Showing posts with label release date. Show all posts
Showing posts with label release date. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Book 2 Title and Release Date News!

It's official! SKY JUMPERS book 2 has a title! And a release date!

***Drum roll for the title****
Which, I've gotta say, makes me pretty happy. You see, most books I write don't have a title for a very long time. But back when Sky Jumpers was called Through the Bomb's Breath (which was its title for a very long time), I came up with a title for book 2 that would go along with it-- Across the Forbidden Flats. And that was BEFORE I EVEN STARTED WRITING IT. I know. It shocked me, too. So to have the final, official title have three of the four original words (especially considering what it took to get Sky Jumpers' title just right), is downright magical.

***Drum roll for the release date***

One day shy of a year after book one. The closest Tuesday to being exactly a year. Awesome, no?

And guess what? The paperback of Sky Jumpers comes out that same day!

No, I don't have a cover to share. No, I haven't even seen it myself. But the illustrator doing it is the same one that created the cover for book 1 so YES! I am dying to see what he comes up with! I have visions of waking up Christmas morning to an email with the cover image attached.

photo credit: erin m via photopin cc

Maybe I'll have my daughter wrap up my laptop the night before and place it under the tree. My boys don't care at all if they know what they're getting for Christmas, but my daughter is a big believer in being surprised on Christmas morning. Plus, she still believes in Santa, so with her on my side, I just might get my wish. ;)

What do you have visions of waking up Christmas morning to?