Showing posts with label Waistcoat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Waistcoat. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Austen and the Abbey (Day One)

Hello dear readers! How are you?

I ahve had a tiring weekend, but I'm recovered now. Tomorrow is my birthday! I'm going for a picnic with my family, I'm really looking forward to it.

Well, I must tell you about Austen and the Abbey! I'll split the posts into two days.

This was the location for the first day, the Royal Pump Rooms in Leamington Spa. Leamington is a very pretty Georgian town and of course the pump rooms are to do with the famous baths there.

As I mentioned before, I wore boystyle on this day!

It was a very hot day so I discarded my waiscoat quite quickly....

I did get one picture with it! On the left is my lovely friend Violette Noir, looking perfect as usual. This picture was taken in the tea room. The tea parties with the guests (Alice Kobayashi, Yuko Ashizawa and Coco) took place here and the staff from Tea Prince were serving.

Lizzie's Tasty Teas were providing delicious tea in these amazing antique tea cups.

One of the guests was Coco from lolita unit Die Milch. She has a very friendly, sunny personality and I had a lot of fun chatting with her. I was sad because I had to be backstage getting ready for the fashion show during her live. However I will definitely go to see her and Jasmine perform when I go back to Japan!

Pretty stained glass window in the tea room.

The other room contained the stalls and the stage. The exhibitors included Rococo Daze,  Baroque, and Another Girl's Treasure. The designers of Japanese brands Atelier Pierrot and Fairy wish were there in person to sell their products!

Me with Alice Kobayashi of Fairy wish! I'm so happy I could meet her. I loved her street snaps and her brand for a long time, and now I know she is even cuter and even kinder than I could have imagined. I hope to meet her again soon! 

Cute accessories by 8th Sin Creations.

Amazing jumperskirt by Lusty'n Wonderland- the bodice looks like a chest of drawers!

Lovely dresses from Rocking Horse.

After chatting with lots of people and checking out the stalls, it was time to get ready for the fashion shows. It was pretty hectic!

I was in two shows- the Mori Girl show and the Fairy wish show. I was supposed to model for Victorian Maiden too but the outfits got stuck in customs.... It was disappointing but what can you do? 

Anyway, I really enjoyed both shows! My friend Shani asked me to fill in for one girl who could no longer model winter mori. I was very happy to oblige, and so Shani decked me out in her clothes and got togther this really cute outfit for me!

I really liked the fuzzy beret and the woolly shawl!

Two of the other mori models. I loved their outfits too!

Next up was the Fairy wish show! Lyci and Chelsea were modelling too- they look so cute! Everyone got really nice outfits and the tights were adorable- I'll show you some close-up photos in the next post.

This was my outfit for Fairy wish- a broiderie anglaise blouse and matching katyusha and a black pleated skirt with a white lace trim, along with the wonderful tights! I didn't want to take it off to be honest, haha. I got to wear it again for the show and photoshoot the following day though!

Although it was rather tiring and stressful with things running late and going wrong, I really did enjoy myself that day. I went alone which was a bit daunting but it was also good because I spent a lot of time talking to different people and getting to know them better, instead of sticking mostly with one friend. I think it was the fellow attendees and the wonderful guests that made it an especially good day for me. Some of what was planned was a bit ambitious considering that there was such a small team of organisers, but I think they all did their very best and worked very hard. I have to say thank you to them and everyone who I met there for making it such a nice and memorable occasion!

I hope you enjoyed this post and please look out for the next one, coming soon.


Thursday, 5 April 2012

Classical Lolita Coordinate ~what does a blue rose mean?

Hello readers!

How are you? It's the Easter long weekend at last. I've been so busy at work I've really been looking forward to this little holiday! This weekend I will spend time on my Japanese studies, and also on making some tutorials to post here.

Today I'd like to show you the outfit I wore to visit Chichester with my father. The colour scheme was blue and white, with my Marie Antoinette skirt as the focal point. With the dandy style of the blouse and the smart double breasted waistcoat I intended to give my classic lolita outfit a bit of an aristocratic flair.

Blouse: Vintage
Skirt: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Corsage: Handmade
Everything else: Offbrand

My father loves books, so we spent a lot of time in bookshops that day. I got a little book on the language of flowers, which I've been meaning to learn more about for the longest time. I discovered that roses especially have very pretty meanings, for example the Austrian rose means "Thou art all that is lovely", and the China rose means "Beauty always new".

But what about a blue rose, like mine? Blue roses aren't natural unfortunately, but owe their hue to being placed in coloured water. I was rather sad to discover this! Still, they are my favourite.

I hope you liked my outfit! See you next time,


Sunday, 18 March 2012

Brown x Bordeaux

Hello readers! How are you?

I liked the colours of the last coord I posted so much that today's has the same theme:

Blouse- Vintage
Skirt- Innocent World
Everything else- Offbrand

I hope you liked my outfit. Next time I want to post a nice springtime outfit, so let's hope for fine weather~

Hope you're having a nice weekend! Thanks for visiting.


Sunday, 30 October 2011

Coordinate with waistcoat

Hello everyone!

Guess what? My new camera arrived! So happy!

To celebrate I took some pictures of my coordinate.

I wore a navy waistcoat over the white onepiece I made for graduation and added light blue accessories.

I think I've used that exact pose before....

Onepiece, ribbon- Handmade
Everything else- Offbrand

I got the blue shoes in Singapore! Blue shoes are rather hard to find, aren't they? I used to have a lovely cream and navy pair, but sadly I wore them to absolute death and they are no more. It was so sad when I had to throw them out!

I tried out the 'toy camera' feature of my new camera- I really like it! That's good, I can make my pictures look interesting with no skill at all, haha. Cameras are so clever these days. I'll be extra careful with this one!

Thanks for reading!
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