primary, its judgment is reversed.

It is so ordered.

Hinkle isn't about to turn over a Supreme Court precedent. It is not for the courts to decide rules made up by the party. Florida Democrats are not going to have delegates because Nelson blew off Howard Dean.

MIAMI, Fla.-Florida Democrats have embraced an early primary on Jan. 29 despite the national party's threat to penalize them by taking away half their delegates to the national convention.

Karen Thurman, the party chairwoman, and Sen. Bill Nelson said Monday that the leadership had voted unanimously to accept the date. The state party has to submit a plan to the Democratic National Committee by Friday

Nelson had the audacity to dishonestly lay the blame on Republicans for a primary date he voted to support.

"It says Florida's earlier primary — set by the Republican Legislature and governor — would affect the sequence of contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina."

The Florida Democratic Party has final say over when their party's primary is held. That is why Nelson and Thurman voted on the matter (and ignored Howard Dean's warnings.) If their was any justice Nelson and Thurman would be kicked out of the FDP. Following the lame brain idea of Crist and the Republican legislature is stupidity. Not a valid excuse.

What has alway bugged me about Nelson's grandstanding is he can not be man enough to admit he fucked voters over with his arrogance. Nelsom's lawsuit wasn't about protecting voter rights. Nelson is covering his ass.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Another Snub For Florida Democrats

The Democratic National Convention Committee reserved no hotel rooms for Florida delegates. The reason is because the DNC is punished Florida for moving the primary to Jan. 29th.

"We're just following the directions by the DNC Rules and Bylaws Committee," Natalie Wyeth, an event spokeswoman, said from Denver on Tuesday.

If the Florida Democratic Party and Democrats in the legislature followed the rules this disaster would never have happen. A recent Mason-Dixon poll shows the controversy could help swing the state for Republicans in 2008. I'm aware a poll this early has little meaning. The point is Florida Democrats continue to shoot themselves in the foot. It is getting old.

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Friday, October 05, 2007

Nelson and Hastings Sue DNC

Alcee Hastings and Bill Nelson are suing the Democratic National Committee. They seek to stop the DNC from not allowing Florida delegates to vote in the Democratic National Convention. This suit is pointless. A 1981 Supreme Court decision states:

The State has a substantial interest in the manner in which its elections are conducted, and the National Party has a substantial interest in the manner in which the delegates to its National Convention are selected. But these interests are not incompatible, and to the limited extent they clash in this case, both interests can be preserved. The National Party rules do not forbid Wisconsin to conduct an open primary. But if Wisconsin does open its primary, it cannot require that Wisconsin delegates to the National Party Convention vote there in accordance with the primary results, if to do so would violate Party rules. Since the Wisconsin Supreme Court has declared that the National Party cannot disqualify delegates who are bound to vote in accordance with the results of the Wisconsin open primary, its judgment is reversed.

It is so ordered.

Short answer: the state party agrees to abide by the national party's rule when they join the party. The national party decides who and how they nominate a candidate. What makes matters worse is Florida Democrats backed moving the primary to Jan. 29th. They can't break the rules and then decide to sue someone because they don't like the penalty.

I'm not the only person that thinks the suit won't stand up in court.

But Thomas E. Mann, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Brookings Institution, said the national Democratic Party had no choice but to resist Florida's decision to move the primary date in violation of party rules.

"Once one state decides to act on its own, others would follow ... and then it's Katie bar the door," Mann said. "The suit is whether the national party committee has the authority to set the rules of the game for the selection of delegates to the national party convention."

Mann described the suit as "weak" and said, "It's hard for me to believe that this is going to reverse the decision of the DNC. I can't imagine the court would overturn it."

Florida was given the opportunity in 2006 to move the primary to January. Both state parties shot the idea down. Then the Florida legislature votes along bipartisan lines to move the primary up without debate and consulting with the national parties. But then the legislature never debates anything. That is why the property tax amendment was shot down in court. The blame for the primary mess goes to the incompetence of the Florida legislature and a Governor that only cared about an election reform bill that would garner him the national spotlight.

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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

It's Lawsuit Time

Political consultant Vic DiMaio and Social Security attorney Mike Steinberg filed a lawsuit against the DNC. They want a federal judge to rule if the DNC can sanction the Florida Democratic Party. The DNC responds.

“It is well-established that political parties have a constitutionally protected right to determine the method of selection of delegates to their national nominating conventions; that the states do not have the power to require the parties to recognize the results of state-run primaries in the selection of delegates”; and that individual voters don’t have the right to dictate the method of delegate selection, the response says.

The Supreme Count ruled in Democratic Party of U.S. v. Wisconsin that the national party has final say over the delegate selection process. I don't see Florida Democrat activists winning in the courts.

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Tough Guy Bill Nelson

Bill Nelson threatened to open a can of whoop ass on the Democratic National Committee. He then wrote a letter to the stating that the DNC "could not be bound by state law to simply ratify the results of the violating Jan. 29, 2008 state government primary..." Nelson is back to channeling his inner-Clint Eastwood.

"We’re disappointed in Gov. Dean’s response,'' Nelson said in a written statement. "He’s rejected at least three compromise solutions. Now there is no choice. I’m preparing a lawsuit.”

