Showing posts with label sketch N stash challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sketch N stash challenge. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

neverending list...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and managing to stay warm...well we headed off to Londonderry yesterday which is our closest city...essential for a good shopping day...started off good and early with a list as long as my arm and by 11am we had managed a coffee and that's it lol, but another six hours and we had managed about a quarter of the list and I could see poor Phil getting that glazed expression in his eyes, you all know the one don't you...the please let this end look lol, so we headed home...seriously my head just will not register Christmas this year at all...I'm not even in a panic even though I have hardly a thing done, oh well Im just going to go with the flow and do things as needs be, maybe someone is trying to tell me not to get stressed so I'm listening...I am totally stuck for Phil though there are a couple of teeny things he needs so will get them no problem but as to his main present I'm stumped...what you all buying the man in your life, maybe if I see all your ideas something might jump out and slap me around the face...right now onto my card for today and I'm using another of the beautiful brand new Return to Winter Wonderland release from Sugar Nellie...this one is the beautiful More Hands Make light Work...I'm loving this new release they are a dream to colour...I used my distress inks and of course there's wings so I used some Stickles Glitter Glue - Star Dust well quite a lot actually lol...the stunning papers and sentiment tags are from the Carta Bella So this is Christmas 6x6 paper pad...I finished with some ribbons, a charms and a few buttons from my stash...the fab sketch is from the Sketch N Stash Challenge and Im also entering it for the Love to Create Challenge and Craft-Dee Bowz Challenge too...I'm having a crafting day today as I need to get the invitations finished and posted off and of course give my poor cut, burnt and blistered fingers a rest after they are finished too lol...whatever your up to today have a great warm cosy one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - frayed burlap
outfit - antique linen, stormy sky, pumice stone, shabby shutters
squirrel - antique linen
presents - pumice stone, shabby shutters, stormy sky

Tuesday, December 03, 2013

you wont like me when Im green...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and having a great start to your was brilliant to see I'm not alone in having done nothing for Christmas yet...and that some of you feel guilty about it like me too lol...the tree is still giving me guilty looks and is sitting in the corner sulking...well I headed for my craft room yesterday and decided to have a mass printing and colouring session but I couldn't get my printer to work at all...does anyone else have problems with their Epson printer?, I have never had this happen before and am fact a couple of times it almost made it into the garden via the window lol...I will have another go today, now my temper has evened out a bit, keep your fingers crossed it works or listen out for a smashing window and a hulk type yell lol...right now onto my card for today...this is one of the brand new Return to Winter Wonderland release from Sugar Nellie...she is the beautiful Hey Little Birdie, I coloured her with my distress inks and glittered her up with loads of Stickles Glitter Glue - Star Dust...the fantastic papers are from the Echo Park - Reflections Christmas 6x6 Paper Pad, I bought this from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I finished with a punched snowflake, a rub on sentiment and a lush organza bow, would you believe I found this beautiful ribbon in my scraps box...I know shocker eh? and a charm from the Marianne D Winter Charms JU0871 pack, I like using charms as embellishments and the circle is using cut off with just scissors to do this...the fab sketch is from the Sketch N Stash Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Ribbon Girl Challenge and the Crafting When We Can Challenge too...I'm heading out with my Dad for a little while this afternoon, then our beautiful Daughter is calling in this evening...I will let you know if the printer is planted or not lol...whatever your up to today I hope its a peaceful calm one for you
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - frayed burlap
outfit - evergreen bough, antique linenm pumice stone
bird - frayed burlap
shading - pumice stone

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

sunny yellow...

Good morning everyone...bbbbrrrrr its still chilly here although Phil reckons its just me...that could be true I guess maybe I didn't move enough yesterday lol...I had a great time colouring to my hearts content yesterday but only managed to make one card though and I couldn't resist using sunny yellow for it...well it had to be didn't it...poor Phil is worn to a frazzle this week, there's loads of people off on holiday and his boss left on Friday with no warning so hes trying to do two peoples jobs with a much reduced staff, all he can manage is to eat then he falls asleep on the sofa for the rest of the night, but then who can blame him...he needs some time off after this I reckon they owe him at least a weeks break don't you...btw I forgot to ask you all are the photos a lot better now, I think I have fixed the dpi but then again my eyesight can be a bit blurry so need you all to say if it is fine...don't worry about telling me if they aren't. Did you ever get the feeling something was going to happen...I have had that feeling for a few days now, you know the sort of thing like when you were a kid and it was coming up to Christmas....ooohhhh I hope its something fantastic, keep your fingers crossed for it lol...right now onto my card for today which is using this oh so cute digi from Sugar Nellie...shes called Daffy Pip and I used my usual distress inks to colour her...I knew which pad I would use for her and yes its another of my new buys from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...these papers are from the amazingly colourful and bright Echo Park - Here & Now 6x6 Paper Pad...aren't they lush colours and perfect for Pip don't you think...I finished my card with a couple of what I call fat pearls from the Mixed Bag 5mm Flat backed Pearls, a lush ribbon from my stash and a daffodil I bought many moons ago...the fab sketch is from the Sketch N Stash Challenge and I'm also entering it for the One Stop Craft Challenge and the One Stitch at a Time Challenge too...I'm off out with my lovely Dad this afternoon as hes need some shopping, I'm sure he only gets a little bit at a time so we have an excuse to go out its food shopping and a coffee break I think so I better get things done before I have to get ready and the way I'm feeling I may need the thermals on today lol...whatever your up to today I hope you don't need your thermals...have a brilliant one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - antique linen
clothes - pumice stone, spun sugar, vistorian velvet, tumbled glass
shoes - tumbled glass, victorian velvet
pearls - shabby shutters
daffodils - scattered straw, shabby shutters

