Showing posts with label Beverly Stowe McClure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beverly Stowe McClure. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 12, 2017


Welcome to Wednesday. I'm excited to share my latest news with you awesome readers. My YA novel, PRINCESS BREEZE, is on tour. In case you're interested, I've listed the links below where you can visit the fabulous hosts of the tour and learn more about me and my story. Scary thought, huh?

For months, Breeze Brannigan has heard nothing from Cam, the prince she met at school and who disappeared one night, without telling her goodbye. On the night, she graduates from middle school, however, he contacts her and invites her to visit Isla del Fuego, his home. Who could refuse such an invitation?          Breeze along with her whole family and best friends, Amy and Allison, soon sail to the island, where she and Cam renew their friendship. But danger lurks; a legend comes to life, and Breeze finds herself in the middle of a battle that can have one winner.
PRINCESS BREEZE is available at AmazonBarnes and Noble, and 4RV Publishing.
Here is the schedule. Hope to see you there.

July 10 – Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit – Guest Post
Mythical Books – Guest Post
Writers & Authors – Guest Post
Alex J. Cavanaugh – Guest Post
July 11 –
July 12 – Rockin’ Book Reviews – Review & Interview
July 13 – Stephanie Faris, Author – Guest Post
July 14- Mellow & June, It’s A Book Thang – Feature
July 17 – The Bookworm Chronicles – Excerpt & Feature
Celtic Connexions – Excerpt & Feature
July 18 –
July 19 – The Children’s & Teen Book Connection – Guest Post
Bound 2 Escape – Excerpt
Strand of Thought – Guest Post
July 20 –
July 21 – A Bluestocking’s Place – Excerpt
Reviews by Crystal – Excerpt
Deal Sharing Aunt – Review & Interview
August 1 – Writers & Authors – Interview
Happy Reading!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017


Hi, dear loyal readers. I hope you enjoy my post today. It's been awhile, but you know how life gets in the way and time passes. Anyway, I'm excited to share my good news with you. My YA novel PRINCESS BREEZE now has a cover. The awesome Aidana WillowRaven has created another great one.

Yep, the red head is back. Perhaps you met her in JUST BREEZE. I never planned to write a series or even a sequel. Remember, never say never. So, once again, Breeze is telling us her story.

Back cover blurb for PRINCESS BREEZE

For months, Breeze Brannigan has heard nothing from Cam, the prince she met at school who disappeared one night, without telling her goodbye. On the night she graduates from middle school, however, he contacts her and invites her to visit Isla del Fuego, his home. Who could refuse such an invitation?

Breeze along with her whole family and best friends, Amy and Allison, soon sail to the island, where she and Cam renew their friendship. But danger lurks; a legend comes to life; and Breeze finds herself in the middle of a battle that can have one winner.

PRINCESS BREEZE will be out any day now. I have no links, but soon, I hope.

This is the story that started it all.
Tween/teen contemporary novel

AMAZON and other places where novels are sold.

Beverly Stowe McClure bio

Most of the time, you’ll find Award-Winning Author Beverly Stowe McClure at her computer, typing stories young voices whisper in her ears.  When she’s not writing, she’s snapping pictures of wildlife, flowers, and clouds. She’s affectionately known as the “Bug Lady.” She’s not telling why. To relax she plays the piano. Her fur babies don’t appreciate good music and hide when she tickles the ivories.
Beverly is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. She also teaches a women’s Sunday school class at her church.

Visit Beverly at:

Twitter @beverlymcclure

Thank you for stopping by.

Happy Reading and Writing!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


Welcome Wednesday. I hope good things are happening in your life. Today, I'd like to share some thoughts with you. We'll start with this lovely quote.

You may  like this too, or not, but most everyone that knows me is aware of how much I love butterflies.  The Children's Literary Classics Awards designed a meme for me using my quote. See it below. Isn't it neat.
If you've read my YA novel Under a Purple Moon, you'll recognize the meme. The CLC also spotlighted me. If you need a laugh today, this ought to do it.

