Showing posts with label Best & Bester. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best & Bester. Show all posts

Sunday, July 07, 2024

July 2024 on Nickelodeon CEE: KCA 2024 | SpongeBob | Transformers: EarthSpark 2

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for July 2024!

Patrick Star and SpongeBob SquarePants who is holding a Kids' Choice Awards Blimp trophy

More Highlights:
About Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) International and this guide: The Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) pan-regional feed is available in available in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Servia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Africa and Turkey. All times CET, please check local listings for localised air times. Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar).

NickALive! has a active Mapping Planet Nickelodeon side project, which aims to detail which country gets what feed. If you can help, let me know!

--- This July, Nickelodeon International will be airing:

- 2024-07-17 17:00 - premiere
- 2024-07-18 10:00 - encore
- 2024-07-20 10:10 - replay

-- Brand new episodes of SpongeBob SquarePants season 14:

- 2024-07-22 10:00 14x03a BassWard (Bubicsáp)
- 2024-07-23 10:00 14x03b Squidiot Box (Polipálmok)
- 2024-07-24 10:00 14x04a Blood Is Thicker Than Grease (Vér nem válik zsírrá)
- 2024-07-25 10:00 14x04b Don't Make Me Laugh (Ne nevettes!)
- 2024-07-29 10:00 14x07a PL-1413
- 2024-07-30 10:00 14x07b In the Mood to Feud (A zselécsata)
- 2024-07-31 10:00 14x08a Mooned!

"SpongeBob SquarePants" is locally titled "SpongyaBob Kockanadrág" in Hungary, "SpongeBob Pantaloni Pătraţi" in Romania, "SpongeBob Schwammkopf" in Austria and Switzerland, and "SpongeBob Kanciastoporty" in Poland.

- 2024-07-06 16:30 2x01 Aftermath (Utóhatás) - season two premiere
- 2024-07-07 16:30 2x02 In Ruins (Romokban)
- 2024-07-13 16:30 2x03 Control Alt Delete (Törlésre ítélve)
- 2024-07-14 16:30 2x04 The Butterfly Effect (Szivárvány felhők)
- 2024-07-20 16:30 2x05 Togetherness (Összegabalyodás)
- 2024-07-21 16:30 2x06 Spitfire (Méregzsák)
- 2024-07-27 16:30 2x07 The Impoosters (A beépülők)
- 2024-07-28 16:30 2x10 Dude Where's My Trailer

"Transformers: EarthSpark" is locally titled "Transformers: FöldSzikra" in Hungary and "Transformers Earth Spark" in Romania, and "Transformers: Wszech-Iskra" in Poland.

-- Leaving and Returning Shows:

-- Game Shakers
- Last Airing: 2024-07-01 04:35

-- Best & Bester
- First Airing: 2024-07-02 03:50

Monday, September 25, 2023

September 2023 on Nickelodeon CEE: Hunter Street | Monster High | Big Nate | EarthSpark | Best & Bester

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for September 2023!

Transformers: EarthSpark

More Highlights:

About Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) International and this guide: The Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) pan-regional feed is available in available in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Servia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Africa and Turkey. All times CET, please check local listings for localised air times. Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar).

NickALive! has a active Mapping Planet Nickelodeon side project, which aims to detail which country gets what feed. If you can help, let me know!

--- This September, Nickelodeon International will be airing:

-- A brand new Hunter Street special:

- 2023-09-12 00:55 1x21 Clued In: A Hunter Street Special

"Hunter Street" is locally titled "Hunter Street: Kölykök póráz nélkül" in Hungary and "Misterul Familiei Hunter" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Monster High:

- 2023-09-04 17:00 1x09 Out of Step / Pyramid Scheme
- 2023-09-05 17:00 1x10 What's Up Watzie? / So Familiar
- 2023-09-06 17:00 1x11a Crushed
- 2023-09-07 17:00 1x11b Over-Brotective
- 2023-09-08 17:00 1x12a Hororscare
- 2023-09-10 17:25 1x12b Flaunt Your Skeleton
- 2023-09-11 17:00 1x12b Flaunt Your Skeleton
- 2023-09-12 17:00 1x13a Creepover Party
- 2023-09-13 17:00 1x13b Creature Clash
- 2023-09-14 17:00 1x14a Monster Movie
- 2023-09-15 17:00 1x14b Earworm

-- Brand new episodes of Big Nate:

- 2023-09-10 11:30 1x13 Ghostly Coven of Man Witches (Titkos boszorkányszövetség)
- 2023-09-19 16:30 1x18 Kindness Wars (Szívesség háború)
- 2023-09-20 16:30 1x21 Six-Tween Candles (Kaotikus szülinap)
- 2023-09-21 16:30 1x24 Bro-king Up Is Hard To Do (Szerelem vagy barátság?)
- 2023-09-22 16:30 1x23 Nate in Shining Armor (Noki, a csillogó páncélú lovag)
- 2023-09-25 16:30 1x26 The April Fool (Április bolondja) - season one finale

"Big Nate" is locally titled "Profi Noki" in Hungary and "Marele Nate" in Romania.

-- A brand new episode of Best & Bester:

- 2023-09-01 16:00 1x26 One Better Day - Part 1 / One Better Day - Part 2 - finale

"Best & Bester" is locally titled "Szipi és Szuper" in Hungary.

