Showing posts with label beware the little white rabbit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beware the little white rabbit. Show all posts

Monday, March 23, 2015

Beware the Little White Rabbit AND YA Scavenger Hunt are coming!!!

I think I totally forgot to post last month! So much going on, work, and real life, yanno. But Spring is coming, and that means I kick into high gear. TWO book releases in the next two months, and events to attend and plan, publicity to arrange....

After NOT having a book come out last year, I kind of feel like I've been in writer-hibernation. So I'm making up for it this year.

Beware the Little White Rabbit comes out from Leap Books on April 14. It's a YA anthology that celebrates the 150th anniversary of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.  I've seen some of the interior artwork (though not for my story, yet, boo!) and I cannot WAIT to get my hands on this thing and get print copies to take to events.

The other thing I'm involved in next month is the YA Scavenger Hunt. There are a ton of authors participating. Basically, you search the author's blogs, getting exclusive content and guest blog posts and looking for SOMETHING in the post. When you have the SOMETHING, you write it down. When you have ALL the SOMETHINGS, you enter to win a boatload of cool swag.

I am on Team Blue this year. I think there are something like eight teams, all different colors. Click the link for the YASH site and stay tuned-- it starts April 2!

I forget what I said I was giving away, but I think it was one copy of one of my books, OR a copy of A Curse of Ash and Iron  when it's released in May. I have to double check.

And try to keep up, because I'm off to the races!!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Beware the Little White Rabbit -- animated cover!

I can't believe it's been 12 days since someone posted here. I have to get more bloggers on board! But until then, dear readers, I have a little treat.

I had a story accepted to the Leap Book's anthology, BEWARE THE LITTLE WHITE RABBIT, celebrating the 150th anniversary of ALICE'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND. It will be out April 14th!

As  a little fun bonus, I have an animated version of the awesome cover! Enjoy!

Be sure to add the book to your Goodreads TBR list! 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Bye 2014...Hello 2015!!!

It's that time again...end of the year, where we all reflect on what happened over the last 365 days and look toward what we hope to achieve in the next 365.

2014 was pretty good to me. We were all in good health, no one had surgery or broke anything. We lost a few friends and family along the way, but overall the year was happy. I felt terrible when my book didn't come out when it was supposed to because the publisher closed. It was sad and upset my apple cart a bit, but...

There definitely have been worse years.

In 2014, I ...

-- Got a new job
-- Went to a convention I've never been to, in a state I've never been to
-- Hit most of my regular events and got to spend time with friends and con-family/writing-family!
-- Got a NEW book contract
-- Had a short story accepted into an Alice in Wonderland-themed anthology. Look for the official announcement and cover reveal later THIS WEEK!

So really not terrible.

2015 is already looking up, though. So far the plans look like this...

-- A CURSE OF ASH AND IRON will release in late Spring from Curiosity Quills. Cover coming soon!
-- BEWARE THE LITTLE WHITE RABBIT, the Alice anthology from Leap Books, will release in April
-- Hopefully can pull off hitting all my regular Spring events (Balticon, Maryland Faerie Festival, NJSCBWI conference)
-- Launch party!!!! (need to get working on that soon!)

We will be hitting the Magic Kingdom in July. My son's reward for four years of Honor Roll, and he's worked for it. Now that the holidays are over I need to get back to planning.

And hopefully I'll finish the other two books I'm working on in the meantime.

I have high hopes for this year, but it will be BUSY. I also joined a new gym, which will open in mid-January, and I must try and make time to actually GET there. I've been slacking off since the new job.

I hope you all had a great holiday season, and my wish is that all of you have a GREAT 2015!!