
Showing posts with label Photo Dump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photo Dump. Show all posts

Friday, April 12, 2013

Easter Sunday

Its been almost two weeks since Easter.  I almost didn't bother to blog it at this point, but I bought new clothes for Axel and Olivia and I took pictures!  So here it is. 

This bow tie is as big as my head! --Axel

I dressed Axel and Adam matching!  Okay, I didn't really dress Adam.  I know he wears brown slacks and a white shirt so all I did was request a green tie.

When ever people have cute pictures of their kids they always say, "I had to take a million shots just to get one good one!"  Well I took a million shots and didn't even get one good one.  Dang balloons my father-in-law got for the kids, I couldn't get Olivia to focus on anything but that dumb balloon.

This isn't the dress I bought Olivia, but she loved her orange Easter dress so much she wanted to wear it on Saturday and since Kati (her grandma, Adam's mom) had gotten her this pretty blue one I figured we could swap 'em.

And proof that I was there:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Doing things backwards I guess

Did I do things backwards by posting my resolutions on Monday and doing a year in review today?  Maybe, but too late now!

I got a student teacher and never thought I could be so lucky!  We seriously are the #sameperson (our favorite hashtag) and it was a joy to work with her.  Also Olivia got sick pretty much every weekend in January, which was sad but I loved the snuggles!
Sicky Baby

Adam and I made a deal to never celebrate Valentine's Day on the actual day ever again.

Olivia turned one and I proved I was not a real blogger by failing to throw her an extravagant themed birthday party.  (or to blog about it for that matter)
Olivia shares a birthday with my brother and we celebrated with our family a week before their actual birthday.  Thanks to my mom for making a cake.  Too bad I didn't let Olivia eat any!

My cousin Hayley got married and I got to go!  I almost missed it due to a miscommunication and no one to watch Olivia during the ceremony, but thankfully Hayley's cousin-in-laws were happy to jump in and watch her! 
My mom and me outside the Provo Temple after the ceremony

I taught my last month at Bingham High School.  I loved my time there, but being with Olivia has been so great I haven't really had time to be sad.

I celebrated my 29th birthday by throwing up for the first time during my second pregnancy!  Also we went to Texas Roadhouse.  And I pretty much didn't blog due to my severe morning all day sickness.
Olivia helped me open presents.  I look awesome, I know.

Adam and I canceled our trip to Washington because of my morning sickness and instead took a trip to my parent's house in CA.  It was easier to relax and be sick in a familiar environment!  My mom watched Olivia while we took a two day trip to Palm Springs because we just love sweating.  Adam went golfing both days.
Seriously so HOT, but it just doesn't look it, does it?

I enjoyed my last month of summer vacation with Olivia.  We went for early morning walks and play dates at the park with Tiffanie and company before it would get to hot for us to be outside. We also went on a girls trip with my sister-in-law Martha and refinished one of my mom's wingback chairs.
Someday we'll get around to the second chair!

I started full time work as a nanny and enjoyed earning money while spending time with Olivia.

We had so much fun trick-or-treating with Olivia that two or three houses turned into our whole street.  I failed to get a video of her saying "trick-or-treat" and I'm still really sad about that.
Our little Halloween family

We celebrated our third anniversary by going to see the Tran Siberian Orchestra in concert!  The next day we celebrated Thanksgiving with Adam's family.
On the train to downtown SLC

We had a great time with my family in California for Christmas.  Olivia got a cold that caused her ears to plug on the drive down, so we had a grumpy girl for the better part of two days, but once she started feeling better my little sweetheart returned to her easy going personality. 
Olivia opening her stocking with my mom.

I'm excited for a new year and all the fun adventures that await!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Life in Pictures

I don't have a smart phone.  Does that mean I have a dumb phone?  It can hold about 60 medium quality pictures at a time and then it tells me its full.  And I think somewhere my husband has an SD card that you can put into your phone, but we probably lost it during the move.  So I have about 8 months worth of random pictures on my phone that I sent to my email one at a time during a very boring meeting last week.

So, the last 8 months of my life in random phone pictures:

Olivia in summer clothes, and a bib because she was a spit up machine!

Olivia sleeping in her bassinet.  She slept there until she was almost 9 months!

My little bald baby!  I took this picture just to have on my phone when I was at work and missing my nugget!

Adam did a mud run in September and killed any desire I might have of ever doing it with him.

Same day as the mud run, Olivia was wiped out but would not let go of her toy!!

I made Olivia this little outfit for the BYU vs Utah football game.  Adam wasn't happy.

I made this Halloween skirt for Olivia and then washed it after she spit up on it.  It totally ruined it.  This should only be handwashed! 

Olivia in her Tigger Halloween costume. 

Olivia at Thanksgiving

Olivia learning to blog.

The tree my students decorated for Festival of Trees (donated to Primary Children's).  I made the tree skirt.

A cool design made from different light bulbs at Anthropologie.  Took this while I was on a shopping field trip with my students at the Gateway mall.  This is why people should take my fashion class!!

Olivia on Valentine's Day.  Always eating with that one leg on the tray.  Crazy girl.

Practicing flips in the kitchen.  And freaking mom out.

First warm day for playing outside this year!!