-- Brand new episodes of Transformers: EarthSpark:

- 2023-09-09 12:00 1x16 Warzone (Villámháború)
- 2023-09-10 12:00 1x17 Home Pt. 1 (Hazai pálya, első rész)
- 2023-09-16 12:00 1x18 Home Pt. 2 (Hazai pálya, második rész)
- 2023-09-17 12:00 1x19 A Stygi Situation (Dínóm-dánom)
- 2023-09-23 12:00 1x20 Disarmed (Hatástalanítás)
- 2023-09-24 12:00 1x21 What Dwells Within (Mélyen lenn)
- 2023-09-30 12:00 1x22 Prime Time (Erő legyen velünk!)

"Transformers: EarthSpark" is locally titled "Transformers: FöldSzikra" in Hungary and "Transformers Earth Spark" in Romania.

Monday, August 21, 2023

August 2023 on Nickelodeon CEE: Rugrats S2 | Middlemost Post S2 | Best & Bester | Kamp Koral S2

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for August 2023!

Rugrats season 2

More Highlights:

About Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) International and this guide: The Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) pan-regional feed is available in available in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Servia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Africa and Turkey. All times CET, please check local listings for localised air times. Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar).

NickALive! has a active Mapping Planet Nickelodeon side project, which aims to detail which country gets what feed. If you can help, let me know!

--- This August, Nickelodeon International will be airing:

-- Rugrats (2021) season two:

- 2023-08-14 15:00 2x01 Chuckie in Charge / Crossing the Antarctic (Chuckie, a főnök / Át az Antarktiszon) - season 2 premiere
- 2023-08-15 15:00 2x02 Tooth or Share / Moon Story (Fogzol, vagy osztozol / Mese a Holdról)
- 2023-08-16 15:00 2x03 Ancient Treasure / Snake in the Grass (Ősi kincsek / Kígyó a fűben)
- 2023-08-17 15:00 2x05 The Kid / Little Daddy (A gida / Kispapa)
- 2023-08-18 15:00 2x06a Le a cumisüveggel! (Bottles Away)
- 2023-08-18 15:15 2x08a The Blob from Outer Space (Plötyi a világűrből)
- 2023-08-21 15:00 2x08b The Chop (A kurtítás)
- 2023-08-21 15:15 2x09a Tommy the Giant (Tommy, az óriás)
- 2023-08-22 15:00 2x09b Nanny Pip (Csip dadus)
- 2023-08-23 15:00 2x10a Sir Spike
- 2023-08-24 15:00 2x10b Rattled (Csörgök)
- 2023-08-25 15:00 2x11a Reptar Day! (Raptor nap)
- 2023-08-27 08:25 2x04 Tot Springs Showdown (Leszámolás Tot Springsben)
- 2023-08-28 15:00 2x12b Flamingo Dance (Flamingós tánc)
- 2023-08-29 15:00 2x12a Miss Match (Párfárasztók)
- 2023-08-30 15:00 2x13b Tossed and Found (Eldobált tárgyak osztálya)
- 2023-08-31 15:00 2x13a Baby Talk (Gagyogás)

Note - Nickelodeon CEE is skipping several episodes of "Rugrats" season one, and, due to their content, a few episodes of season two.

"Rugrats" is locally titled "Fecsegő tipegők" in Hungary and "Gașca Rugrat" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years:

- 2023-08-28 15:15 1x25a Taste of Defeat
- 2023-08-29 15:15 1x25b Scaredy Squirrel
- 2023-08-30 15:15 1x26a Hats Off to Space
- 2023-08-31 15:15 1x26b In a Nut's Shell - season 1 finale

"Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years" is locally titled "Korall tábor: SpongyaBob alsós évek" in Hungary and "Tabăra Coral: Cu Spogebob Minimarin" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Middlemost Post season two:

- 2023-08-01 15:00 2x09a The Gift of the Mech Suit (Ajándék géptestnek...)
- 2023-08-02 15:00 2x10b Closed for Cocooning (Bábozódás miatt zárva)
- 2023-08-03 15:00 2x10a Summer Santa (Nyári Mikulás)
- 2023-08-04 15:00 2x11b Fear and Loathing in Yellow Springs (Félelem és reszketés Sárga Üregben)
- 2023-08-07 15:00 2x12a The Gift of the Mech Suit (Pam és Lekvár)
- 2023-08-08 15:00 2x12b Inside Angus (Angus bendőjében)

"Middlemost Post" is locally titled "Middlemost posta" in Hungary, and "Poșta Pe-aproape" in Romania.

-- A brand new episode The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj (channel premiere):

- 2023-08-06 17:10 1x02 Out of the Loop / A Dog Gone Problem (Időzavarban / Kutyabaj)

"The Twisted Timeline of Sammy and Raj" is locally titled "Sammy és Raj: Kavar az idővel" in Hungary and "O cronologie neașteptată cu Sammy și Raj" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Best & Bester (channel premieres):

