Finally, an update from those 3 inch granny squares I have been working on. I decided to hand stitch the whole thing! Many people ask me about my hand stitching style. I use standard DMC embroidery floss and use the all the strands, that's right all 6. This creates a bold look that is visible from a distance and allows the thread color to become part of the quilt design. If I am going to spend so much time to hand stitch, might as well add some visual impact to the quilt.
Here is a little tutorial of what works for me. ** By no means am I an expert on anything hand quilting, in fact this is the only hand quilting I ever do. Although I can say this method has worked for in the past and I have been doing this for years.** First, start with tying a knot on the end of the thread.
Next, burry the knot. I like to go through the top layer and the batting. Pop the knot through the top layer until you feel it catch on the batting. Be sure not to pull too hard and take the knot back out the other side. When you are pulling the needle through, come up where you would like to start your stitches.
Start by weaving the needle through all three layers, making sure to catch the batting and backing each time. It is easy to see if you are making even stitches on the front, but also take time to look at the back. Your quilt should be pretty from both sides.
Keep going around the whole block, or whatever you are trying to highlight in your quilt.
When you reach the end of your thread or the end of your block. Tie a knot in the thread about 1/4 of an inch from where you last pulled the thread out.
Next, you will once again need to burry the knot. Pull the knot under the top layer, then trim away excess thread.
You can then pick up again with another piece, or start your next block. I am planning on going around each block with a different color. The varying thread colors will bring out the colors in each block giving the design a little more richness.
I hope this tutorial inspired you to add a little more pizzaz to your quilts with bold threads! If you have any questions don't hesitate to email or leave a comment.
Sew long for now,