For me, it's like where were you when JFK got shot. Where were you when you heard that MJ died? I was in Palm Springs with my family and Adam at an aviation museum. Someone texted Adam the news and I was really sad.
At the Aviation Museum in Palm Springs |
- If I want change I need to start with the (wo)man in the mirror.
- I doesn't matter if you're black or white (or both?)
- We all need to do our part to heal the world and make it a better place.
- We need to be conscientious of what we are doing to the earth.
- You are not alone
- One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch.
- Billy Jean is not his lover.
My favorite words ever spoken by one of my nursery kids (3-yr-olds at church) was "Michael Jackson was half good and half bad." He was certainly eccentric at best, but even so, Michael, you are missed.