- 2023-08-01 16:00 1x03 The Big Game / Get Your Skate On (A nagy meccs / Görkorcsolyát fel!)
- 2023-08-02 16:00 1x04 Get Shirty / This Solves Nothing (Ingben gatyában / Ez nem old meg semmit!)
- 2023-08-03 16:00 1x05 Rock-a-Bye Besty / Shake or Break (Testvér altató / Turmix vagy semmi)
- 2023-08-04 16:00 1x06 Tenta-Flakes / Boss Level (Tinta-pehely / Ki a főnök?)
- 2023-08-07 16:00 1x07 Stage Struck / Ball Count (A beugró / Labdaszámlálás)
- 2023-08-08 16:00 1x08 Bucket Pants / A Best Too Far (Vödör gatyó / A nagy csata)
- 2023-08-09 16:00 1x09 Spoiler Alert / Something Fishy (Szpojler riadó / Haldorádó halbár)
- 2023-08-10 16:00 1x10 Fair Share / Power Plant (Testvéries elosztás / Az égig érő virág)
- 2023-08-11 16:00 1x11 Best Fwends / The Trivialist Pursuit (Legjobb barátok / A vérre menő társas)
- 2023-08-14 16:00 1x12 Bad Eggs / Out of Bounds (A rossz tojás / Tiltott területen)
- 2023-08-15 16:00 1x13 Robo Stomp / Wood You? (A robot tánc / Kip-kop)
- 2023-08-16 16:00 1x14 Chess-a-pult / Smart & Smarter
- 2023-08-17 16:00 1x15 Mugshot / Taken to the Cleaners
- 2023-08-18 16:00 1x16 In the Sky / Best Buddies
- 2023-08-21 16:00 1x17 Donut Disturb / The Cursed Amulet
- 2023-08-22 16:00 1x18 That's so Cupid / Buddy Odour
- 2023-08-23 16:00 1x19 Fight of Flight / Employee of the Month
- 2023-08-24 16:00 1x20 Stuck Inside / Long Overdue
- 2023-08-25 16:00 1x21 Animal Hearts / Beast & Beaster
- 2023-08-28 16:00 1x22 Rocky the Vote / One Star Hotel
- 2023-08-29 16:00 1x23 That Sinkhole Feeling / Like a Brother
- 2023-08-30 16:00 1x24 Funny Money / Shaking Bad
- 2023-08-31 16:00 1x25 Pulling Power / Home Security

"Best & Bester" is locally titled "Szipi és Szuper" in Hungary.

Nickelodeon Asia - Big Nate - New Episodes Promo (August 2023)

NickToons CEE (Polish) - Big Nate - New Episodes Promo (August 2023)

Der Sommer Sonnige Marathon Promo 5 August 2023 nickelodeon Austria/ Schweiz

Napfényes nap-maraton (2023. július, 3. változat) | Nickelodeon

augusztusi; Middlemost-hegy; évadzáró.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Summer on Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!

Saturday, July 15, 2023

July 2023 on Nickelodeon CEE: ALVINNN S5 | Sammy & Raj | Best & Bester | Middlemost Post

Below is a round-up of Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe's (CEE) programming highlights for July 2023!

More Highlights:

About Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) International and this guide: The Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) pan-regional feed is available in available in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Servia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Africa and Turkey. All times CET, please check local listings for localised air times. Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar).

NickALive! has a active Mapping Planet Nickelodeon side project, which aims to detail which country gets what feed. If you can help, let me know!

--- This July, Nickelodeon International will be airing:

-- Brand new episodes of ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks season five:

- 2023-07-03 15:00 5x20a Mr. Lou
- 2023-07-04 15:00 5x20b Love Song
- 2023-07-05 15:00 5x21a Bubble Wrap
- 2023-07-06 15:00 5x21b Chess Mate
- 2023-07-07 15:00 5x22a A Knight's Tail
- 2023-07-10 15:00 5x22b The Lifeguard
- 2023-07-11 15:00 5x23a Dreambomber
- 2023-07-12 15:00 5x23b Run Aimee Run
- 2023-07-13 15:00 5x24a Theo vs Simon
- 2023-07-14 15:00 5x24b Scarecrow-ner
- 2023-07-15 15:00 5x25a Game House
- 2023-07-18 15:00 5x25b The Underground
- 2023-07-19 15:00 5x26a The Dinner
- 2023-07-20 15:00 5x26b The Tour - season 5 finale

"ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks" is locally titled "ALVINNN!!! és a mókusok" in Hungary, "Alvinnn!!! şi veveriţele" in Romania, "Алвин и Катеричоците" in Bulgaria, and "Alvinnn!!! a Chipmunkové" in the Czech Republic.

-- A brand new episode of Middlemost Post season two:

- 2023-07-31 15:00 2x09b Worst Curse Scenario (Átok legyen veletek!)

New episodes continue in August 2023!

"Middlemost Post" is locally titled "Middlemost posta" in Hungary, and "Poșta Pe-aproape" in Romania.

-- The brand new show The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj (channel premiere):

- 2023-07-03 16:00 1x01 Birthday Do Over / Chore Time (Szülinap újratöltve / Házimunka) - series premiere
- 2023-07-04 16:00 1x03 Sofa so Good / So Much Drama (Kanapé-majré / Drámai belépő)
- 2023-07-05 16:00 1x04 Going Clubbin’ / Totally Board (Parti-harcok / A világot jelentő deszka)
- 2023-07-06 16:00 1x05 Invader Dim / Getting Heated (Várat a Mars / Égető szükség)
- 2023-07-07 16:00 1x06 Bollyweird / The Spied Who Bugged Me (Bollyfuri történet / A kém, aki ingerelt engem)
- 2023-07-10 16:00 1x07 No Bones About It / Childish Antics (Csont nélkül / Kisded játékok)
- 2023-07-11 16:00 1x08 Snow Way to Win / Causing Treble (Hóból is megárt a sok / A zajkeverő)
- 2023-07-12 16:00 1x09 Bad Business / Anniversorry (Rossz üzlet / Fordulatos évforduló)
- 2023-07-13 16:00 1x10 A Very Rocky Rakhi/The Back Up Plan (Egy rizikós rakhi / Biztonsági mentés)
- 2023-07-14 16:00 1x11 Wake Me Up Before You Hugo Go / Hoaxus Pocus
- 2023-07-17 16:00 1x12 Clean Machine / I Scream For Live-Stream
- 2023-07-18 16:00 1x13 Diwali Folly / Well Toiled Machine
- 2023-07-19 16:00 1x14 Scout it Out / Better Luck Next Time
- 2023-07-20 16:00 1x15 Not So Secret Valentine / Sammy & Raj's Day Off
- 2023-07-21 16:00 1x16 Game Overlord / Holi Moli
- 2023-07-24 16:00 1x17 Family is No Picnic / The Undefeated Sammy Dynamite
- 2023-07-25 16:00 1x18 For Good Treasure / A Clean Breakout
- 2023-07-26 16:00 1x19 Ghouls Wanna Have Fun / The Bitter Taste of Success
- 2023-07-27 16:00 1x20 Wedding Daze Part 1 / Wedding Daze Part 2 - season 1 finale

