Wednesday, April 30, 2008
And the winner is..........
Congratulations, yesterday's post was #100 and as you were the first (and only) person to comment you win :)
I've no idea what you've won yet as I've not had time to sort anything out as a prize, so bear with me and I'll fix that as soon as I can (and I'll email you for your snail mail in the next day or so)
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Towards the end of last week I was feeling very stressed over alot of little things that had built up over the course of a few days and my mood was at rock bottom. Not one of my WIP's appealed to me but I wanted to stitch so I took the advice of a very dear friend who told me to give my heart what it wants. This little guy has been calling to me on and off for a few weeks so I gave in and started him on Saturday morning.
Most of the little things that made me feel so bad have now been fixed or sorted out so I'm much happier although my biggest worry is one that will be around for the next few months at least, my Landlord is selling the house and as things stand right now an offer has been made by someone but I don't know if the sale will go through or if they are a buy to let buyer or someone that wants to live here. All I can do is wait and see what happens for the time being and while I've been talking to the council nothing can really happen until he gives me 2 months notice, given the pace of things so far that could be a while in coming as I'm still waiting for a surveyer to get in touch.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Yummy or Yuck?
Last night for the first time in 4-5 years I made a fruit cake, it all came about thanks to my Mum. We were at a Cheshire Committe (I can never spell that right!) meeting and one of entries requires one so Mum opened her mouth and said that I make a nice one.
But I can't for the life of me find my normal recipe so I spent hours yesterday looking one for that was similar to the one I'm used to and this was the result.
At the last meeting the subject of scones came up and everyone looked at me! I've never in my life made them before so this afternoon I've had a go ready for tonight's meeting
I completely forgot to brush the top with milk so they are a little dark, hopefully I won't poison the poor souls that are the guinea pigs later tonight with them!
They look nice and smell really good but I'll have to wait and see how they taste until later I don't want to spoil my tea by having one now.
If I remember I'll come back and edit this post to let you if they survived or not
I remembered :)
Well everyone's was still alive and well when we left the meeting, my cake can't of been that bad because a couple of them were happy to take a chunk home with them
Mum and Ex have both had a chunk as well and there's some in the kitchen for me, poor thing didn't live to be a day old
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Textile Treasures Part 3
I couldn't fit it all in one go so you have to hang on a minute for the other section :)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Textile Treasures of Cheshire WI's part 2
It's from Barnston WI and was made in 1979, it's a cotton cloth with cotton crochet edging and applied motifs *
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Textile Treasures of Cheshire WI's part 1
Just one of the birds
And one of the Dragonfly's
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
How to hang a pair of curtains
1, Have a window in the hall that's needed them for months, you have the hooks and the pole is up you just need the rings
2, Go to Argos for said rings
3, Get chair to stand on, place under window and stand on it
4, Get off chair and go and get a screwdriver
5, Take curtains out of the drawer, put the hooks in, add the rings and place over back of chair
6, Stand on chair, pull pole out and put first curtain on then put second one on
7, Put screw back in, get off chair and look up at curtains
8, Wonder why they aren't hanging right so look at the back of them and discover that you missed 2 rings out on first curtain
9, Get back on chair, undo screw, take second curtain off then take first curtain off back to first missing ring(somehow in this process you break a nail)
10, Put the missing rings on the pole and and repeat 7
11, Repeat 8 but wonder why there's a ring on the floor
12, Find there's now a ring fallen off first curtain, so repeat 9 without breaking nail
13, Put them back on pole, do up screw, fall off chair and hurt arse and spend 5 minutes cursing
14, Discover there's another ring on the floor only this time it's off the second curtain
15, Undo screw, pull out pole and somehow hit yourself on the head with the pole as both curtains slide off.
16, Go and have a brew and text friend to say hanging curtains should be outlawed!
17, Finish brew, go back and put curtains on the pole while the pole is on the bed (should of done that in the first place you stupid woman)
18. Get back on chair, put the pole in, do the screw up and then go and tell everyone how not to hang curtains
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Braids and Tassels
The braid part of the workshop was for me boring as we made a basic braid which is something I already know how to do but we needed the braid to attach the tassel on to so off we went.
