It's the first part of my little Hyper Japan write-up!
When I arrived at Kensington Olympia (late!) it seemed that this year's Hyper Japan was in a cheerier part of town, and the venue looked more impressive. There was a huge queue! It moved quite fast though, and when I got inside the venue was much bigger than before, with two floors, and more stalls. Also, there were so many Lolitas! I was so excited to see them all.
Sadly thanks to my lateness and the queue, I missed Saturday's Lolita fashion show! Such a shame, I really wanted to see it and support the UK Lolis. Luckily I managed to take some pictures with fashionable Lolitas later on!
One of my favourite coords was Jess' Western-themed outfit! It suits the season and fits the theme without being forced. I love the combination of the different sizes of gingham! And of course it's blue <3
I had a look at the JP books section, and flicked through some GLBs. It was a good opportunity, since they are usually in plastic at the Japan Centre and you can't sneak a look inside! I also went to see the Lolita bring and buy stall. I was quite tempted by an IW skirt and an Atelier Pierrot OP. There were plenty of things to look at and buy, most of them pink (!) but many different items and a variety of brands. There were many other stalls nearby selling accessories and some clothing, some very cute (such as sweets jewellery), some more antique style (cameos and so on) and some beautiful traditional Japanese items too. There were a lot of Lolitas looking around the stalls, and I saw lovely lovely Chrissi!
She made her Sweet dress look really modern by coordinating with grey. She's so nice to talk to, I hope to see her again soon.
My friend Satoko recommended that we watch the anime screening at the main stage. It was the first episode of Tiger and Bunny, which started airing in Japan this year. As I have found before with some anime, the first 15 minutes were a bit bewildering, but after that it became funny and quite charming! I'd really like to watch some more.
Satoko was delighted to meet some Tiger and Bunny cosplayers! They made a very cute group together.
Don't you love her dress? It's vintage Laura Ashley! She's a very talented illustrator as well as being stylish and pretty, please check her blog
We sampled some of the lovely Japanese food available (and there was lots!) and then went to take our seats for Kanon Wakeshima's performance. We went half an hour early, thinking we'd be in good time, but all the seats were taken and the whole area was packed! Everyone was looking forward to seeing Kanon.
Her songs were played over the speakers as we waited for her to arrive onstage. Staff set up the stage with a piano stool and brought out a red cello. Smoke began to billow onto the stage, somewhat alarmingly at first! I'm glad to say it was an intentional part of the performance....
Finally Kanon came to the stage! She was wearing a long white wig and a white outfit with blue rose accents. She carried a black parasol, and as Still Doll began to play she sang and danced with movements like a mechanical doll.
I was a bit suprised by her appearance, having been expecting her usual long brown hair! I think it worked well for the Still Doll performance though. I'm quite keen on that hat too! I don't know if mini hats are a good idea for me though, as I have a rather mini head. Perhaps this one is more of an opera hat, or a dress hat? Hm.
I don't exactly remember the order of the songs she played, but I recall her singing LOLITAWORK LIBRETTO, Suna no Oshiro, and perhaps Marmalade Sky? She talked to the crowd a little in English, which was very brave of her. She seemed shy and very sweet!
Her final song was Princess Charleston, which I think was a good ending! Thank you Kanon, for your lovely performance.
I bought her second album at the Wasabi Records stall, and I was able to get it signed! She was so pretty and lovely, and the staff were friendly and kind.
I hope you enjoyed this post! Lots more coming in the next entry about Hyper Japan, including the second fashion show, another performance by Kanon, my first experience of watching a cosplay competition and the wonderful tea party.
Thanks for reading, and see you again soon!