"The Twisted Timeline of Sammy and Raj" is locally titled "Sammy és Raj: Kavar az idővel" in Hungary and "O cronologie neașteptată cu Sammy și Raj" in Romania.

-- The brand new show Best & Bester (channel premiere):

- 2023-07-31 16:00 1x01 Cactus Sitting / Disaster of Hole 2 (Kaktusz szitterek / Katasztrófa a kettes lyuknál) - series premiere
- 2023-07-31 16:25 1x02 Get the Hump / Sing For Your Supper (A púp a tét / Énekeld össze a vacsorátl)

"Best & Bester" is locally titled "Szipi és Szuper" in Hungary.

Nickelodeon Poland - The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj - New Show Promo (#3, July 2023)

Nickelodeon Poland (English) - The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj - New Show Promo (#3, July 2023)

Die Verzwickten Zeitreisen von Sammy und Raj Promo 3 Juli 2023 nickelodeon Austria/Schweiz

Sommer Sonnigen Marathon Promo - Juli 2023 (Nick Austria)

Die verzwickten Zeitreisen von Sammy und Raj Promo 2 - Juli 2023 (Nick Austria)

Napfényes nap-maraton (2023. július) | Nickelodeon

Sammy és Raj: Kavar az idővel: új sorozat (2023. június, 3. ajánló) | Nickelodeon

Sammy és Raj: Kavar az idővel: új sorozat (2023. június, 2. ajánló) | Nickelodeon

Best & Bester Promo Juni / Juli 2023 nickelodeon Austria / Schweiz

Nickelodeon Poland - Best & Bester - New Show Promo (#1, July 2023)

Best & Bester Promo - Ab 31. Juli 2023 (Nick Austria)

Demnächst kommt Tyler Perry's Young Dylan Spot (Nick Austria)

Danger Generations Marathon Promo July 2023 nickelodeon OSN (English)

Der Danger Generations Marathon Promo Juli 2023 nickelodeon Austria/Schweiz

Nickelodeon Poland - Danger Generations Marathon - Promo (July 2023)

“El Lado Positivo” Special (Especial) | Summer (Verano ☀️) | Jul 2023 | Nickelodeon Spain (España)

Promo of the special "El Lado Positivo" of Nickelodeon Commercial Light (Spain).
“El Lado Positivo” airs Monday to Friday: 
🇫🇷🇪🇸: 15:00 (GMT+2) 
     🇵🇹: 14:00 (GMT+1) 

Júliusi; Nickelodeonra; Nicktoons-os; augusztusban; évadzáró; új sorozat, csatornapremier; évadnyitó; Alviiin! és a mókusok.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon International News and Highlights!

Friday, July 07, 2023

July 2023 on Nickelodeon Benelux

Below are Nickelodeon Benelux's highlights for Nickelodeon channels in the Netherlands (Nederland), Belgium (België) and Flanders (Vlaanderen) for July (Juli) 2023 (article in Dutch/Nederlands)!

Juli op Nickelodeon Benelux
We hebben deze maand weer geweldige shows voor jullie klaarstaan! 🤩🔥 #MyNick

Jouw Favoriete Cartoons
ma t/m vrij
03/07 t/m 1/09
8:15 & 16:00 uur

ma t/m vrij
03/07 t/m 20/07
15:00 uur

De Geflipte Tijdlikn Van Sammy & Raj: Nieuwe Show!
ma t/m vrij
03/07 t/m 28/07
16:00 uur

ma t/m vrij
29/07 - 27/08
12:30 & 19:30 uur

ma t/m vrij
31/07 - 10/08
15:00 uur

ma t/m vrij
31/07 - 01/09
16:00 uur

Nickelodeon Netherlands - The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj - New Show Promo (July 2023)

Meer Nick: Nickelodeon maakt winnaars Kids' Choice Awards 2023 bekend!

Originally published: July 07, 2023.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon Benelux News and Highlights!

Thursday, May 18, 2023

May 2023 on Nicktoons CEE: The Smurfs S2 | SpongeBob | Best & Bester

Below is a round-up of Nicktoons Central and Eastern Europe's programming highlights for May 2023!

More Highlights:

About NickToons CEE and this guide: NickToons Central and Eastern Europe is available in Hungary, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, and Poland, and more. Based on NickToons Hungary's schedule. All times CET, please check local listings for localised air times. Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar).

Please note that air dates may differ for Nicktoons Global, which is available in Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Russia, Adria countries (Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia), Turkey, Arabia, and across Asia.

NickALive! has a active Mapping Planet Nickelodeon side project, which aims to detail which country gets what feed. If you can help, let me know!

