By: Cassandra Clare
Published By: Walker Books
Released: Available Now
Details: Paperback, 568 Pages
Blurb: Goodreads
BOOK REVIEW by Michelle:
“There are so many worse things than death,” he said.
“Not to be loved or not to be able to love: that is worse.”
I held off reading the last book in this trilogy purely because I didn’t want it to end. It ended whether I read it or not.
I finished the book this morning crying my silent tears next to my sleeping husband for fear of waking him up and having to explain myself, which I would not have been able to articulate.
I admit I cried during the book and the epilogue undid me completely.
For me it is the best epilogue I have read to date. It contained so much emotion and I was completely satisfied, if not a little shocked with what I read. I am so glad I didn’t read any spoilers about the epilogue and I do hope reviewers don’t spoil for others.
What can I say that hasn’t already been said about Clockwork Princess? Cassandra Clare is such a widely accepted author around the world, her story telling is addictive.
I love Will and I love Jem and what Cassandra did to the readers in this last instalment was both fitting and right.
Will and Jem have such a beautiful friendship and I was crushed reading this story, such a beautifully told last book. From the start, Jem’s illness was not something he wanted sympathy for.
“No,” Jem said softly. He drew his jacket aside and took a knife from the belt at his waist. “Don’t be ordinary like that. Don’t say you’re sorry. Say you’ll train me.”
Jem was sitting up straight, his eyes blazing. “There is more to living than not dying,” he said. “Look at the way you live, Will. You burn as bright as a star.”
Jem looked at him with some wonder. “ Just when I think I know you perfectly, you surprise me again. Yes, I will free you.”
I am steering clear of mentioning any story line. I simply loved Will and Jem’s touching moments.
“All my life, since I came to the Institute, you were the mirror to my soul. I saw the good in me in you. In your eyes alone I found grace. When you are gone from me, who will see me like that?”
I did not see that epilogue coming and I LOVE how Cassandra finished off this trilogy, it was such a beautiful, sad and shocking epilogue, it twisted me up and brought deep sadness for the trilogy’s ending.
A truly fitting ending to The Infernal Devices trilogy that had me missing all the characters greatly the second I read the last words on the page, and yet my mind couldn’t help wandering towards the future.
I am even more excited to know I can read more about that epilogue on Cassandra’s page.
After The Bridge can be found HERE