Thursday, July 18, 2013

a little bit of pink...hop along...

Good morning everyone hows your week going?...I haven't forgotten about the garden photos they will be here tomorrow, that's if you still want to see them of course...its time for our Mo's Digital Pencil Dreamteams monthly challenge and if your in the hop you should have arrived here from the fabulously talented
blog but if you want to start at the beginning and be in with a chance of winning one of two $5 credits for Mo's Digital Pencil then pop on over to the lovely Pops to start at the beginning and don't forget your comments along the way for a chance to win

our theme this month is I cant resist a bit of pink can you?...I chose to use this fantastic Steffi Sobbing for my card, don't you just love her two front teeth...there's four of these little Crybabies to collect and they are each as cute as the other...I coloured her with my usual distress inks and paper pieced her perfect little outfit with a pretty gingham from an old paper pad from my stash...they are from the Graphic45 Little Darling's pad...I love this stunning pad I bought ages and ages ago and will be gutted when its finished

I finished my card with a ruffled cream satin ribbon bow and punched a few buttons from the same papers...the fab sketch is from the Sketch N Stash Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Papertake Weekly challenge and the That Craft Place Challenge too...I'm the last stop on the hop, I hope you enjoyed it and didn't forget your comments for a chance to win...I'm having another chilling day today but will be back tomorrow with the garden photos...I'm loving our deck now, when we first moved in I thought what on earth will we do with this big lump of wood but its filling up nicely...speak to you all tomorrow and I hope wherever you are the sun shines on you today
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - antique linen
heart and hair decoration - tattered rose, victorian velvet
shading - pumice stone

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

a butterfly baby for me...

Good morning everyone are you all having a fabulous week?...hasn't the weather been amazing lately, but its meant to break today, I know all the plants will be grateful for the rain but I will miss the sun...nothing seems too bad when its sunny does it. Mind you it does bring out some weird fashion sense and characters lol...sitting watching out of the window can make you start with some of the today...explain this if you can...a balding man from the front dressed in shabby shorts and t shirt, he had one of those hairlines from the front that looked like a monk you know what I mean don't you...just a circle of close cropped hair surrounding a bald patch but as he got closer I thought to myself, why on earth has he got a scarf wasn't a scarf he had dreadlocks...starting at the back of the monks crop about 30cms long a thick lush crop of how on earth did he manage that...I spent ages just wondering lol...right my card for today is using this fantastic little cutie that Mo drew for me, she cheered me up when I had so many high temperatures I thought I would burst into flames...she really is one of life's good guys and such a super kind charming lady too...this is Baby Fairy Butterfly 2 from Mo's Digital Pencil...I coloured her with my usual distress inks and I know I normally do add glitter to wings (its the crafting law isn't it lol) but couldn't bear to cover these beautiful wings...I used some beautiful papers from the Graphic 45 Little Darlings 8x8 paper pad I bought ages ago from Bunny Zoe's Crafts and finished with some green ribbon, a punched butterfly and some flat backed pearls from the *Mixed Bag* 5mm Flat backed Pearls...the lush sketch is from the Sketch N Stash Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Heck of a Challenge and the ABC Challenge too...I will be back tomorrow with my last candy winner (no I hadn't forgotten lol) and then on Thursday with a bit more candy but no card until Friday, I'm going to do two cards then a couple of days off for a while until I'm fully recovered I wont be long though it may take me a while to get back to a card every day...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one and I hope its not too wet for you
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - antique linen
wings - tattered rose, scattered straw, peeled paint, tumbled glass
tutu - tattered rose
shading - pumice stone

Friday, March 29, 2013

bear hugs and a giggle...

