Meedio Nikki ja Miljoonan dollarin haaste
Kanadalainen meedio Nikki on päässyt lööppeihin. Hän tarjoutui alustavasti, tai ainakin vihjaili olevansa tietoinen, miljoonan dollarin haasteeseen. James Randi Educational Foundation otti yhteyttä Nikkiin, jotta hän pääsisi mukaan kykyjensä testaamiseen. Nikki ilmoitti ottavansa haasteen vakavasti, kunhan ensin tutustuisi siihen paremmin. Onhan Nikkillä ansioluettelossaan yli 20 vuoden pituinen ura, joten hän tietää kykyjensä olevan aitoja. Hän ilmoittaa onnistuneiksi ennustuksiksi mm. syykuun 11. päivän iskut, Japanin tsunamin, Michael Jacksonin ja krokotiilimetsästäjä Steve Irwinin kuolemat ja paljon paljon muuta.
Tälle vuodelle Nikki on ennustanut monia tapahtumia. Kopioin koko listan talteen.
World Predictions
1. A terrorist attack in Toronto.
2. A gold rush in Hawaii.
3. President Obama has to be careful of parades.
4. President Obama’s children in danger.
5. Danger around President Obama.
6. Syria at war with the United States, the new Iraq.
7. More UFO sightings.
8. The Thames River poisoned in a terrorist attack.
9. Two planes over Washington DC, United States, collide and crash.
10. Mine disaster Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
11. Israel and Iran at war.
12. A powerful quake rocks Chicago, Illinois.
13. A roller coaster will go out of control at a theme park in the US injuring many.
14. The world’s first brain transplant.
15. A huge breakthrough in the cure for dementia and Alzheimer’s.
16. A dense fog - the worst in fifty years - disrupts air travel and transportation woes in London, England
17. A bionic eye will be invented by a French scientist.
18. Hillary Clinton nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
19. A Japanese plane is hijacked on the way to Singapore from Tokyo, Japan.
20. A disease around maple trees.
21. A worm destroys the tea plant and plantations in Sri Lanka.
22. A UFO in the shape of a horseshoe hovers over Roswell, New Mexico.
23. A towering inferno in San Francisco.
24. The world’s largest salmon will be caught in British Columbia.
25. A Hollywood starlet will give birth to a dwarf.
26. The area of Brentwood in Los Angeles on fire.
27. North Korea and South Korea at war.
28. The worst landslides in California history destroy thousands of homes.
29. A Paris suburb on fire.
30. An oil spill in the Persian Gulf.
31. Terrorist attack in Manila in the Philippines.
32. A biological attack on a US city.
33. A cruise ship on fire destroying hundreds of lives.
34. A space tragedy.
35. An explosion at an American Airforce base.
36. A terrorist attack at the Statue of Liberty in New York.
37. A terrorist attack at Grand Central Station in New York.
38. A bridge blows up in the United States.
39. Two trains collide in southern England killing many.
40. A blimp explodes in Germany.
41. An explosion at an American Express office in Europe.
42. A heist in Louisville, Kentucky.
43. A horse and jockey pass away at the Kentucky Derby.
44. A cruise ship turns upside down after an underwater earthquake under the Adriatic Sea.
45. Danger and health woes Hillary Clinton.
46. A prison riot New York.
47. Prison breakout and riot San Quentin.
48. A giant spider’s nest will be found in South America.
49. Polar bears and penguins moving south due to global warming.
50. Another oil spill in the Persian Gulf.
51. Widespread damage when a meteorite hits two states in the southwestern United States.
52. Bill Clinton has to watch his health
53. Biological attack on the US and Britain.
54. A world wide computer virus.
55. Terrorist attacks in Germany, London, England, Los Angeles, New York and Chicago.
56. An avalanche in Italy.
57. Sex scandal around a famous political person in Washington, DC, USA.
58. A terrorist attack in Paris, France.
59. Sarkozy in danger.
60. A trampese artist will fall at a circus.
61. A Turkish airliner is hijacked and blown up.
62. The largest emerald in the world is found near Bogota, Columbia.
63. A new species of octopus is found in the Mediterranean Sea.
64. An arrest in the Jon Benet Ramsey case.
65. Passing of Fidel Castro.
66. An arrest in the Madeline McCann case.
67. A gorilla escapes from a German zoo injuring many.
68. A US naval ship is hijacked.
69. A tsunami in Japan.
70. The Empire State Building on fire.
71. Earthquake in the Grand Canyon.
72. Pandemic in Africa spreading worldwide.
73. A huge earthquake in Japan.
74. North Korea will attack Japan.
75. A terrorist attack Los Angeles.
76. Terrorist attack in Vancouver.
77. Stock market up and down from one extreme to another.
78. Government change in Indonesia.
79. Uprising in Venezuela.
80. Chavez in danger.
81. The painting of the Mona Lisa will be stolen.
82. A politician's children will be kidnapped.
83. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York will burn down.
