The situation in America seems to be becoming less tolerant than that. Of course, terrorism has become the new neurosis. But
there have been a number of cases recently of investigation of citizens
for espionage or inappropriate use of position or ‘exceeding
authority’, etc, when what they have actually done is shed some light on
the hidden activities of the administration. This smacks a little of
authoritarianism, if not guilt. I
do believe that there should be some limits on such revelations, but I
also think we should know what our democratically elected
representatives are actually doing. This illiberal trend certainly
won’t help the case of Bradley Manning. I don’t expect him to be given the death sentence, but I don’t suppose the ‘no criminal intent’ defence will get him off either.
this country, at another level, we had the fascinating period of the
super-injunction, when celebs (mostly footballers it seemed) would
obtain a court order preventing anyone (usually the press and a woman
they’d shagged) from saying anything in public about their nefarious
activities. The justification
was that disclosure would harm their family life, as though it was the
whistleblower that caused the harm, rather than the shagger himself. What was really interesting was that the press were not even permitted to reveal that a super-injunction had been granted. That too was secret. I think all that has stopped now. But, who knows? I haven’t been told.
of these cases sort of came to court the other day, when the subject of
a super-injunction had to apologise for words spoken about the object
of a super-injunction. We’re not allowed to know that there was a super-injunction of course. Isn’t the law wonderful?! So
we’re not to know the name of the footballer (or it might have been a
film star or a politician) who was granted the super-injunction, but
because he said some disparaging words about the alleged object of the
super-injunction, he was taken to court and had to apologise publicly,
even though there might not have been a super-injunction. Are
you with me so far? In court, the shaggee was known as ‘CTB’ to
protect her identity and the shagger was known as ‘RJG’ to protect his
family. After the case, Imogen
Thomas made a public statement outside the court saying that she was
relieved (which was probably the point of the alleged incident in the
first place) and vindicated, but of course couldn’t say who she was or
what she was relieved about. The press then reported the whole story
with the real names of those involved (since there is no injunction on
this subsequent case). Well, at
least secrecy was maintained, the super-injunction wasn’t broken and
Ryan Giggs name didn’t come out as the shagger in the woodpile.
We have also seen the US military withdraw from Iraq. No
secrecy was involved here of course, but one interesting outcome of all
the secrecy that had gone before was that the military had signally
failed to win over hearts and minds, which, as we all know, is the
second most important role of the military overseas. The debate about whether we should have invaded Iraq or whether the cost was worthwhile I leave to history. But,
since they have been in Iraq, the US has improved electricity
generation and transmission, improved irrigation and drainage and
increased the amount of land under agriculture, created a new sewage
collection and treatment system, increased civil aviation capacity and
upgraded airports, repaired the fibre-optic network and built a new
telephone exchange, increased oil production and reduced import
dependence, built prisons, barracks, entry points, and equipped and
trained the military, security forces and police, not to mention
establishing local administrative committees and democratic elections. It’s not perfect, but it’s not a bad state to leave the country in.
But somehow this information has not permeated down to the Iraqi population. If there’s one thing that needed not to be kept secret, surely it was this. Now's
the chance to get Wikileaks to leaflet the population. Ask any Iraqi
what they think about the US withdrawing and they will say ‘good
riddance’, ‘they didn’t do anything for us, except maybe kill my
brother’, ‘things were better under Saddam’, etc. What a waste. All that expense and cost and all that has been created is resentment and maybe hatred. If ever there was a need for whistleblowers! Or at least blowing one’s own trumpet. Or is it tooting one’s own horn?