Showing posts with label street team. Show all posts
Showing posts with label street team. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2013

Clearing out the clutter

It's that time of year. Even though the weather keeps insisting it's winter, the calendar says Spring. I always feel the need to clear out, clean, brighten, and re-do things. One year, I spent a week cleaning out my attic. Twenty bags of clothes later, I could walk in the attic (don't ask what it looks like now). Basically a winter full of lethargy makes me itchy to clear the slate for a new year. All winter we're like bears in our cave, piling and saving and sleeping. I get sick of looking at it and go through a period when I totally hate my tiny little house, then I decide it will be great when I redo a room. This year it will be the dining room. We're also talking about enclosing the porch and knocking out the front wall to make a bigger living room. With a fireplace (but that won't be for awhile).

Kind of like writing and my brain. For a few months, since I finished grad school in December, I've had a hard time jumping back in to writing. I haven't wanted to do anything and anything that I did do came out flat and feeling...yucky. But with this burst of inspiration to clear out the clutter and make everything shiny comes the energy to finally start writing. I have found what my female main character ticks, and what she needs to accomplish. I'm reading instead of playing games on Facebook (well...we're working on that, anyway). I'm working on book promo, which has taken a big hit in the last few months. I even spent an hour going through my promo stuff and books on hand to see what I need for the FIVE events I am booked to this Spring. Making progress!

By the way, if you're interested in joining my Street Team and helping me get the word out about my book, ask to join the FB group and I'll add you. It's really easy stuff, and I pay in free stuff, exclusive Street Team swag, and first-looks at new book covers and material.

I've even opened a new binder on Scrivener with the title of the final Library of Athena book on it. I have hopes of finishing it by summer's end. I finally feel like I'm not spinning my wheels.

Spring Break is right around the corner. Time to clean out the clutter and get moving!