84. A terrorist attack on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California.
85. A plane will crash into the Hollywood sign in LA.
86. Mount St. Helens will erupt.
87. Earthquake in Seattle and Oregon.
88. Parts of the polar ice cap will melt.
89. Two subways will collide head on in New York City.
90. Madam Tussard's wax museum in London, England will burn after a massive fire.
91. Dick Cheney has to watch his health.
92. A large American newspaper will go bankrupt.
93. A new cat burglar in the South of France will rob the rich like in the movie 'To Catch A Thief'.
94. Sir Richard Branson in danger.
95. Life on other planets is stronger when new evidence is gathered.
96. A pill that makes you younger within thirty days.
97. Breakthroughs in the mystery of autism.
98. A Las Vegas hotel and casino on fire.
Star Predictions
1. The movie The Black Swan will be nominated for an Oscar.
2. Natalie Portman will be nominated for an Oscar.
3. George Clooney will marry.
4. A remake of the movie The Godfather.
5. A remake of the movie Scarface.
6. Loretta Lynn has to watch health
7. A remake of the movie Jaws in 3D.
8. The TV series Boardwalk Empire will win many Emmy awards.
9. Lady Gaga will turn to acting as well as music.
10. Katy Perry will be a mermaid in a music video.
11. A remake of the movie Cleopatra.
12. Queen Latifah will play in either on Broadway or TV, or a biography and I see her replacing someone on the View.
13. Rosie O’Donnell makes a comeback.
14. Pricilla Presley has to watch her health.
15. Justin Beiber has to watch his health and danger.
16. Warren Beatty and Annette Bening will split.
17. Justin Beiber will win lots of awards.
18. Health watch - Aretha Franklin.
19. Health problems - Shirley Maclaine
20. Health problems - Melanie Griffith.
21. Paris Hilton kidnapped for ransom.
22. Paul Anka divorce.
23. Bristol Palin engagement, but be careful of skiing and driving.
24. Former Hollywood Madam Heidi Fleiss danger and health problems.
25. Tiger Woods has to be careful of planes.
26. Taylor Swift has to be careful of transportation – cars, planes, etc.
27. Mel Gibson will move to Australia and has to watch health.
28. Christine Agilera will pose for Playboy.
29. Josh Brolin and Diane Lane will separate.
30. Whoopi Goldberg will quit the View.
31. Kim Kardashian baby and marriage.
32. Nick Cage will split from wife.
33. Alex Baldwin will run for politics.
34. Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry will produce a blockbuster movie which will be a hit.
35. Lady Gaga will appear in a Hollywood movie.
36. Kate Goslin will remarry.
37. Snookie from Jersey Shore has to watch for injury.
38. There will be another TV series: 'Singing With The Stars'.
39. A Hollywood hunk will save a child from drowning.
40. Halley Berry will have another child.
41. A movie starlet will have triplets.
42. Betty White has to watch health although I see her receiving a lot of awards.
43. Tippi Hendren in danger.
44. A marriage for Angelina Jolie.
45. A marriage for Jennifer Anniston and baby.
46. A child for George Clooney.
47. Howie Mandel has to watch health.
48. A Hollywood starlet’s signifigant other has to be careful of their signifigant other on a motorcycle.
49. Rachel McAdams will have her own sitcom.
50. Madonna will open her own hotel.
51. Donald Trump will be successful in politics.
52. Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas has to watch her marriage.
53. A Victoria secret model will be kidnapped for ransom.
54. Ellen Page will be an advocate for the environment
55. Hulk Hogan has to watch health
56. Elizabeth Taylor health woes
57. A famous comedian will run for politics
58. Danny Glover has to watch health.
59. Hugh Hefner has to watch health.
60. A fire at the Playboy Mansion
61. Kristy Alley has to watch health.
62. Another Hollywood hunk will confess to being gay.
63. The success of his reality series Gene Simmons - will produce a feature film based on his TV series
64. With the success of 'Dancing With The Stars', dance studios will open all over the world.
65. Dance clubs like the discos of the seventies and eighties will open up again
66. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will split.
Wild Weather Predictions
1. Category five hurricane wipes out Miami.
2. The worst mudslides in California’s history will occur.
3. Mount St. Helens erupting.
4. Earthquake Seattle, Washington.
5. Earthquake Chicago, Illinois.
6. Part of the polar ice cap melts.
7. Wildfires spread to Beverley Hills and Los Angeles, Brentwood.
8. More tsunamis Sumatra Indonesia, Alaska, Hawaii and Japan.
9. A great earthquake in Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego.
10. Earthquake Lake Tahoe.
11. Earthquake Toronto and Quebec.
12. Earthquake Oregon.
13. Earthquake Grand Canyon.
14. Earthquake New York, Alaska, Japan, Greece.
15. Earthquake British Columbia, China and Iran.
16. Tornado in California.
17. Floods Amsterdam, Holland, Rhine River, Germany, Bangladesh, Great Britain. Venice, Italy, Gulf Coast of Florida and France.
