Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


I'm posting this from my other blog, because I'm so excited I want to tell everyone my good news.

It's here. The audio book for UNDER A PURPLE MOON. Thank you, L. Diane Wolfe, my publisher, for the audio edition of the novel. This is my first audio book, and I want to share my happiness with you, dear friends, so I'm giving away two audio copies.

Silver Award Winner in the 2016 Children's Literary Classics, teen category
Under a Purple Moon is a book about friendship, and in particular, about one young girl who comes to accept her own self-worth. Author Beverly Stowe McClure has done a splendid job depicting the wide and varied range of emotions experienced by Eden and her friends. Under a Purple Moon is a book which young readers will find to be very relatable.
CLC Reviews
Here's how the giveaway will work

 1.  Leave a comment on this blog saying whether you like audio books or not.

2.  Follow me on twitter.

3.  Follow me on my Amazon Page.

You earn one point for each thing you do. You can do one or two or three or none. Tell me in your comment how many points you've earned, and that's it. I'm giving away two audio copies. The giveaway will run through Jan. 31. Winners will be announced a few days later.

I'll write everyone's name that enters on strips of paper, one strip for each entry, put them in a basket, and my cat Patches will draw the winners. Don't laugh she's done it before.  If she's too tired, I'll use a random drawing.
Good luck.

It's winter where I live! Cold wind! Snow! Ice! Wait a second!
Right now, as I'm typing this, the temperature is 70 degrees.
A few rays of sunlight are breaking through the clouds.
Also a few drops of rain are falling from time to time.
This is winter? I'm not complaining, I love it.
The birds do too. Here are some recent visitors to my yard.
One afternoon, I looked outside and saw four cardinals in the yard. Knowing me, you can guess what I did. Yep, I got my camera and slipped quietly out the door. Three of the birds flew away. This little guy stayed so I could take his picture. Some people say that seeing a cardinal at a particular time in their life is a comforting signal from a deceased loved one. Whether this is factual or not, there is no doubt of the blessing received with a glimpse of a creature's beauty. Seven states have named the Cardinal their official bird.
Cardinals do not migrate. If you provide them cover and food, they will remain permanent residents. Their favorite food is black oil sunflower seeds.
I'm not sure what kind of woodpecker this is, but he was outside my writing room window one day. A second bird was in the tree too, but they were moving so fast, eating insects in the tree, that I couldn't keep up with them. Was lucky to get this shot. It's dark because the day was cloudy, and if the flash comes on through the window, there's just a blur.

Have any birds visited  you lately?

Don't forget to leave a comment for the giveaway.
Have a great week. Hope your weather is nice.
Happy Reading!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


December has arrived. This year is almost over. Where did the months go? To end on a note of fun, here's a forthcoming book that promises fun stories, sad stories, and a lot of others in between.

Of course, I love cats. I have two and Tiger, my tabby, has a story in this anthology.
If you're a dog lover, Chicken Soup for the Soul, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog is due out the same time as the cat book. Both anthologies will be released Feb. 9, 2016. I'm looking forward to reading the tales of our fur babies.
Here's my Tiger. I wonder what he'll think when I read him his story. I hope Patches isn't jealous.
Patches says she's the best Christmas gift.
Also, the publisher and I are having a giveaway at Good Reads for an unproofed print review copy of my YA Novel Under a Purple Moon, due out March 15, 2016. I'm making corrections now. There are a few. How did the editor and I miss them? Here's the link.
Happy Reading.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The title says it all. I write very slowly. At the rate I'm going, I'll have to live to be 400 to finish all the story ideas in my head and notes jotted down on paper. My major problem is, I can't just write. I have to correct spelling, punctuation, sentence fragments and other grammar stuff as I go along, instead of zipping through the first draft.

Do any of you writers have the same problem? If so, how do you overcome the obsession that the rough draft has to be correct? Of course, it won't be perfect even with all the corrections, and there still are revisions and more revisions in the future.

I keep hearing writers talk about "Fast Drafting" so I tell myself,  Mmm, maybe it will work for me. Since I had no clue how to "Fast Draft," I went Online to learn about it. Plenty of information is available. I now have a print out of eleven tips on how to do it. Tomorrow I become a speedy writer. No checking which verb is best to use, no writing details about the weather or houses or characters. Just the facts.  Don't stop to look a word up on the Internet,  just put something there and research it later. Write down my thoughts.

Yes, I'm motivated. No more taking years to write one story. Fingers crossed. If anyone has additional suggestions, please share.

Also, I'm celebrating 500 followers on my personal blog with a giveaway. Learn more here:

Happy Reading