Showing posts with label being wrong. Show all posts
Showing posts with label being wrong. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2011

We need less space!

I took a lot of keyboarding classes in junior high and high school. Do you know what they taught me?
Put two spaces after each sentence.

Apparently that's wrong! It changed years ago, and I NEVER KNEW. Until a year ago or so, that is. (Are you doing it wrong, too? Read this article.) Here's the quote in the article that really got me:

"I talk about 'type crimes' often, and in terms of what you can do wrong, this one deserves life imprisonment. It's a pure sign of amateur typography."

I don't know about you, but I pride myself on being a law-abiding typist. LIFE IMPRISONMENT doesn't sound all that fun, so I re-trained myself. It wasn't easy, but now I sleep better at night without that crushing guilt weighing me down.

What about you?

Were you taught right the first time? Or did you have to reteach yourself as well? Or are you still doing it wrong but you never knew and now that I told you that crushing guilt is going to keep you awake at night and curse me(!) for ever bringing it up?

And this, just because it's funny: My son typed a report for school, and wanted me to look at it before he printed it out. It looked a little something like this:

I looked at it and said, "It's good... except for all these extra spaces everywhere! What the Sam Hill is up with that?"

To which my son replied, "Oh, it's supposed to be that way. My teacher told us to double-space it."

Have I mentioned how much I love my kids?

Happy spacing, everyone.

P.S. Go enter in the DIVERGENT Giveaway if you haven't yet and still want a chance.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Quotes and Cookies: Being Wrong

In honor of Favorite Quote Friday, one that makes me happy:
"You should never be ashamed to admit you have been wrong. It only proves you are wiser today than yesterday."
~Jonathan Swift

I don't know about you, but I'd much rather say, I am SO MUCH WISER today, than to say Gosh, I've made a lot of mistakes!

Because let me tell you. I am SO MUCH WISER TODAY.

In honor of how wise we all are today, take a big virtual bite out of these! They're called Comfort Cookies, which if you ask me, is kind of redundant yet perfectly named. 

Photo courtesy