--- This May, Nick Toons Global will be airing:

-- The Smurfs season two:

- 2023-05-22 15:15 2x01 Say Smurf for the Camera!/Manners Matter (Mondd szépen, törp! / Fő a jómodor) - season 2 premiere
- 2023-05-23 15:15 2x02 The Guest Who Wouldn't Leave/Where's My Smurfway? (A lerázhatatlan vendég / Hol a törpgurim?)
- 2023-05-24 15:15 2x03 The Talented Justa Smurf/Smurf, Yes Smurf! (A tehetséges Csakegytörp / Igenis, törpöm!)
- 2023-05-25 15:15 2x04 Mommy's Masterpiece/A Thief Among Us! (Banyuci remekműve / A tolvaj köztünk van)
- 2023-05-26 15:15 2x05 Ogre Love (A szerelmes ogre)
- 2023-05-29 15:15 2x06 Back to Nature/Okey-Dokey! (Hív a természet / Oké-zsoké)
- 2023-05-30 15:15 2x07 Smurfy Magic Duel/Doctor Brainy & Mister Dumb (Varázslópárbaj / Doktor Okoska és Mr Hajdebamba)
- 2023-05-31 15:15 2x08 Shell Game/Blossom Goes Wild! (Csiga galiba / Törpvirág megvadul)

"The Smurfs" is locally titled "Hupikék törpikék" in Hungary and "Ştrumfii" in Romania.

-- A brand new episode of SpongeBob SquarePants:

- 2023-05-17 11:00 13x11 Squidferatu / Slappy Days (Dratunya / Virgonc virgonckodik)

"SpongeBob SquarePants" is locally titled "SpongyaBob Kockanadrág" in Hungary and "SpongeBob Pantaloni Pătraţi" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Best & Bester:

- 2023-05-01 15:15 1x14 Chess-a-pult / Smart & Smarter
- 2023-05-02 15:15 1x15 Taken to the Cleaners / Mugshot
- 2023-05-03 15:15 1x16 In the Sky / Best Buddies
- 2023-05-04 15:15 1x17 Donut Disturb / The Cursed Amulet
- 2023-05-05 15:15 1x18 That's So Cupid / Buddy Odour
- 2023-05-08 15:15 1x19 Fight or Flight / Employee of the Month
- 2023-05-09 15:15 1x20 Stuck Inside / Long Overdue
- 2023-05-10 15:15 1x21 Animal Hearts / Beast & Beaster
- 2023-05-11 15:15 1x22 Rocky the Vote / One Star Hotel
- 2023-05-12 15:15 1x23 That Sinkhole Feeling / Like a Brother
- 2023-05-15 15:15 1x24 Funny Money / Shaking Bad
- 2023-05-16 15:15 1x25a Pulling Power
- 2023-05-17 15:15 1x25b Home Security
- 2023-05-18 15:15 1x26a One Better Day - Part 1
- 2023-05-19 15:15 1x26b One Better Day - Part 2 - finale

"Best & Bester" is locally titled "Szipi és Szuper" in Hungary.

Monday, May 15, 2023

May 2023 on Nickelodeon Africa

It may be too hot for physical adventures, but Nickelodeon Africa is bringing all the fun to your screens this May. Join your new and favourite characters for villain busting, world exploring and so much more in action-packed new seasons and episodes. No matter your age, there’s an adventure waiting for you. Here’s a sneak peek of what’s in store.


Enjoy more from the Spyders Premiere of new episodes that run until Friday, 12 May at 17:00 WAT on Nickelodeon Channel 305 on DStv and Channel 62 on GOtv. This action-packed show follows a team of super-powered spiders aka undercover agents working together to save their city from evil villains. With genius plans and sweet trickery, these teens are outsmarting even the smarter villains.

So join them as they take on their most dangerous missions.

The Tidal Zone Stunt

Nothing’s better than a little action in Bikini Bottom, so, join your favorite yellow sponge and all his friends for a great time in the tidal zone.

Catch the premiere of the brand new SpongeBob SquarePants Universe crossover special with Kamp Koral and The Patrick Star Show on Nickelodeon Channel 305 on DStv and Channel 62 on GOtv only on Sunday, 21 May at 10:30 WAT.

Follow That Sponge Stunt

It’s time to play “follow the leader” with the Bikini Bottom locals. There’s a marathon coming your way this May with hilarious antics from SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs and the usual mischief makers.

Get set for a whole month of laughter and fun every weekday from Monday, 22 May to Friday, 23 June at 15:00 WAT only on Nickelodeon Channel 305 on DStv and Channel 62 on GOtv.

The Patrick Star Show

Dive further into the interesting mind of the most popular seastar in Bikini Bottom and the world, duh. With all new episodes of The Patrick Star Show, you get to fall more in love with the craziness of the Star family.

The episodes will air only on Nickelodeon Channel 305 on DStv and Channel 62 on GOtv every weekday from Monday, 29 May to Friday, 9 June at 15:00 WAT.


Nickelodeon shows viewers favourite characters in virtual adventure!

What’s better than living in the coolest universe ever? It’s being able to change your body every day and having a bestie who can too.

Follow the misadventures of Best and Bester as they get to experience life a new way every day. Watch the new episodes every weekday from Monday, 1 May to Friday 19 May, at 14:00 WAT. The fun never stops on Nicktoons Channel 308 on DStv and Channel 69 on GOtv.