Good morning everyone thank you all loads and massive hugs for all our anniversary wishes, your such a lovely load of crafters...I think its brilliant how nice crafters are don't you, they always want to wish you well and join in good causes and they love to see people get on or win challenges etc...I think its all that colouring in it chills us out and makes us better human beings lol...we had a lovely day yesterday did a bit of shopping (still no present for each other yet but it somehow doesn't seem important if you know what I mean) then we took a drive along the north coast, stunningly beautiful but it was blowing a bloody gale so we didn't venture out of the car...then out to lunch...home for a little relax and a chinese last night...a wonderful chilling out day...when Phil worked away we never seemed to get the chance to spend important days like anniversary's and birthdays together so we aren't bothered about what we do or even gifts this time we are just enjoying spending it together...oooohhhh I know I'm getting soppy so will get on with my card for today I think before the soppyness get sickly lol...I used a beautiful Hannah Lynn digi from Crafts & Me called Natsumi...don't you just love that cute little all Hannah Lynn images shes a dream to colour and I used my usual distress inks for her...the lush papers are from the Teresa Collins Design Now & Then paper pad I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts but its out of stock atm as I bought this ages ago...I finished with a white Prima flower, a white satin bow, a pretty strip of lace and a Giggle sentiment from my stash...the fab sketch is from the Sketch N Stash Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Artistic Inspirations Challenge and The Crazy Challenge...we are heading out today and might go a bit further afield or even go visiting...whatever your up to today have a fantastic Easter Friday
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - pumice stone
eyes - peeled paint
outfit, wings and flower - shabby shutters, victorian velvet
leaves - crushed olive, shabby shutters
bear - punice stone, black soot
shading - pumice stone

Monday, January 21, 2013

my first try at light ink colouring...

Good morning everyone, thank you all so much for your birthday wishes they meant a lot to me and I enjoyed reading them so much too I will catch up with you all this week to thank you in person...great dinner last night the chicken it was fab but...major cheesecake disaster...the cream cheese I bought was a slimline one and I didn't notice, so with the higher milk instead of fat content meant my cheesecake mix didn't set in a rethink was needed, it tasted great and was like thick whisked cream in texture so I chopped up the lush Oreo base to a thick crumb and served the cream mix with the crumb with grated chocolate and orange on it and wow it was dessert disaster averted, isn't it amazing what we can come up with when we have too lol...our beautiful Daughter and her other half bought me a lush snood scarf in blue, its beautiful and jewellery and a pedicure set, Phil bought me two leather and fabric bound books for sketching and writing ideas in, they are so stunning I will take a photo and show you and he bought me new make up brushes (badly needed for a while) see we think men don't listen lol and my lovely Dad gave me cash to buy something I wanted...we had a lovely dinner and loads of giggling and conversations, so my Birthday was brilliant and couldn't have been more perfect...I got an email last week from someone asking about using distress inks to colour a lighter stamped image and if it would work, I hadn't a clue so thought well give a go girl...I stamped this stunningly cheeky little cherub in using the palest ink pad I had which was a Memento London Fog pad, I had to heat set it though as it isn't waterproof unless set and there you go distress inks work with it ok although I had to adjust the amounts I used and its still not perfect but as a first go not too bad...what do you think?...this stamp is from the brand new Magnolia With Love collection and is called Bonny Tilda (and its on sale atm too)...isn't it just so so cute and just a little bit cheeky lol...the paper is from Magnolia too and is the Red Romance 6x6" Paper I finished my card with two Heart Paper Frames (Doilies) - 10cm some Ruffle Rose - Red and Sonia Rose - Ivory flowers, a strip of lace and a ceramic sentiment...everything except the lace and sentiment are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts the fab sketch is from Sketch N Stash challenge and I'm also entering it for the Fairytale Challenge and the Lovely Hanglar or Sweet Magnolia challenge too...I'm having a chilling colouring day today I want to try a few more images in the pale ink to see if I can improve my shading with them...whatever your up to today I hope its a great one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen, frayed burlap
shading - pumice stone

Saturday, December 22, 2012

a few more sparkles...