When I was teaching fifth-grade, we read Newbery honor books. Seeing how much my students enjoyed the stories, what great reports they did, sometimes even dressing like the main character, I started wondering what it would be like to write stories young people loved. So, I took a writing course and discovered that writing a novel was even better than reading one. That was almost 20 years ago, and I'm still writing.
A ballerina or an opera singer.
One day, a girl (I hear voices a lot) whispered in my ear that her mother criticized everything she did and all she wanted was her mother and father to love her. So, Eden's story was born, the story of a broken family and their struggles to find that elusive word: love.
You can read the rest of the spotlight here.
Watch for more news about UNDER A PURPLE MOON soon.
Happy Reading.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I'm cross posting this from my other blog at

Now that Thanksgiving is over and we survived the crazy shoppers and we've had our naps, it's time to start thinking about, yes, you got it, Christmas.

How about a hatful of books for the young readers you know.
Or maybe a stocking full for those cold snowy days to keep the kids entertained.
For more
 Visit me at AMAZON  BARNES  & NOBLE
and see what you like. Books make great gifts for older readers too.
Or, if you'd like a signed paperback of any of my books email me at Beverlysmcclure (at) aol (dot) com. Free shipping too, my gift to you.
Now I'll stop advertising. I think all the ads I read this past weekend have gone to my head.
It's taken awhile to write this because Tiger keeps interrupting me to play ball. Then Patches gets jealous and gives him her look that says she's gonna get him when he's not looking. Cats are so sweet.
Tiger wants to know who that kitty in the mirror is.
Doesn't Patches look like a terror? She does pick on Tiger.
She pretends like she just wants to sleep.
Happy Reading to You All!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


#InkRipples is a monthly meme created by Kai Strand, Mary Waibel, and Katie L. Carroll. They post on the first Monday of every month with a new topic. They're all authors, but you don't have to be to participate. (I'm cross posting this from my other blog because the past weeks have  been hectic.)

The idea of #InkRipples is to toss a word, idea, image, whatever into the inkwell and see what kind of ripples it makes. You can spread your own ripples by blogging about the topic any day of the month that fits your schedule, just be sure to include links back to Katie, Kai, and Mary.

Or you can simply share your thoughts on social media using the hashtag #InkRipples. You might comment on one of our posts to play along. Tag us and we're happy to share your posts and thoughts to keep those ripples going and intersecting.

There's no wrong way to do #InkRipples (with the exception of following basic human decency!) If this sounds interesting, please participate in whatever way you can. Feel free to use any of the meme's images (created by the wonderful Mary Waibel).

Topics for 2016:

May: Memories
June: Movies
July: Inspiration
August: Guilty Pleasures
September: Banned Books
October: Masks
November: Heritage
December: Cookies

My Memories
It's really strange that this month is "Memories." For quite a while now, I've been remembering the past, I mean way back, years ago. I don't know why these memories have been with me lately. I suppose there is a reason.
The first one is of my firstborn son who lived for only two days. For years I didn't think about him. I think it was easier not to. It hurt less. Then a few months back I had this urge to do something in his memory. My oldest son made a lovely heart shaped necklace with his name engraved on it. Also with the granddaughter's name, who is in Heaven too. I wear the necklace quite often. And I feel a closeness to them. They lived, if not for long, but I now have their memories in the form of a locket.
I wanted to do more. So I wrote a memoir, A Lullaby for David. A lot of things I don't remember, but writing this brought back memories I thought I'd forgotten. I'm glad I wrote it.
Then there's my latest book, loosely based on memories of my mother's childhood as an orphan and foster child. I've wanted to write this for years, but I knew so few of the facts. Mom never talked about those years. So parts of my story are true, parts are fiction. It's labeled as historic fiction. And you know what? I understand her better today, after researching the lives of the children that rode the Orphan Trains west.
Memories are good. But I think we need them at different times in our lives. When we're ready for them.
Do you have memories you love to recall? This meme is a good place to share them.
Happy Reading!

Available at:


If you'd like a PDF Review Copy, email me and I'll be happy to send you one.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I'm so excited today to share my latest news with you. CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL, MY VERY GOOD, VERY BAD CAT will be out February 9, 2016. Look what came to my house last week.

