Showing posts with label writing time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing time. Show all posts

Friday, July 26, 2013

Quotes and Cookies: Time

Holy busy summer, Batman! Are you guys having tons of problems finding time to write, too? It can get a little frustrating, that's for sure.

Which is kind of why this quote is so awesome.

You don’t need that much time. You just have to do it consistently. You could probably write a story in ten minutes a day if you did it for enough days.

~Susan Breen

Lovely, isn't it? Lack of time doesn't matter-- consistency does. Eventually, of course, we need to spend more time if we want to finish this decade, but at times when everything else takes precedence, it's fine to just shoot for consistency.

Now to celebrate summer and all its busyness with some summer-themed cookies! Man. Some people's preferred methods of expending creative energy makes me happy.

photo credit: Flying Pig Party Productions via photopin cc

Nom nom. Have a fantastic week!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

How to have a great Writing Retreat

Okay, so I've only been on one writer's retreat, so I'm no expert. But I have been to a ton of writing conferences, so I know--- when writers get together, we like to chat! I mean how can we not when we are finally surrounded by people who *get* us?

But...... chatting up a storm and getting writing done generally don't go hand in hand. So what's the number one secret to getting way more writing done?


Yes, writers are a chatty bunch. But we're also a competitive bunch, and we really like to win. (Plus, we really like to see that word count climb, so we've got that constantly working in our favor.) There's probably about a billion ways to bring competitiveness into writing, but we did two things.

The first was one the fabulous Elana Johnson suggested. We each brought a prize, and put all those prizes into a pot. The prizes don't have to be big-- we had various kinds of chocolate, fancy notepads and pens, an Amazon gift certificate, etc. Every so often throughout the day, we'd have a writing sprint. We found that 45 minutes worked best for us, but you can do them for any length of time. Then, the person who wrote the most in that 45 minutes got to choose a prize. And ohmygosh. Never did I imagine that eight non-sleeping people in the same room could be so quiet!

The second was an overall prize for the person who wrote the most words over the course of the retreat. Again, this could be anything. As an example, our writing retreat's official name was The Writing Retreat of Joy and Awesomeness, so the person who won overall was crowned Queen of Joy and Awesomeness. Each of us added to the prize pack for the winner and lemme tell you: THAT was what kept people burning the midnight oil to get in a few more words, then waking up much too soon in the morning. How could you stay in bed when you saw your competition already adding to their word count?

The second secret to having a good writing retreat?


Not as big of a factor as contests, of course, but it definitely makes a difference! Imagine a noisy hotel with elephants stampeding above you. Or an office building, where the floors and walls are all gray. Now, imagine a comfortable mountain cabin tucked next to a lake or stream. Or a high-rise overlooking a beautiful city. These may be extreme examples, of course, but some locations definitely are more conducive to creative juices flowing than others. Location matters. And the third secret:


The better you eat, the better your brain works, right? The right food can make those late nights / early mornings not so painful. Not to mention the better the food, the happier the retreaters. :)

So what about you? Have you ever been on a writing retreat before? How was it? And if you could choose to go ANYWHERE on a writing retreat right now, where would you go?

Monday, July 9, 2012


I have been a bad blogger lately.

It's not that I don't love it! And every day I hate not knowing what's going on with you guys. It's just a very unfortunate bi-product of some insane deadlines. (Plus, there's kids who need a mom... a hubby who needs a wife...) But soon. Soon..... I have third round edits due this week, then it's possible I'll have a 2-3 week breather before copy edits arrive. (Who's that calling my name? Ahh! Book 2! I had almost forgotten you were over there! We'll hang out soon. I promise.)

But until I get that breather, my desk has been feeling a little like this:

What do you mean? My head totally matches with my body. And I could totally be smiley in a desk like this. And I totally still use a phone with a cord.

And do you know what helps when your desk is feeling like that? Looking at desks that don't. (If your desk is feeling like the one above, go ahead and salivate at these.)




Check out the desktop space! I WANT THAT SPACE. AND THOSE WINDOWS.



Do you know what? Forget the desk. I just want to work here:


Has your summer been more full of work or play? And when you are working, where do YOU want to work?

Thank you so much, E.D. at (Not) Just Another Writer for the Kreative Blogger award!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Way We Are: Holiday Writing

Three things:

1. THANK YOU! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your kind words and excitement and happy dances and emails and tweets and blog posts about my book deal. Seriously, HUGE thank yous! I got choked up on every single comment. For the first time ever, I decided to do personalized thank yous by email. When I replied to your comments, it just listed your name in the to: field; not your email address. I know that not all of you have email tied to your Google account, but like the noob that I was, I figured if you didn't, I'd get a Hello! That wasn't a valid email address! message. I was probably 90% through thanking everyone, completely impressed by how many people had entered their email in their profile, when I realized that if I hovered over the name, it showed the email address. And TONS of the last 10% had the email listed as Doh! So if you commented on my post on Monday and didn't get an email from me, it's off floating in cyberspace. Please accept my apologies and an extremely heartfelt thank you.

2. I'm going to do a question & answer / parts of my story thing on Monday. I'm a little weirded out writing a post about me, unless I know it's going to help you. And honestly, I don't know what to tell. Help a girl out? If you have anything specific you want me to share-- like how things worked, or what a certain part of the process is like-- or if there are any questions you have that I might be able to answer, please email me. peggyeddleman [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks, guys!

3. Okay, the ACTUAL POST! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in US. And then of course we have lots of holidays coming up in December. (< tangent > Oh my gosh. I am SO EXCITED! < /tangent >) So my question is:

Do you see a holiday as a time you can get in more writing time,
or as a time to take a break from it?

For me: Actually, it switches. Sometimes it's driving me nuts that I haven't gotten enough writing time in, and I'll decide to put more focus into that. Sometimes it's the house that's driving me nuts, and I'll decide to put more focus into that. A lot of times, all I really want to do is spend the time doing fun stuff with my family, so I put more focus into that. Which is sort of how it is every single day. I answer the things calling the loudest. And wow. That was a completely vague answer. What kind of an example am I?! Okay, I'm going to make a graph right now. It's going to have an "It makes no difference" option. I guess my answer falls into that category. :)

So what category does yours fall into?