There is a choice. Nelson can stay out of the fray and let the DNC and Florida Democratic Party handle the matter. Nelson is only making matters worse. He should stick to his full-time job of being a Senator. Last time I checked, he wasn't doing that task too well.

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Democrats Sticking to Jan. 29th Primary Date

Karen Thurman of the Florida Democratic Party announced that the Jan. 29th primary will be binding. That doesn't change the Democratic National Committee punishing the FDP by not allowing delegates at the convention. Thurman released a letter to the press and FDP members.

There will be no other primary. Florida Democrats absolutely must vote on January 29th. We make this election matter. Not the DNC, not the delegates, not the candidates, but Florida Democrats like you and me voting together. We make it count.

Don't let anybody call this vote a "beauty contest" or a "straw poll." On January 29, 2008, there will be a fair and open election in Florida, which will provide for maximum voter participation. The nation will be paying attention, and Florida Democrats will have a major impact in determining who the next President of the United States of America will be.

The FDP has set up the website The problem is the primary will not count. Howard Dean and the DNC hasn't moved an inch on the primary not being before Feb. 5th.

Kenneth Quinnell and Alison Morano discuss the primary on The Big Show audio cast.

Related posts:

The DNC Can Refuse To Allow Florida To Have Delegates
Bill Nelson Gets Tough (Snore)
Florida Democratic Primary Still on Jan. 29th
Jon Ausman vs. Florida Democratic Party

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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Florida Primary Update

Remember Bill Nelson and Karen Thurman doing their get tough grandstanding at the Democratic National Committee? Nelson is now playing nice with the DNC and Thurman is begging Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada to allow presidential candidates to come to the Disney World convention. How the less-than-mighty have fallen.

In related news: the Florida Democratic Party has a week to formulate a plan that doesn't violate the Feb. 5th rule. Florida broke the rule by setting the primary for Jan. 29th.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Humble Bill Nelson

When we last left Bill Nelson - he was threatening to take legal action against the DNC. Nelson is now doing was he always does best. He is backing away away from his previous tough rhetoric. Here is a potion of a letter he sent to the DNC.

As fellow Democrats, we remain optimistic and hope that conversations can in fact continue with you and other leaders in the Florida Democratic Party and that we can come to a solution that is faithful to the national party rules that were adopted last year."

Nelson tells the DNC that the Florida Democratic Party could hold a March convention and "could not be bound by state law to simply ratify the results of of the violating Jan. 29, 2008 state government primary..." Short answer: he is game to let the votes from the Florida Democratic primary not count.

Nelson has a history of grandstanding and not delivering. It amazes me he has lasted this long in politics. Nelson was able to get his name mentioned in the media for his "tough stance." Maybe that is what his whole dog and pony show was really about.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Progressives Tired of Bill Nelson

The comments at the Florida Progressive Coalition blog shows the state's progressive activists turning on Bill Nelson. They are angry about Nelson's grandstanding over the fight between the Florida Democratic Party and the DNC over the January 29th primary date.

Susan S

By repeating that voters are being “disenfranchised” we will further depress turnout. That’s what pissed me off about the Nelson letter.

Mike Huss (on relation to me)

I forgot to mention the article that was deamonizing Howard Dean was based of of comments from Senator Nelson, great job on trying to score youself some points at the cost our parties dignity.


Good old Bill !! I don’t think anyone’s much listening to him anymore.

Dean was right from the beginning but rubio had to have his way …
OH ! I thought it was rubio who pushed this and then right away dean jumped down on it ….
Yes, and someone should tell bill nelson to start acting more like a democrat.

There is not much love in the room for Bill Nelson. Can Nelson's ability to never fail to fail be counted as an achievement?

Eddie Schwieterman is still trying to find a compromise solution. To be young and not have your fucking heart ripped out 178 times by the Democratic Party. I'm still recovering from Michael Dukakis.

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bill Nelson Gets Tough (Snore)

Good Lord. Bill Nelson is calling the shots with the Florida Democratic Party. He is threatening a lawsuit. I have written that the Supreme ruled that the national party has the final say over delegates. The FDP was planning a meeting Friday. They scuttled it after Nelson told not to hold it. Which would solve what exactly is beyond me.

Nelson wants everyone to know he's mad. It doesn't help his tough guy image to be photographed drinking tea.

"This means the country's fourth largest state will have no say in picking a Democratic presidential nominee. Unacceptable. Unacceptable. Unacceptable. Florida still has several weeks to find a solution the DNC will accept - or, as I have suggested, legal action may be necessary. It's a case of the fundamental rights of voters vs. the rules of a political party. And, as to our right to vote, and have that vote count, there can be no debate."

Nelson made a dishonest argument in his USA Today op-ed.

It says Florida's earlier primary — set by the Republican Legislature and governor — would affect the sequence of contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

There was overwhelming bipartisan support to move up the primary. The Florida vote approved it 118 to 0. The Senate 37 to 2. If Florida Democrats can't be honest about their role in moving up the primary then all is lost.

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mike Gravel Signs DNC Pledge

It's really bad when Mike Gravel has reportedly signed the DNC pledge not to campaign in Florida.

"He told us yesterday that he'd signed it,'' said Carrie Giddins, communications director for the Iowa Democratic party.

Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate that may campaign in Florida. My head is throbbing at the thought of a Florida Kucinich media blitz. I'm not kidding. It seriously pains me. He annoys the shit out of me.

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