
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Music. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Life Lessons from Michael Jackson

Today is the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death.  

For me, it's like where were you when JFK got shot.  Where were you when you heard that MJ died?  I was in Palm Springs with my family and Adam at an aviation museum.  Someone texted Adam the news and I was really sad.
At the Aviation Museum in Palm Springs
I loved MJ.  I just think his music is amazing (a song for every mood I tell you).  Second only to the Beatles.  Here are some life lessons I have learned from Micheal's music:
  • If I want change I need to start with the (wo)man in the mirror.
  • I doesn't matter if you're black or white (or both?)
  • We all need to do our part to heal the world and make it a better place.
  • We need to be conscientious of what we are doing to the earth.
  • You are not alone
  • One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch.
  • Billy Jean is not his lover.

My favorite words ever spoken by one of my nursery kids (3-yr-olds at church) was "Michael Jackson was half good and half bad."  He was certainly eccentric at best, but even so, Michael, you are missed. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Songs for those you love

For Valentine's Day when we were first dating Adam dedicated a song to me on facebook.  Why can't I find that on my stupid timeline?  Oh well not important.  I think the song was Never Wanted Nothing More, by Kenny Chesney.  In turn I dedicated You're My Best Friend by Queen to him.  And even though its not our song, it's become my song for him (I even put it on our wedding video).

The day after we found out Olivia was a girl I was driving to work when Stevie Wonder's Isn't She Lovely came on the radio.  Its like it was meant to be and that has been my song for Olivia ever since.

I was remembering how organic Adam and Olivia's songs had come to me one day.  Maybe later that day, or a few days after I can't remember, I was driving to a doctor appointment because I was pregnant with Axel.  The DJ on the radio started talking about a song by Paul Simon, how it talked about the love between a mother and son.  And I knew it was my song for Axel. 

I worry I wont find songs for the rest of my kids as organically but I'm sure it will happen.

Do you have songs for your children or family members?