Patches is looking them over. I hope she's not disappointed she's not in the book.
Tiger's not interested in being a star. He'd rather play with the grocery sack.
Have you done anything new this year that you weren't sure how it would turn out? If so, how was it?
Are you glad you did it?
This year I've been brave and tried something new. I received a phone call asking if I'd be interested in doing a Podcast about my cat that's in the book. I wasn't even sure what a Podcast was (I know, I'm way behind in the technology field) but I thought it might be fun, so I said yes. A few days later, the phone rang and I talked about my cat to the President and CEO of the American Humane Association, who wrote a forward for the book. She was so nice and I really enjoyed talking with her. Now, I'm wondering how I'll sound on the interview. She interviewed a couple other authors in the anthology too. The show will be edited, so maybe I won't sound too bad. 
When Patches discovered she wasn't in the book, she decided to take a nap.
The cats say "Happy Reading!"

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


December has arrived. This year is almost over. Where did the months go? To end on a note of fun, here's a forthcoming book that promises fun stories, sad stories, and a lot of others in between.

Of course, I love cats. I have two and Tiger, my tabby, has a story in this anthology.
If you're a dog lover, Chicken Soup for the Soul, My Very Good, Very Bad Dog is due out the same time as the cat book. Both anthologies will be released Feb. 9, 2016. I'm looking forward to reading the tales of our fur babies.
Here's my Tiger. I wonder what he'll think when I read him his story. I hope Patches isn't jealous.
Patches says she's the best Christmas gift.
Also, the publisher and I are having a giveaway at Good Reads for an unproofed print review copy of my YA Novel Under a Purple Moon, due out March 15, 2016. I'm making corrections now. There are a few. How did the editor and I miss them? Here's the link.
Happy Reading.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

It's here, the cover for my forthcoming YA novel, UNDER A PURPLE MOON. Have you ever seen a purple moon? If not before, you have now.

This is beautiful.

No Love in the Garden of Eden...

Eden Rose has learned to deal with her mother’s criticism that she can do nothing right. What she can’t deal with are the arguments between her parents. To escape their angry words, she finds refuge in an old abandoned house. She always returns home, hoping her mother will love her one day, even though Eden’s not sure what the word love means.

Three other teens with problems also hang out at the Old House. Meeting Murphy, Toby, and Josh changes Eden’s world, and she begins to have faith in herself. Perhaps she can do something right, after all.

Thanks to the boys, she begins to understand the meaning of love. But will it be enough to save her broken home life?

Release date - March 15, 2016

$17.95 USA, 6x9 Trade paperback, 270 pages

Freedom Fox Press - Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.

Fiction/Young Adult - General (JUV000000) / Girls & Women (JUV014000)

Print ISBN 9781939844132 eBook ISBN 9781939844149

$4.99 EBook available in all formats

Author Bio:

Most of the time, you’ll find Beverly Stowe McClure at her computer, typing stories little voices whisper in her ears. When she’s not writing, she’s snapping pictures of wildlife, flowers and clouds. She’s sometimes known as the “Bug Lady.” She’s not telling why.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Are you a fast writer? Do you turn out one story after another, maybe several in one year? I know writers that do. Wish I could, but I'm slow. I mean really slooow. Take for instance the story I'm shopping around at the moment.

The story started out entitled SURVIVORS' CLUB. It's about four teens that help each other survive school and their families.

I started it in December of 2009. Yes, that was quite a while ago. Worked on it and worked on it.

My critique group read some of the chapters. Thank you, Cheryl, Beth, and Gail for your welcome comments and advice. Thank you, Kai, from another group for hanging in there with me and reading the whole thing, more than once.

So, month after month my characters led me along, sometimes telling me what to do, other times giving me silence and letting me figure out where they were going myself.

I typed. I revised. And finally decided I needed an expert eye to look the story over. I sent it to an editor for a critique. She went over the manuscript thoroughly. Boy, did she. Which is what I wanted her to do. Be honest. Be truthful. She evaluated each character, told me their strong points and also their weak points. She pointed out problems with the plot. The story I thought was perfect and ready to be submitted needed some adjustments.

In 2014, I started over. The characters were the same. I couldn't get rid of them because I really liked them. Each character's ARC was improved. Each one actually made a discovery about him/herself this time.

And, the title even changed. The old one just didn't seem right anymore. So SURVIVORS' CLUB became UNDER A PURPLE MOON.

I sent the story to a couple of publishers. One wasn't interested; the other one never replied.