Calling all adventurers; there are new Transformers in town. Check out this whole new generation of Transformers robots called Terrans, the first Transformers robots to be born on Earth. Together with the humans who welcome them in and care for them, they’ll redefine what it means to be a family.

Watch the captivating episodes every weekday from Monday, 15 May to Friday, 26 May at 15:30 WAT on Nicktoons Channel 308 on DStv and Channel 69 on GOtv.

SpongeBob and Friends Stunt

Bikini Bottom presents Spongebob and Friends! Enjoy more antics of SpongeBob, Patrick Star and all the others in the May edition of Spongebob and Friends stunt.

Enjoy the undersea fun from Monday, 29 May to Friday 23rd June, every weekday at 16:00 WAT only on Nicktoons Channel 308 on DStv and Channel 69 on GOtv.

Nick Jr.

Hang on for the ride, the monster truck gang is about to go on many blazing adventures. Join the 8-year-old AJ and Blaze, his monster truck, as they kick villain butt while tackling science and math’s problem.

Catch the marathon and premiere on Saturday, 20 May and Sunday, 21 May at 03:15 WAT, 11:00 WAT, 15:15 WAT and 23:00WAT respectively. Then enjoy more new episodes every weekday from Monday, 22 May to Friday, 26 May 03:15 WAT, 07:45 WAT,11:20 WAT, 15:15 WAT, 19:45 WAT and 23:20 WAT on Nick Jr. Channel 307, DStv.

This May, tune in to Nick Jr. to treat yourself to an ultra-special Paw Patrol stunt session. With all new pups and grand missions, it’ll be action packed and full of fun for everyone.

Enjoy the stunt shows on Saturday, 6 May and Sunday, 7 May at 01:00 WAT, 07:15 WAT, 13:00 WAT and 19:15 WAT only on Nick Jr. Channel 307 DStv.

On Nick Jr., it’s raining all new episodes of Baby Shark’s Big Show this month! Join Baby Shark and the fam as they sing and dance their way through fun learning.

Get set to jump and sing with all the fun episodes every weekday from Monday, 29 May to Wednesday, 31 May, at 03:45 WAT, 08:30 WAT, 15:45 WAT and 20:30 WAT on Nick Jr. Channel 307 DStv.

Things Peppa Pig Loves Stunt

It’s a big world around us and Peppa Pig is on a journey to discover her favourite things. From cake to blackberries, join Peppa as she discovers all her new favourite things this May.

Catch all the marathon episodes on Nick Jr. Channel 307, DStv, on Saturday, 13 and Sunday, 14 May at 01:45 WAT, 07:45 WAT, 13:45 WAT and 19:45 WAT.

Nicktoons Africa continuity

Nicktoons South Africa Continuity 5/15/23

during NickMusic Africa now airing the casagrandes

DStv Imagination Station - For The Coolest Kids😎 | DStv

Originally published: May 03, 2023.

Original news: PM News.

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Easter on Nickelodeon Africa News and Highlights!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Nicktoons Global to Premiere New 'Best & Bester' Episodes From May 1

Nicktoons Global will start to premiere new episodes of Best & Bester from Monday 1st May 2023!
Nicktoons Global is available in Germany, Russia, Adriatic countries (Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia), Turkey, Arabia, and across Asia.

Nicktoons (Global) - Continuity (April 17, 2023) (Dutch)

Channel: Nicktoons
Country: Netherlands
Audio: Dutch

Best & Bester Täglich Promo nicktoons Germany (Global) May 2023

NickToons Global (Croatian) - Best & Bester - New Episodes - Promo (May 2023)

Follow NickALive! on Twitter, RedditInstagramFacebookGoogle NewsTumblrvia RSS and more for the latest Nickelodeon International, Nicktoons Global and Best & Bester News and Highlights!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

March 2023 on Nickelodeon Latin America

Below are Nickelodeon Latin America's (Latinoamérica) programming highlights for March (Marzo) 2023! Post in en Español.



Prepárate para otro gran mes con el mejor contenido de Nickelodeon con el estreno de The Twisted Timeline of Sammy & Raj, una serie que sigue a un par de primos-hermanos, Sammy y Raj, mientras viajan en el tiempo y se abren camino con una misteriosa aplicación que altera el tiempo.

También en marzo se estrena la película Snow Day, una reinvención musical de la adorada película de comedia clásica que sigue a un grupo de niños que descubren que todo es posible cuando se rompen las rutinas y se toman riesgos gigantes. 


Los hermanos Hal y Natalie descubren que todo es posible cuando un sorpresivo blanqueamiento invernal les ofrece la oportunidad de romper con la rutina y asumir grandes riesgos. Hal decide perseguir a su enamorada, Claire, mientras que Natalie desafía al malhumorado quitanieves del pueblo. A tu familia le espera una ráfaga de diversión con Snow Day, una reinvención musical de la querida película de comedia clásica.

La película se estrenará el domingo 5 de marzo (simultáneamente en Nickelodeon y Paramount+) 4:00pm ARG | 5:00pm COL | 6:00pm VEN | 7:00pm MÉX y CHI.


Con una misteriosa app que altera el tiempo en la punta de sus dedos, dos primos que juegan con el tiempo y se abren paso a una gran cantidad de hazañas escandalosas que hacen reír a carcajadas y aventuras que distorsionan la realidad.

Conoce esta nueva serie, desde 13 de marzo a las 3:00pm BRA | 3:30pm MÉX-COL | 4:30pm VEN | 5:00pm ARG y  5:30pm Chile, con nuevos episodios lunes a viernes.