Good morning everyone are you worn to a frazzle yet?...I headed off to Town yesterday armed with my lists to get 'finished'...big massive mistake I think everyone had the same idea it was so so busy and as well as all the shoppers the three local high schools finished early for the holidays so you can imagine the crowds...after about an hour I had eight bags and four rolls of wrapping paper (they are my just in case ones lol) so my arms, wrists and shoulders were full and I was beginning to feel like a donkey...I went into a smallish shop and this young fella was acting the idiot and knocked into so hard all my bags went and I went flying against a wall...every single shopper in the shop came to help, they picked all my bags up sorted me out and made sure I was ok, one burly man even put the young fella out of the shop...isn't it lovely that despite how busy people are and how stressed they are finding life they can stop for a second to help someone in really warmed my heart to see all those people help...the Christmas spirit is alive and well I think don't you?...I was fine but honestly afterwards I could have sat down and cried dont know why though...right now onto my card for today how amazing is this fabulous Teddy Bo image I love these pencil sketch images don't you, they add real dimension...its called Bo and Bea Baubles , I used my usual distress inks and of course loads and loads and loads of glitter glue...I teamed it up with these stunning papers from the Echo Park-Winter Wishes pad, its from Bunny Zoe's Crafts but is out of stock atm and finished with a beautiful blue organza ribbon and bow and a button the gorgeous sketch is from the Sketch N Stash challenge, I'm also entering it for the Inky Impressions challenge and the Simon Says stamp challenge too...I'm staying in this morning would you believe poor Phil has to work but then he has Monday off instead so makes his holidays just a little longer I guess but I miss him when he works at weekends, hopefully he wont be too late though and he doesn't know yet as I didn't want to totally spoil his Saturday but we are heading food buying today lol...whatever your up to I hope its fun and festive

distress ink colours used
bears - mixture of antique linen, frayed burlap and pumice stone
Bo's outfit - stormy sky, tumbled glass
Bea's outfit - milled lavender, victorian velvet
baubles - tumbled glass, stormy sky, milled lavender, dusty concord, victorian velvet

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

they dont have to be red...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well...poor Phil has the sniffles bless him, of course hes blaming me even though mine was the weekend before last just how long does he think I was contagious, it sounds more like an allergy to me than a cold, it could have had something to do with the super spicy salsa he had with his dinner last night you know Dad enjoyed his dinner and the bit of banter that went with it of course and I think he was a lot happier when he left...we had a little jaunt out as well and did a little shopping and some put the world to rights coffee yesterday afternoon...I think he may have figured out how to get world peace in the space of drinking one cup lol...hes off to my Sister's in Belfast at the weekend which will do him a lot of good and get him away from home for a few days...I hope he comes back refreshed and after spending a couple of days with his youngest grand kids he should have a huge smile on his face...fingers crossed...btw did you check out the winners of my candy I posted last night...I hate drawing winners you know not that I don't like people to win I just hate the thought that others don't, I was the same as a child I couldn't have one teddy or doll in bed I had to have them all because I couldn't bear them being left out, my Mum would come in the night and clear some of them away in case there wasn't room for me lol...right now onto my card for today which is for our new challenge at Crafts & Me Challenge...this time is our lovely Mona's choice and she chose Nontraditional Christmas you couldn't get any less traditional than the mix I chose could you, I chose to use this stunning Sara Burrier image from Crafts and Me for my card...she is called Lady Of Amethyst isn't she just beautiful...I coloured her very softly (maybe a little too softly) with distress inks and the amazingly coloured paper is a scrap by Rayher's Classic Collection and is called Multi Stripes...I recycled a flower into some holly leaves and used loads of coloured pearls for the berries (see they don't have to be red do they)...the fab sketch is from Sketch N Stash challenge (my stash was the long forgotten half sheet of paper), I'm also entering it for the Artistic Inspirations challenge and the Crafty Sentiments challenge too...I'm gonna have a chilling day today I think with maybe a bit of cooking and crafting thrown in, I'm gonna make seafood pasta one of Phil's favourites, that should make him forget his sniffles I hope...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one and don't forget to check out the winners post below just in case
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - pumice stone
dress - stormy sky
cuffs and headress - victorian velvet, scattered straw, seedles preserve
wings - stormy sky - seedles preserve
trim on dress and bells - seedless preserve