I would not give up, because I really liked the story now. So I queried another publisher. They asked to see sample chapters. YAY! Of course, I knew that didn't mean a lot. But then, they wanted to see the whole thing. I took a breath. One step closer, but still facing reality.

They liked the whole story, but had a couple of suggestions. Ones that made good sense. I went back through the story, made a few changes, and sent the new version to them. Now, in September, 2015, six years after I started the story, I wait to see if it will be published. If they like it, wonderful. If not, I like it and will keep trying. Will let you know either way.

How about you? Are you a slow writer or a fast writer?

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015


Whether you love music or not, it may influence your writing.

When I write a story, I don’t always mention a particular song. Often though, I’ve heard or played a song on the piano that floats around in my head, and it seems to speak to me as I’m writing. SEALED WITH A KISS, from long, long ago, is one such song. Yes, I know, it’s outdated, but humor me. I enjoy the “old” songs because I understand them better than the “modern” music.

This song was a hit for several different singers, though not so much for the authors, at first. Later, it became quite popular. And as I wrote my YA contemporary novel, LIFE ON HOLD, in 2012, this song spoke to me. I thought of it often while telling Myra’s story.

Photo from Wikipedia

"Sealed with a Kiss" is a song written by Peter Udell and Gary Geld. It was first recorded by The Four Voices in 1960 and released as a single, but their recording was not a hit.

"Sealed with a Kiss" Single by The Four Voices B-side "You're All There Is" Released May 1960 Genre Pop Length 2:03 Writer(s) Peter Udell, Gary Geld

In 1962, Brian Hyland, who often performed Udell and Geld's material, covered the song. Hyland's single began its run on June 6, 1962 and became a hit, reaching No. 3 on both the Billboard Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart.[2] When re-released in 1975, Hyland's recording charted in the UK at No. 7.

One of my very first books, SECRETS I HAVE KEPT, the print edition published in 2006, the ebook much earlier, has music in it. Jennifer plays classical music on the piano. Casey writes country ballads for his guitar. This was so much fun to write. And opposites do attract. Sometimes.


Then there’s Elvis Presley. Young people today may not know him, but he insisted I include him in the story I’m now shopping around. How on earth could I mention a singer from so long ago and relate him to today’s readers? Good question. We’ll see if I accomplished the task, meaning if a publisher offers me a contract. Some of Presley’s first songs were MY HAPPINESS, THAT'S WHEN YOUR HEARTACHES BEGIN, I'LL NEVER STAND IN YOUR WAY.

Photo from Wikipedia

This has something to do with my latest story.

How about you? Does music influence your writing? Do you use popular songs or write your own or just mention titles?

Happy Reading

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


The title seems to be my life, my writing life anyway.

How long does it usually take you from the start of a new story to finishing to submitting and seeing it published? I realize some work will take longer than others, depending on the length, research, and so on.

I've been fortunate to have two MG stories published in the past four months. It's been a long journey for both of them however. I checked to see just how long and couldn't believe it. The novel published in September, 2014, was started in 2005. That's ten years ago. It was accepted by a publisher in 2007, I believe, and boy was I excited. I filled out all the information, the blurb for jacket cover and other things, and waited. And waited. And waited. And ... the publisher went out of business.

My fault. I should not have waited four years before doing something. But I really liked the publisher. They turned out lovely books. I wouldn't wait like that again. Yeah, right. I put the manuscript away and worked on other stories. Some were published.  I don't know why, but one day I pulled my old story out of the files. I still liked it, so I tried again. And ... it's now published, with a new title. It only took ten years.
4RV Publishing
I said I'd never wait that long again, but I did. A different publisher held my MG historical fiction for four years. I finally asked for the contract back. A Family for Leona will be published by 4RV Publishing this year, no date yet. The illustrator is working on the cover now.
There's one more. Yeah, I waited. On January 6, 2015, my MG contemporary, I Live in a Doghouse was published by MuseItUp Publishing. The same publisher that had my historical under contract also had this one under contract for four years too. I asked for that one back. And here it is.