Nuevos episodios

Best y Bester, sigue a dos gemelos curiosos que pueden transformarse en un nuevo cuerpo todos los días mientras intentan descubrir qué es lo mejor que pueden ser en el mundo.

Siguen los nuevos episodios desde este 4 de marzo a las 8:00am COL | 9:00am MÉX-BRA-VEN | 10:00am CHI y 6:30pm ARG.

Nuevos episodios

Sigue a Ronnie Anne, una niña independiente y aventurera de 11 años que explora la vida de la ciudad con su gran familia mexicana-estadounidense multigeneracional en estos nuevos episodios.

Siguen los nuevos episodios desde este 4 de marzo a las 9:00am COL | 10:00am VEN | 11:00am CHI | 3:00pm MÉX y 8:00pm ARG.

Nuevos episodios

Big Nate llega con nuevos episodios cada lunes durante todo el mes, a las 12:30pm COL | 1:30pm VEN | 2:30pm CHI | 4:00pm BRA | 5:00pm MÉX y 7:30pm ARG.

Nuevos episodios

En estos nuevos episodios, encontrarás a la familia Loud embarcándose en aventuras aún más salvajes llenas de corazón y humor, que incluyen musicales, celebraciones de cumpleaños, reuniones con los Casagrande y travesuras con todos los adorables personajes que habitan en Royal Woods.

Disfruta durante 1 semana, desde el 6 de marzo, de nuevos episodios lunes a viernes a la 3:00pm COL | 4:000pm VEN | 5:00pm CHI | 6:00pm BRA | 7:00pm ARG-MÉX.

Nuevos episodios

Los hermanos Robby Malto, de 13 años, y Mo Malto, de 9 años, desencadenan la creación de nuevos Terran Transformers nacidos en la Tierra. Gracias a un artefacto antiguo y misterioso, esta creación los une física y emocionalmente a los bots de una manera única, cambiando sus vidas para siempre.

Los nuevos episodios se emitirán todos los sábados, desde este 4 marzo, a las 2:00pm COL | 2:30pm ARG | 3:00pm VEN | 4:00pm CHI | 5:00pm BRA y 7:00pm MÉX.

Martes 7 de marzo

El martes 7 de marzo se transmitirán la 36º entrega de los Kids´Choice Awards US, KCA es el único espectáculo que da a los niños el poder de votar por sus favoritos en películas, televisión, música, deportes y mucho más, desde las 7:30 pm MÉX | 8:30 pm COL | 9:00pm BRA | 9:30pm VEN | 10:30 pm CHI y 10:30 pm ARG.


Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 2023 on Nickelodeon Brazil

Below are Nickelodeon Brazil's (Brasil) programming highlights for February (Fevereiro) 2023! Post in Brazilian-Portuguese (Português do Brasil):



Chegam Novas Temporadas De Spyders E LEGO City Adventures E Novos Episódios Big Nate, Patrulha Canina, Baby Dino, Os Casagrandes E Best E Bester: Cada Forma Uma Aventura

SÃO PAULO, FEVEREIRO DE 2023 -- Em fevereiro, Nickelodeon e Nick Jr. se preparam para trazer muita animação para as telinhas com novas temporadas de LEGO City Adventures e Spyders. Além de episódios novinhos em folha de: Big Nate, Patrulha Canina, Baby Dino, Os Casagrandes, Best e Bester: Cada Forma Uma Aventura e mais!Além dessas novidades, a Nick exibirá o Especial Dia de Irritar o Lula Molusco. No dia 15, a Nick vai celebrar em grande estilo o Dia de Incomodar o Lula Molusco com uma seleção especial de episódios em que o Lula Molusco fica irritado, exibida ao longo da programação

Confira todas as novidades abaixo:


Estreia: segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro, às 17h.
Em uma cidade construída sobre diversão, amizade e travessuras, uma improvável equipe de policiais e bombeiros trabalha duro para preservar a paz e a tranquilidade.

Estreia: segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro, 21h30.
Novos episódios: de segunda à sexta-feira, às 21h30.

Os Spyders retornam à reserva de Belleview para encontrar um criminoso misterioso que espalha secretamente amebas tóxicas que estão destruindo rapidamente todas as plantas em seu caminho. Então, os Spyders pedem a um biólogo local para criar um pesticida orgânico que possa impedir o desastre iminente. Mas quando o problema persiste, eles descobrem uma verdade chocante por trás do envenenamento em massa.

Estreia: segunda-feira, 6 de fevereiro, às 16h
Novos episódios: toda segunda-feira, às 16h.

BIG NATE, conta com novas histórias originais centradas em Nate, um garoto que tem uma necessidade sem fim de provar sua grandiosidade para o mundo. Seja lidando com desastres em casa ou com a detenção na escola, Nate Wright se vê desafiado. Felizmente, ele é capaz de se expressar por meio do mundo dos desenhos animados que cria. Encantador, travesso e um ímã para aventuras -- as encrencas são sempre divertidas quando Nate está por perto.

Estreia: sábado, 4 de fevereiro às 9h.

Esta série de animação conta a história de Best e Bester, dois melhores amigos que vivem uma nova aventura todos os dias e têm a capacidade de se transformar em qualquer coisa uma vez por dia... Já imaginou o que você seria se pudesse se tornar qualquer coisa?

Exibição: sábado, 4 de fevereiro às 13h.

Acompanhe Ronnie Anne, uma menina independente e aventureira de 11 anos explorando a vida na cidade com sua grande família mexicano-americana multigeracional nesses novos episódios.