Thursday, October 04, 2012

still bare footed...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all well and happy and having a brilliant week...I'm still bare footed and no sign of shoes for the wedding and decided not to drag my poor Dad to Town shoe shopping I will drag Phil round on Saturday instead (poor man) lol, its hard to decide between comfort and looking great isn't it, now is it to much to ask that we woman can have a good pair of high heeled court shoes that fit like a glove and will be comfortable all day long...don't be daft Mina of course it is lol... but at least I did finish the wedding menus at long last I'm sure shes fed up waiting for them, the wedding has come around so fast, we will be flying out a week on Friday...I must admit the meal does sound scrummy just my type of meal, I will show you the menu after the wedding just in case my Niece wouldn't like me showing it before, we don't wanna upset a bride to be do we...I'm seriously struggling with my mojo and getting back in the swing of things since I got back...I don't know why but I hope it hurrys back as I have looked in all the usual places like under the bed with the fluff bunnies and in the bottom of my handbag but nothing yet...anyway my card for today is using one of the new Christmas digis from Sugar Nellie, this little sweetie is called Squirrel Delivery Service, wouldn't that be wonderful if squirrels delivered your Christmas gifts, there would be a lot of smiley faces waiting for the post wouldn't there lol...I coloured it with my usual distress inks and used another scrap of paper for my card, I'm loving using up all the scraps I found while we were moving...this one is from Bo Bunny and is called St Nick Noel, gorgeous isn't it...I finished my card with a gingham bow, red button and a stamped sentiment from the new Crafty Impressions Warm Winter wishes stamp set from Funky Kits I love these new sets of sentiment stamps, they are a brilliant finishing touch for any card...the fab sketch is from Sketch N Stash challenge and I'm also entering it for the Created with Love challenge and the Use It Tuesday challenge too...Its supermarket day with my Dad today, and you all know how I love the supermarket don't you lol...whatever your up to today I hope you have fun and if you see my mojo send it home please its sorely needed
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
shading on fur and boots - pumice stone
hair, sled and gifts - antique linen
coat, hat and tights - peeled paint
coat trim, gift ribbon and sled - barn door
squirrel - frayed burlap, spun sugar

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

just when you think its all isnt...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all well and happy...oooohhhh I forgot to tell you yesterday my lovely Dad was getting out of his car on Monday and tripped, he hit the edge of the door with his eye and he has a massive shiner, the poor thing looks like he has gone ten rounds with someone but luckily he missed his eye as its the one he just had surgery on...he says if anyone asks hes going to tell them I beat him up...he has a wicked sense of humour just when you think all the lifting and humping of furniture is isn't...our new sofas arrive today at long last which meant we had to spend last night pulling and shoving one of the old sofas into my craft room and the other into a spare room ready for dumping...I asked the woman on the phone who rang to tell me about the delivery what time they would set time would you believe it can be anything from 7am to normally I wouldn't mind but I have spent the last two days indoors and am itching to get out and about even if its just for a coffee or mooch around the shops...oh well at least they are arriving before our holidays as I thought I would have to spend hours on the phone explaining we were on holiday and for them not to deliver while we are away...right now onto my card for today which is using one of the new digis from Crafts and Me...this stunner is by the amazing Hannah Lynn...isn't she so beautiful...her name is Kyra and I coloured her with distress inks...I have no idea what make this fantastic paper is as it came from my scrap stash but I had to use it the colours are just perfect for her don't you think...I finished with a couple of strip of wired ribbon and a fabulous butterfly charm...I love this charm don't you, it came from a local shop, I must get some of their charms for a candy I think as they are fabulous...the sketch is from Sketch N Stash challenge...well I better find something to do to pass the time today...I might start some door painting upstairs...I wont start downstairs as cream streaks on new sofas isn't a good look is it lol...whatever your up to today I hope you manage to get out and about
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen
flowers - tea dye, crushed olive
snake - crushed olive
top, tail and fin - tea dye

Saturday, September 01, 2012


Good morning can you believe its September already...whoosh the time is just flying by and its only 18 days until we are off on our holidays too, it seems ages ago we booked it but it was only a couple of weeks really, my judgement of time seems to have disappeared totally you think women see shades of colours differently or is it just we crafters?...I put the first coat of olive green on the bathroom wall and set about painting all the woodwork and boy is there loads of it as there is wood panelling half way up the bathroom walls, its was coloured a deep cream and I wanted it a little lighter and less yellowy so chose a colour called Almond I spent ages patiently painting the grooves and using a roller for the flat parts, Phil came in from work and into the bathroom...first words that green needs another coat and I thought you were doing the paintwork???? I know there wasn't a vast difference in the colour for the wood but considering I only had it half done I could see where I had started and finished but he really honestly couldn't tell the difference...then he says is there anything for answer whatever your buying from the chinese...that will teach not to be able to tell different shades bless him lol...right now onto my card for today, isn't this new Whiff of Joy stamp so so cute and girlie...its called Tea Party, I remember sitting having little tea parties with our Daughter but of course real milk (no tea of course) and teeny cut sandwiches and mini cakes...I coloured this cutie stamp with distress inks and the beautiful papers are from the Kaisercraft - The Lake House 6.5"x6.5" Paper Pad, this really is a stunning pad and the sentiment tag is from the same pad too, I stamped it with a sentiment from my stash...I finished with some beautifully perfect Blossoms - Resin Flower Bluebell flowers...everything I used on my card are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the lush sketch is from the Sketch N Stash challenge and Im also entering it for the Paper Crafting Journey Anything Goes challenge and the Fat Pages and Cards with Attitude challenge...I'm doing no diy, decorating or anything like it today instead I'm off to buy some new nail varnish and maybe even something girlie for our holiday, I need a little time away from it I think...whatever your up to today have a fantastic relaxing one
Mina xxx
p.s. you still have time to join in with my paper candy, the link is at the top of the sidebar