I have no one to blame but myself. I have learned a lesson though. I need to have more confidence in  my work. It shouldn't lie on a desk or a shelf and be ignored. I won't get in a hurry, but I no longer will wait an unreasonable length of time. My characters get antsy. So do I.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Do you ever wonder if the stars are against you? Do you ever wonder if you're jinxed? In the world of writing, it's easy to think nothing will ever go right, at least for me. And then the magic happens. Usually when you least expect it. And then you grin and the world is right again.
I mentioned this story awhile back and am happy to announce that my MG/Tween contemporary novel, STAR OF THE TEAM, is officially published. It's available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Also, possibly at other places. I haven't checked yet.
A girl.
A dream.
An accident.
A dream shattered.
Eleven-year-old Kate Taylor dreams of being the star of her basketball team, Angels. When Kate's tooth is knocked out at one of the games, and her mother, who is also her coach, says she can't play until the tooth the dentist replants heals, Kate's dreams are in jeopardy. Add Emily, the new girl at school who claims she's the best, and Kate faces a challenge to prove that she is the star.
Will Kate succeed? Or will Emily ruin Kate's plans?
I'm happy to share my good news with you.
Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


From the time they’re born, we feed our children, bathe them, doctor their skinned knees, and love them. We drive them to school, ball practice and games, piano and dance rehearsal and programs. We congratulate them when they make good grades, if they win awards, and when they achieve their goals. We scold them for misbehaving. We encourage them when they have bad days. We listen to their troubles and complaints and offer our advice. They don’t always listen and sometimes go on their own way. We stand by to help them when needed.

As writers we do the same for our make-believe children. We nourish them from page one. We help them discover their good points and also their bad. We go along with them to that first school program and clap and shout “That’s my boy!” or “That’s my girl.” No doubt embarrassing them, if they were more than just characters on a page, but proud of their accomplishments, even the ones that surprise us. We hold their hands when their first love dumps them. We brush away their tears. We guide them as they grow and discover their place in the confusing world of their story, whether fantasy, science fiction, historical,  contemporary, or other.

It doesn't matter if our children/teens are flesh and blood or characters formed in our imaginations, they are our young ones. We love them. They may not always follow our plans and instead take off in their own direction. We support the choices they make, anyway, and hope they're the right ones. We give them our best advice and follow along on the journey they've chosen. Sometimes they find what they're looking for; other times they have to learn the hard way.

Even when their choices get them in trouble, we’re there, to hug and love them. For no matter what, they are our creations, both living and make believe. We send them out into the world and hope the world will be kind to them, and they’ll find love and happiness.

Our children and teens.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


When you’re writing a story do you ever feel like you’re climbing a mountain and you’ll never reach the top. Maybe not, but right now that’s me. In 2009, I started a historical novel set in 1780. For months I read books about the time period. Clothing, food, housing, the Revolutionary War, the Indians, and more. I watched movies of the time, clipped pictures and made a vision board of the people and how they lived. Surrounded by months of research, I started writing the story. About halfway through I decided it wasn’t turning out the way I envisioned in my mind. So I put it aside to think about and come back to later.

Other stories took the place of my historical. I even forgot about it. Then one day in 2014, I was digging through ideas for novels I had jotted down and found the typed pages for my story that I had never even given a title. It was a shame to waste all those months and reading so many books. Could I get it right this time? Maybe. Maybe not. I’d never know unless I tried.

A change of characters, along with new names, reading through the original draft and deciding what to keep and discard, and I gave the story a second try. It was moving along slowly, so I decided to try something new to speed things up. Fast drafting. That seems to be working. The story is still a long way from being “finished” but fast drafting is letting me write ideas down. There will be revisions, of course, but this time I think I know where I’m going. My characters are cooperating better too.
Little Wolf, one of the new characters, told me she wanted to be in the story. She couldn't believe I left her out of the original. Neither could I.

Maybe five years ago was not the time for this particular story. I hope 2014 is the year I reach the top of the mountain. I'm climbing the mountain, one step at a time. The view looks promising. Oh, the story has a title now. OVER THE MOUNTAIN. It just seems right.

Have you ever put a story aside and come back to it years later? If so, did it work out better the next time?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


The title says it all. I write very slowly. At the rate I'm going, I'll have to live to be 400 to finish all the story ideas in my head and notes jotted down on paper. My major problem is, I can't just write. I have to correct spelling, punctuation, sentence fragments and other grammar stuff as I go along, instead of zipping through the first draft.