First up was the braid and once the practice one had been done you were free to play around in the fibres they had with them to make your proper one
I chose to have a nosey through the fibres Mum had taken with her and came up with a card of Rainbow Gallery Bravo and a skein of #5 pearl to do my proper one, because these fibres were thinner than the practice ones I needed a weight so I borrowed Mum's scissors with the plan of cutting it off once we got home but it turned out so well that I decided to leave it attached.
The finished braid & tassel
Although it doesn't show up with the pic being dark the Bravo is there and looks like it's running vertically through the braid while the purple #5 spirls round it
All in all it wasn't to bad a day but I really must remember to put some knitting when going to guild so I don't have to do the workshops if they bore me of if I finish quicker than everyone else (which happens quite often!)
Friday, April 18, 2008
A Stitching Meme
2, Floss licker? Always have and always will
3, How do you thread your needle? I find putting the licked end through the eye works really well :)
4, What needle do you like best? 26 or 28 Piecemaker for pref but they are a little hard to find here so I'll use whatever make I can get as long as it's a 26 or 28
5, Are you a needle loser? I can count the number of needles I've lost in almost 17 years of stitching on one hand
6, What fabric do you prefer to stitch on? One with holes works well :) (you have no idea how tempting it is to leave it like that!) seriously 28 evenweave or 40 linen
7, Bobbins or floss bags? My DMC & Anchor goes on bobbins, silks go in bags while I'm using them
8, Are you a scissors collector? Not in particular although I have aquired a fair few pairs over the years
9, Do you do your own framing, and if so, do you lace or pin? This I leave to the experts
10, Are you a floss floozy? I refuse to annswer that on the grounds I may incriminate myself :)
11, Silk? Yes please
12, Railroader? When I remember
13, Are you a pattern or designer snob? If owning almost every TW makes me one then I guess it would be a yes but I don't think of myself as one
14, Do you get antsy when you give someone a stitched gift? No but I rarely give my stitching as gifts to anyone other than close family
15, Have you reached S.A.B.L.E.? Oh yes and I had a lot of fun getting there
16, Do you wash your projects? If it's stiched in DMC on normal fabric and it needs it then I do, if it's on Hand dyed fabric or use silk/ overdyed floss then no but I do pay more attention to making sure my hands are clean and don't eat/drink near my stitching
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Be a Dragon HD
The fabric was a gift several years from a friend after a trip to the US and at the time she said something along the lines of I'd have a hard time finding something to stitch on such a bright pink, well it's taken a while but I proved her wrong :)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Fantasy Sampler
Sometime in the next few weeks I'll be making my 100th post to this blog and when I do I'll send a little something to the first person that makes a comment on that post.
I've actually had this blog since 03 but at first couldn't get on with it so used my MSN space instead but got fed up with and some of things I couldn't do started to annoy me so I revived this one and have used it ever since.
I think that 100 posts is a bit of a milestone for anyone but esp. for me as I'm not one to talk about my life which is why this mostly a stitching blog and that should be celebrated in some way
Friday, April 11, 2008
Home of a Needleworker(too)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
At last, The Riddle framed
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
I've been UFOing
Here's what it looked like when it arrived
Monday, April 07, 2008
Isn't he a little sweetheart
Thursday, April 03, 2008
March Progress & April Goals
For March I said
Finish the Peacock Chair Yes and I'm really pleased with it
Make progress on the Birth Sampler I managed a little bit, he decided to arrive while I was working on it!
UFORR A little but not as much I'd like
Become a Gran Yes but it was a close call
For April
Progress on the Birth Sampler
Stick to the UFO SAL
I stitched for a total of 78 hours 9 mins, had 4 new starts and 3 finishes and just one day with no stitching but I have a beautiful Grandson to show for that day
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Crimson Poppies
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
More pics
She rang me a little before 5am and I was out the door within 15 mins!