18. Tsunami Malibu, California.
19. Wildfires Greece, Australia, Texas, Hawaii.
20. Mudslides in India, California.
21. Typhoon in Taiwan.
22. Tornadoes Oklahoma, Indiana, Texas, Illinois, Tennessee.
23. Great earthquake Rome and Naples, Italy.
24. Huge snowstorm and blizzards up the eastern seaboard affecting the great lakes – Toronto, Chicago, New York, Boston, etc.
25. Earthquake Yosemite and Yellowstone Park.
The Royals
1. A royal pregnancy.
2. A horse accident around the royal family.
3. The Queen has to watch for kidnapping.
4. The Duke of Edinborough has to watch his health.
5. A royal wedding.
6. Wedding in Monaco.
7. Danger around the Queen.
8. Buckingham Palace on fire.
9. Royal staff will quit because of too many ghosts at Buckingham Palace.
10. Prince Harry has to be careful of fast cars.
11. The royal Crown Jewels will be stolen.
12. The Queen has to watch health.
13. Windsor Castle on fire.
14. A royal kidnapping.
15. A royal funeral.
Sports Predictions
1. A new national hockey league for women.
2. A racehorse and jockey die at a race.
3. A spectacular crash of three formula race cars together.
4. Another sting ray death.
5. A shark attack off the coast of Maine.
6. A riot at a soccer stadium.
7. A riot on a basketball court.
8. Tragedy at an air show.
9. Tiger Woods has to be careful of planes.
Varmoihin ennustuksiin lukeutuvat mm. kuninkaalliset perhetapahtumat (kuningasperhettä ei tietenkään täsmennetä), UFO havaintoja, Bill Clintonin täytyy tarkkailla terveyttään, maailmanlaajuinen tietokonevirus, taifuuni Taiwanissa (tapahtuu jokaisena vuotena), 70-vuotiaat viihdetähdet joutuvat tarkkailemaan terveyttään (ORLY?), seksiskandaali Washington DC:ssä, ja niin edelleen. Tsunami ja suuri maanjäristys Japanissa olivat hienosti eri ennustuksina ilman tietoa paikasta, ajasta tai tuhojen suuruudesta.
Nikki ennusti myös terroristihyökkäyksen Osloon! Mutta sen olisi pitänyt tapahtua vuonna 2009. Nikki viljelee vinon pinon ennustuksia jokaiselle vuodelle. Helposti osumiksi tulkittavat ennustukset nousevat uutisiin. Täydet hudit unohtuvat.
Esim. Fidel Castrolla on elinaikaa vielä pari kuukautta, sillä Nikki on ennustanut hänen kuolevan 2011. Vuonna 2009 Buckinhamin palatsin olisi pitänyt palaa, eikä kruununjalokiviä varastettukaan. Barack Obama selvisikin salamurhastaan, St Helens ei purkautunut 2009 vaan jatkoi 2008 alkanutta untaan, tähtitieteilijät eivät löytäneet toista planeettaa jolla olisi elämää, Jennifer Aniston ei saanut lasta, kaksi lentokonetta eivät törmänneet toisiinsa Kennedy-lentokentällä, ja niin edelleen. Monet ennustuksista toistuvat vuodesta toiseen.
Seuraan toki suurella mielenkiinnolla toteutuuko tälle vuodelle ennustettu aivojen siirtoleikkaus. Sitäkin suuremmalla hämmästyksellä tulen ihmettelemään, kun jääkarhut JA pingviinit matkustavat etelään ilmastonmuutoksen takia.
Takaisin JREF:n tarjoamaan miljoonan dollarin haasteeseen. Testin olosuhteet suuniteltaisiin koehenkilön kykyjen mukaan, jotta saataisiin mahdollisimman tarkat tiedot siitä kuinka tarkkoja ennustuksia Nikki kykenee tekemään. Koemenetelmät neuvotellaan ulkopuolisten asiantuntijoiden avustuksella. Tärkeintä on estää huijaamisen mahdollisuus.
Syyskuun 6. päivä Nikki ilmoitti, että ottaisi yhteyttä JREF:iin kahden vuorokauden sisällä. Hän ei missään nimessä välttele miljoonan dollarin haastetta, vaan haluaa tutustua siihen ensin paremmin. Sittemmin on selvinnyt, ettei Nikki ole ollut yhteydessä JREF:iin. Kuka olisi voinut ennustaa tuollaisen käänteen tässä tarinassa?