Do any of you writers have the same problem? If so, how do you overcome the obsession that the rough draft has to be correct? Of course, it won't be perfect even with all the corrections, and there still are revisions and more revisions in the future.

I keep hearing writers talk about "Fast Drafting" so I tell myself,  Mmm, maybe it will work for me. Since I had no clue how to "Fast Draft," I went Online to learn about it. Plenty of information is available. I now have a print out of eleven tips on how to do it. Tomorrow I become a speedy writer. No checking which verb is best to use, no writing details about the weather or houses or characters. Just the facts.  Don't stop to look a word up on the Internet,  just put something there and research it later. Write down my thoughts.

Yes, I'm motivated. No more taking years to write one story. Fingers crossed. If anyone has additional suggestions, please share.

Also, I'm celebrating 500 followers on my personal blog with a giveaway. Learn more here:

Happy Reading

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Sometimes the writing life is exciting. New books coming out. Tours to take. Book Blasts for fun.
Sometimes writing is a lot of work. Drafting a new story. Revising an old one. Editing for the editor.
Then sometimes writing is waiting. Waiting for final edits. Waiting for a cover. Waiting for reviews, and so on and so on. Today, I'm in all of these stages.
Ah! What a life!
In the meantime, since my mind is on overload already, I'm cross posting a little more about the writing life from my BlogSpot, which I cross posted from the MuseItYoung and MuseItUp blog. Enjoy.
First, here's my desk where my creative mind goes to work. Or doesn't.

How I write!

I seldom make an outline. When a little voice whispers in my ear, telling me his/her story, I sit down at the computer and start writing. I let the character(s) show me the way. I ask them questions, and hopefully they give me answers. Sometimes I jot down what I think will happen next or in a later chapter. Sometimes the story happens that way; other times not.

I work better when I have a schedule. Since I usually write more than one story at a time, each day I plan which story to work on that day. On a yellow tablet I list my goals for the day. I do not always reach them. No problem. I circle the ones I did not accomplish to work on the next day.

Writing brings me joy. When the final two words, THE END, are written, I've accomplished my goal. Then the revisions start. In the meantime, I may be editing a forthcoming story for my editor. If that's happening, I set aside time to edit.

Writing is also stressful at times. When I spend all morning on one paragraph, and it still isn't right, frustration sets in. Time to put the story aside for another day. Also, waiting to hear on a submission can have me biting my fingernails. Does the publisher like the story? Does it stink? Should I give up and go back to teaching? All sorts of doubts about my ability as a writer surface.

Do I quit? No way. I suck in a breath and face my characters, hoping they have wonderful ideas for me today.

Happy Writing!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Read an E-Book Week is March 2nd through the 8th this year. Do you wonder how this event got started? Or perhaps you know. I had no idea, but I found this wonderful article at the Huffington Post that tells all about Rita Toews, the lady who came up with the idea. I think the article was written in a past year, but it still gives us the Story Behind “Read an E-Book Week.”

Another interesting article “How do E-Books Change the Reading Experience?” is found in the New York Times. Mohsin Hamid and Anna Holmes discuss how technology affects the way we read.

What’s your opinion? Do you enjoy reading E-Books, or do you prefer print books?

Print books, paperback or hardback, are still my favorites. There’s just something about curling up on the sofa or bed with a book in my hands and escaping into another time and place with delightful characters.

I also enjoy reading an E-Book on my iPad. The thing I like best about the E-Book is the fact they’re easier on my eyes than the print is. My vision is growing worse each day. I have cataracts, floaters, and I see flashes of light sometimes. The eReader is clearer because the print is larger and there is the lighted background.

Face Book has a page to join for Read an E-Book Week.

To get in the spirit of the week, I’m gifting a copy of one of my E-Books on Amazon to all that are interested. Your choice.

Listen to the Ghost:

Rebel in Blue Jeans:

Secrets I Have Kept:

Just Breeze:

Caves. Cannons, and Crinolines:

Life on Hold:

A Pirate, a Blockade Runner, and a Cat:

All you have to do is email me at Beverlysmcclure(at)aol(dot)com

Put free E-Book in the subject line. Tell me which book you want and your email, and the book will be on its way.