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen
teddy - frayed burlap, antoque linen, spun sugar, victorian velvet
bunny - antique linen, spun sugar
outfit - spun sugar, victorian velvet, pumice stone
table - shabby shutters
crockery - punice stone, stormy sky

Friday, July 27, 2012

a tramp and overgrown bushes...

Good morning everyone I hope your all enjoying a little bit of sunshine, the sun has been shining here for a nice change, long may it continue too...I was supposed to go to the supermarket but had to go without my motivational talk from my Dad and an afternoon of crafting instead (yes I know I should be packing lol), hes having a bit of work done on his garden and the gardeners were supposed to come today but they came yesterday instead, oh well better early than not at all, the poor guys had to use their truck to pull out my Dads bushes as they have been there for over twenty years, hes having them all taken out and decorative stones put in instead, much easier for him to enjoy I think as he was sick of his view being obscured by huge bushes, we tried a few times to get them out but they wouldn't budge so we left it to the professionals...we will have to head out today instead of yesterday unless the gardeners decide on another day today too...they are good guys and when they start they need to we cant complain can we...right now my card for today...don't you just love this The Tramp from Mo's Digital Pencil, he is brilliant in monochrome isn't he...I coloured him with my Distress inks and teamed him up with these amazing papers from the Graphic 45 8x8 Paper Pad - Olde Curiosity Shoppe I bought from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...perfect combo together aren't they...I finished with some black ribbon and a knot and a fab violin charm...the lush sketch is from Sketch N Stash challenge and I'm also entering it for the Simon Says Stamp challenge and the Charisma Cardz challenge its either the supermarket or clearing out under the beds today so fingers crossed for the supermarket lol...whatever your up to I hope you have fun
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - black soot
clothes - black soot, pumice stone, tea dye
shoes - black soot

Thursday, July 05, 2012

008 1/2 ...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and happy...would you believe we got some sunshine yesterday evening it was so wonderful everyone seemed to be enjoying it when we went to the shops for bread and milk...amazing how just a bit of sun can cheer you up isn't if it would just stay there for a while that would be brill lol...we found a cute house so are going for a viewing on Friday afternoon, not really something I would go whoopee about but I will keep an open mind...I promise honestly lol...I will report back...we are of out for dinner tonight with our gorgeous Daughter and her other half so no cooking thank goodness...I don't mind cooking you know I just hate planning the meals, do you know what I mean, how are you supposed to know on a Monday what you want to eat on Thursday?...right now onto my card for today, isn't this stamp brilliant, perfect for any mans occasion even if their not good at DIY...hes called DIY Legend from Wild Rose Studio and the sentiment is from the same stamp too, no colouring at all as well so if your in need of a super quick mans card its perfect...I teamed him up with these lush papers from the Prima 6x6" Paper Pad - Doodle Deux fantastic colour combo isn't it, the stamps and papers are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, I wouldn't have put those colours together but they work so well...I finished with some buttons...the lush sketch is from the Sketch N Stash challenge and I'm also entering it for the Papertake Weekly challenge and Mema's Crafts challenge too...I think I might do a little online shopping today, I need a pair of nice shoes for a couple of weddings I'm going to this year, I hate shoe shopping don't you so usually do it online...whatever your up to today if your lucky enough to get sunshine have fun in it
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
oops I didnt use any this time lol

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Im in yellow mode...

