Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Friday, 24 May 2013

Just a reminder....

Hello dear readers! How are you today?

Just a little post today to remind you of all the other places I inhabit on the internet:




Daily Lolita (livejournal)


Thank you always for following me and reading my rubbish! I really appreciate it :)


Sunday, 11 December 2011

Lockshop competition

Hello all! How are you? We put up our Christmas tree today- it looks so pretty! I hope you've been having a nice weekend.

I just thought I'd mention that I've entered a competition for a wig shop that's getting very popular with Lolitas- Lockshop. I wear wigs on occasion (for instance at the Brighton Japan Festival), and hair pieces now and then, but so far only in my natural colour. I'd really like to try brown next time, and I like the simple curly style that Lockshop has! What do you think? 

There's a lot of lovely entries to the competition! You can see mine here. Please vote by liking the picture! Thanks very much :D



Sunday, 4 December 2011

Elegant Poupée on Facebook!

Hello everyone!

I decided to make a facebook page for Elegant Poupée so that those readers with accounts there can easily stay updated. I'll post a link each time I make a new blog entry, as well as posting small bits of news and so on. I look foward to seeing you there!

Please Like Elegant Poupée on Facebook!

Thanks so much for all your support!


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