Anyway, we met up at The George in Alfriston. I have mentioned this village before; it has a population of less than 800, but boasts an almost unspoilt mediaeval High Street, including three pubs. This is the 15th century post office. The windows are a modern addition (18th century).

This is the oldest building, The Star, built in the 14th century, but not made an inn until the 16th century.

It used to be used by smugglers, hence the old ship's figurehead outside. And below is The Smugglers, which I assume was so named to distract the authorities from The Star. It was built 10 years later than The Star and, similarly, was not an inn for a 100 years or so.

I think the silly present name was added quite recently. We went to the oldest pub in Alfriston, The George. This was built as an inn in the 16th century.

This is the main bar.

We enjoyed all the usual festive stuff - pheasant, venison, linguine (can't remember why we had that now), fish and chips, etc. A jolly good time was had by all and we all liked the figgy pudding.