Good morning everyone are you all having sunshine, we are having wall to wall sun now if we could just get the temperatures to match we might be changing seasons eventually...I had a fantastic day crafting yesterday, don't you just love a colouring session, its good for the soul...although I did stab myself twice, once with a scalpel and another with my scissors...but then its me so that normal isn't it lol...I just noticed after I had made up some cards, I must be in yellow mode and everything I have made for the next few days (except tomorrows that is) has some yellow in it...I think its the papers though they are defo getting more colourful and bright. I did a little bit of shopping last night, the new Magnolia stamps are in Bunny Zoe's Crafts for pre order and I usually only buy one of each collection but three dropped into my basket, they are so cute and unusual and I just couldn't resist, oh and I bought some of the new Magnolia papers too and just as I was leaving a Prima paper pad dropped into my basket, don't you hate it when that happens lol...I was cooking honey glazed chicken last night for dinner when it suddenly dawned on me its not that I hate cooking so much its the planning I hate, deciding what to make does my nut do you all plan what your going to eat, maybe I should shop every day, yeah right lol...right enough waffling onto my card for today, this beautifully delicate image is a Belles and Whistles stamp called Every Belle...the Belles and Whistles stamps are a massive 25% off atm too...shes beautiful to colour and I used my usual distress inks and paper pieced her skirt and headband...the fantastically coloured papers are from the Cosmo Cricket 6" x 6" Mini Deck - Baby Jane paper pad gorgeous aren't they (see what I mean about yellow)...I finished with some fab yellow seam binding, a couple of pearl headed pins and a lush flower from the Kaisercraft Paper Blooms - Buttercream pack, everything except the ribbon and pins are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts ...these look very squashed in the packet but when you get them out and plump them up they are lush...the fab sketch is from the Sketch N Stash challenge and I'm also entering it into the Ribbon Carousel challenge and Creative Card Crew challenge ...I'm off out to lunch with Phil today he gets an hour for his lunch and only works a couple miles away so we are meeting in town, how amazing is that...whatever your up to today have a good one
Mina xxx
distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - frayed burlap
top and shoes - scattered straw

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

a little bit more Glitz...

Good morning everyone Im feeling loads and loads better today, phew thank goodness for that as I was beginning to bore myself lol...its my lovely Dads his[ital appointment today to have his other eye measured for his new lense, he says he cant wait to get the other eye done now he has one done, mind he does see dust and fluff that he didnt before and he says he needs his carpets cleaned now, see what happens when he can so well I get a job or two to do lol...hes hoping he will get it done before he is off to my Neices wedding in Sicily...isnt he lucky, wish I was going but the numbers are so tight even us Auntie's arent invited which we understand of course but my Dad needs to be there for his Grandaughter...he has instructions that now he can see the hairs on a bats wings he has to take loads of photos, he wanted to borrow my camera but I just couldnt do it, I tried to let go but just couldnt stretch it that far we are lending him Phils camera as he dosent mind...anyway now onto my card for today which is using the last MayzyArt image I bought, this gorgeous ballerina is called Digi Dancers Ballet, isnt she a sweetie, I coloured her with distress inks and used a little bit more of this lush Glitz 6x6" Paper Pack - Pretty in Pink paper pad from Bunny Zoe's Crafts, lush colours arent they...I used one of the sentiments from another sheet from the same pad for the sentiment tag and finished with some lush Satin and Organza ribbons and a few buttons...the fab sketch is from Stetch & Stash challenge and Im also entering it for the Crazy 4 Challenges challenge and Paper Crafting Journey challenge too...right Im off to get ready, why on earth do appointments have to be so early in the morning that your half asleep in the waiting room...whatever your up to have a brilliant day and I hope you get a lie in
Mina xxx
distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - walnut stain
dress - spun sugar
pearls and shoes - victorian velvet
edges distressed in antique linen

Friday, March 16, 2012

is there such a sport as extreme paper piecing?...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well and happy...when I was looking for something to do yesterday, I had a little digi buying spree some lush new digis are now printed and coloured and I even found a new artist which you will see in a few days, I had a bit of a play and maybe went just a little overboard with the old paper piecing...if there's not a sport called extreme paper piecing maybe we should start one, I paper pieced and paper pieced to my hearts content yesterday so just shout if you fed up looking at it lovely Phil came home yesterday (I think he just wanted to save my sanity and keep me company) and bless him he even stopped on his way home to get me the Creative Cardmaking magazine with my publication in it, hows that for a man on a mission, it takes him over two hours to drive home and he made a detour to get it for me, hes definitely a keeper isn't card for today is heavily paper pieced, in fact the only thing that isn't is her face , hands and hair, I even paper pieced the tiny apple and flowers lol...the fab image is from Funky Kits and is one of the Sugar Nellie Leanne Ellis stamps...this one is called Patience...fab and funky isn't she, the lush rich coloured paper is one I found at the bottom of my stash when I did my clean up a few months back, I think I have had this paper for at least a year, its from Deja Views and the pink one is called Cherry Burst of Circles and the dotty one is Cherry Green Dots (now what else would it be called lol)...all I used to finish was a lush hot pink stripped organza ribbon and bow, a few punched daisies and pink gem centres for them...the fab sketch is from Sketch N Stash challenge (my stash is this long lost paper) I'm also entering it for the Stamp and Create challenge and Cute Card Thursday challenge paper will be harmed today I promise I have stepped away from the scissors for a while lol... we are going out to look for a food processor for my Phil's lush cooking to be even better...whatever your up to today have a fantastic one
Mina xxx

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I love a bit of colour...

