Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vacation. Show all posts


Pondering Placidity and Kick or Treat

Two poems in forms to face different storms.

Pondering placidity

Perhaps placidity is a far cry from passivity. Maybe it’s just a pause for a petite parcel of peace.

Pondering placidity

If peace is a river, then why are we tossed?
Like leaves in the current, we’re whirled, double-crossed.
I crave to be colorless, vapid, and bland –
If just for a moment. You must understand.
Undoubtedly, soon I would rise up and stretch.
I’d bring back my bouncy. My fervor I’d fetch.

We crowd, elbows jammed, as our times flow too fast.
Our joys are forgotten, our troubles broadcast.
Each shore that’s adjourning the spot where I stand
May be solid ground, but it’s not close at hand.
I wonder, how long till we come to a rest?
Perhaps it is time to put faith to the test.
c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:

31 Days of Poetry and Writing: If He were to take your lips and fill them with His messages, what would they say? (23)
ABC Wednesday: “P” Day
Meme Express: “on solid ground”
OctPoWriMo: “undoubtedly” (23)
Simply Snickers: “spot,” “stand,” and “stretch”
Three Word Wednesday: “vapid,” “adjoining,” and “bouncy”
Write 31 Days Challenge: What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day? (23)


Kick or treat – A tanka for the prank-a

Halloween still looms.

Decorations placed with care.

Mischief makers strike.

Down come the festive flounces.

Can we eat the candy now?

c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:

Weekly Tanka Challenge: “decorations” and “pumpkins”

Still from Speedy – Directed  by Ted Wilde - 1928
Halloween artwork – public domain
31 Days logo – created by this user,
including public domain artwork.

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Breaking camp: Nature fit or moonlit split?

“We can never have enough of nature.”
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

Breaking camp: Nature fit or moonlit split?

I’d pitch a fit before a tent,
For camping’s not my bag.
And hey, now, campfires’ smoky scent
My sinuses does drag.

‘Neath stars above with outback’s sound,
Strong is the draw for friends.
But sleeping roll on cot or ground,
No restful slumber lends.

As creatures buzz and growl and hoot,
I shudder in my spot.
Determined nature to salute,
Resilient I am not.

Though powerful its beauty shows,
Distinct its wonders hold,
The forceful wilderness, it knows
I’m left out in the cold.

No pioneer of rugged bent,
Of comforts I’ll not brag.
I’d pitch a fit before a tent,
For camping’s not my bag.
c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem was posted in response to these prompts:

31 Days of Poetry and Writing: Write about a place beyond home where you woke up. (12)
31 Writing Prompts: What do you think of when you see a fire? (12)
Meme Express: “hey, now”
Meme Express: “sleeping”
OctPoWriMo: “strong” – with “resilient,” “powerful,” “distinct,” “forceful,” and “determined” – POET’S CHOICE (12)

Adapted from public domain image –
Vintage photo
31 Days logo – created by this user,
including public domain artwork.

Feel free to follow on Google Plus and Twitter. Please visit my Amazon author page as well.


Reach for the beach: A-Z verses from vintage visages

Reach for the beach
(A limericked run on a form that needs sun)

Hey, weatherman! Sound the alarm!

I don’t wish to cause any harm.

But we’ve been locked in

For months, and this skin

May anyone’s vision disarm.

Oh, baby, my feathers are riled,

My temper lost like rowdy child.

The season is ripe;

To raise richer hype

And rush straight for reaches gone wild.

My limbs, they are paler than chalk,

Enough to make little ones squawk.

I’ll waddle the sand

Until I am tanned,

And issue this mantra, “Bock! Bock!”
c2016 by Linda Ann Nickerson

This poem was posted for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge and National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo), as well as these prompts:

Daily Post: “locked”
Little Things Thursday: beach photo/s
Meme Express: “riled” and “rowdy”
One-Minute Writer: “lost”
Simply Snickers: "rich,” “raise,” and “ripe”
Theme Thursday: “locks”
Thursday Challenge: “straight”
Writer’s Workshop: “baby”

Public domain photo –
 vintage image

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