Can I tell you how much I've loved having a girl? When most people say girls are more fun to dress I picture pink lace. Not my thing. Even so, I have loved getting to dress Olivia, but I lean more toward small adult clothes than frilly baby girl. Leggings and long tops are my favorite look for her right now.
Okay, but boys? I know already there is just less out there for boys. I've gone to Target a bunch of times just to find one newborn outfit to dress my boy in when we bring him home. I know, I know, Target isn't the only place to shop in the world, except it kind of is. I love Baby Gap, but I just can't afford $50 shirts for babies. And I also like Children's Place, but its harder to shop at the mall with Olivia in tow.
So watching Project Runway last night I was super excited about kids clothes night! Ug, it was a huge bomb (despite being the funniest episode this season!!!) I didn't like anything except Sanjia's outfit. And luckily for me, she won! Which means you can buy her design at Babies R Us. (Sorry if I offend, but not a big fan of Heidi Klum's clothing line for Babies R Us, except for this piece, which obviously she didn't design)
What do you think of it?
Its like a suit! But comfy for babies!