Good morning everyone, I hope your all keeping well and are happy...I had another crafting day yesterday but it was one of those days when you seem to do loads but nothing gets finished if you know what I mean...I played and coloured and cut but finished nothing I should have but had fun playing anyway...I really must go out today though, I had all intentions of yesterday but yes you guessed it the rain fell from the heavens I'm not allergic to rain or like the wicked witch melt in it or anything like that (honestly) I just hate mooching round town in it is all...when you in the mood for a mooch you certainly don't want a soggy mooch do you, have you noticed I seem to have turned into the weather police lol...I did finish this card and felt in the need of loads of colour and you cant say this paper isn't colourful can you...the papers are from the Basicgrey Sweet Threads 6x6 paper pad from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...isn't it so bright, colourful and it...I teamed it up with this stunning Zorana A Dancing Gypsy from Saturated Canary...I just about used every colour distress ink I could think off on my Gypsy and isn't she just the paper was so colourful I just added a lush pink satin ribbon and bow and a gorgeous twisted metal Fancy Heart Charm to finish...the lush sketch (I love the hearts behind the image) is from the Sketch N Stash challenge and I'm also entering it for the Joanna Sheen Challenge and Fussy and Fancy Friday challenge too...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one
Mina xxx

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

at long last...

Good morning again, yes at last, don't know what happened but I couldn't get my photos to upload no matter how I tried to do it...I think it was a problem with my internet connection yet again...oh well never mind at last its done...I had a lovely crafting day yesterday and played with some stuff I hadn't used for ages, that's what happens when you do a clean up isn't it, you come across loads of things you had forgotten about, I didn't get any commenting done though as my internet was like ploughing through treacle, so will have a catch up today instead. I had a little look at CHA videos a couple of minuets ago and saw a Tim Holtz one for the new distress markers, they look so lush but I think they will be horrendously expensive, if anyone of you fab surfers know how much they are let me know will you so I can start saving now, I definitely will need the Picket Fence one (white) as I can see loads of uses for that one, hhhmmmmm I wonder if they are refillable...right now onto my card for today which is using this gorgeous little Kraftin' Kimmie stamp called Tori which is on sale too, bargain price...I coloured her with distress inks and paper pieced her top with the one of the papers I used, they are two of the new Magnolia papers, Magnolia Cloudy Pink Hearts 6x6 and Magnolia Cloudy Purple Hearts 6x6, they are so soft and pretty aren't they, I finished with a lush pink satin ribbon and bow, a resin flower from the Blossoms-resin flowers Fuschia pack and a sentiment that comes with the stamp, everything I used except the ribbon is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the fab sketch is from the Sketch N Stash challenge (I chose sketch 40), I'm also entering it for the Sweet Stampin challenge and Simon Says Stamp challenge...I haven't a clue what I'm up to today as we had a little bit of bad news yesterday and I'm trying to get my head around it, I will let you all know when my head stops spinning lol...whatever your up to today have a fantastic one
Mina xxx

Saturday, January 21, 2012

baby steps...

Good morning everyone, do you have anything exciting planned for this weekend?...thank you all so so much for all your fantastic Birthday wishes, they brought a huge lump to my throat, your all so nice and thoughtful for your lovely thoughts on my Birthday, it really made it very special...first of all I woke to a dozen red roses and loads of Birthday cards (some had even been touched by the money fairy lol) then my darling Phil took me to lunch then despite the teaming rain we had a little mooch around the shops and he bought me a fab scarf I had my eye on, I hate my neck being cold and always wear a long wrapped round scarf in the winter...our beautiful Daughter and her lovely other half cooked us a meal of Sea Bass, pancetta and sweet potatoes with a garlic, aniseed and olive oil dressed broccoli, it was so delicious, she so takes after her Dad and not me in the kitchen was a lovely happy family day and I loved it so all in all a brilliant Birthday, all your good wishes must have for my card for today, how amazing is this sweet little toddler from Mo's Digital Pencil called Walker, she is so fantastic to colour, I used my Distress inks, oh and I had to do a bit more of my favourite paper piecing, I love this technique just in case you hadn't noticed...the lush paper is from K&Co's Classic Bailey kit, I edged the cut pieced with some pearlescent white card and finished with a couple of rub on sentiments, punched butterflies and a stunning white ribbon from Tim Holtz...the fab sketch is from Sketch N Stash challenge and I'm also entering it for the Flutter By Wednesday challenge and Cardmadfairy's digi days challenge...we are off to the shops today and for coffee with my Dad and I'm sure he will need some shopping too...whatever your get up to today have a good one
Mina xxx
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