Novos episódios: todas quartas-feiras, às 20h.

Bob Esponja e seus amigos vivem grandes aventuras em um acampamento de férias. Eles constroem fogueiras, caçam águas-vivas, exploram a natureza e criam fortes laços de amizade.


Estreia: sábado, 04 de fevereiro, às 10h.
Novos episódios: todo sábado, às 10h.

A série retrata Chef, um personagem herbívoro, que apresenta e cozinha novas receitas de pratos à base de plantas do mundo todo, em sua casa na árvore. Cada episódio mostra diferentes ingredientes, alimentos e pratos de Chef com a ajuda de seus amigos: Olly, um robô que trabalha firmemente com Chef ajudando na preparação dos pratos; Ruby, a querida lagarta mascota de Chef, amiga e dona de um apetite ilimitado; Henry, um caracol leal e carinhoso que se move lentamente e revela o prato do dia; e Stump Band, a banda da casa, composta por garfo, espátula e colher.

Estreia: segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro, às 16h.
Novos episódios: de segunda a sexta-feira, às 16h.

Comemore o 10º aniversário da franquia mais amada de Nick Jr. e junte-se a TODOS os seus filhotes favoritos em novos episódios durante toda a semana.


Saturday, February 18, 2023

February 2023 on Nickelodeon Latin America

Below are Nickelodeon Latin America's (Latinoamérica) programming highlights for February (Febrero) 2023! Post in en Español:



Prepárate para un mes de mucha diversión en Nickelodeon, ya que a lo largo del mes de febrero siguen los con nuevos episodios de Big Nate, Kamp Koral, Los Casagrande, LEGO City Adventures, Best y Bester, El Taller de Josué y de la nueva temporada de Spyders.

Big Nate trae nuevos episodios cada semana durante todo el mes, a partir del 6 de febrero, cada lunes, a las 12:30pm COL | 1:30pm VEN | 2:30pm CHI | 4pm BRA | 5pm MÉX | 8:30pm ARG.

Los Spyders regresan a la reserva de Belleview para encontrar a un misterioso criminal que está esparciendo en secreto amebas tóxicas que están destruyendo rápidamente toda la vida vegetal a su paso. Los Spyders le piden a un biólogo local que cree un pesticida orgánico que pueda detener el desastre inminente. Pero cuando el problema persiste, descubren una verdad impactante detrás del envenenamiento masivo.

Disfruta de más nuevos episodios desde el 6 de febrero, con nuevos episodios lunes a viernes a las 5pm COL | 6pm VEN | 7pm CHI | 9:30 pm MÉX-BRA.


Best y Bester, sigue a dos gemelos curiosos que pueden transformarse en un nuevo cuerpo todos los días mientras intentan descubrir qué es lo mejor que pueden ser en el mundo.

Cada sábado, a partir del 4 de febrero, se estrenará un nuevo episodio a las 8am COL | 9am VEN-BRA | 10am CHI | 11am MÉX | 6:30pm Argentina.


Sigue a Ronnie Anne, una niña independiente y aventurera de 11 años que explora la vida de la ciudad con su gran familia mexicana-estadounidense multigeneracional en estos nuevos episodios.

De igual forma, cada sábado, a partir del 4 de febrero, se estrenará un nuevo episodio a las 9am COL | 10am VEN | 11am CHI | 1pm BRA | 3pm MÉX | 8pm Argentina.


Kamp Koral es un campamento para los niños de Fondo de Bikini. ¡Es el lugar ideal para que Bob Esponja, Patricio y Arenita, de 10 años hagan nuevos amigos, vivan aventuras épicas y vuelvan completamente loco a Calamardo, el consejero adolescente del campamento!

Disfruta de un nuevo episodio todos los miércoles a las 4pm MÉX-COL | 4:30pm ARG | 5pm VEN | 6pm CHI | 8pm BRA.


En estos nuevos episodios, aprenderás a reutilizar muchos elementos de tu hogar, para crear asombrosas cosas como un lanza-pasteles, divertidos personajes, una chaqueta súper original y hasta un sensacional palo de lluvia.

Disfruta de un nuevo episodio todos los sábados, a la 1:30 pm BRA | 3:30pm MÉX | 4pm COL | 5pm VEN | 6pm Chile, y los viernes a las 4:45pm en Argentina.

Como cada mes, llega un nuevo episodio del Nick’s Talk Show presentado por Luis de la Rosa, que se estrenará el 24 de febrero a las 1:30pm MÉX | 8:30pm COL | 9:30pm VEN | 10:30pm CHI | 11pm ARG.


En una ciudad basada en la diversión, la amistad y las travesuras, un peculiar equipo de policías y bomberos trabaja duro para preservar la paz y la genialidad.

Desde el 6 de febrero, se estrenarán nuevos episodios de lunes a viernes a las 3pm COL | 3:15pm ARG | 3:30pm MÉX | 4pm VEN | 5pm CHI-BRA.


Friday, January 27, 2023

January 2023 on Nicktoons CEE: Best & Bester | Kamp Koral | Middlemost Post | Big Nate

Below is a round-up of Nicktoons Global's programming highlights for January 2023!

More Highlights:

January 2023 on: Nickelodeon Central and Eastern Europe | TeenNick Europe | Nick Jr. Global

About NickToons Global and this guide: NickToons Global is available in Central Eastern Europe, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia and more. Based on NickToons Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) schedule. All times CET, please check local listings for localised air times. Unless otherwise noted, localised episode titles are Hungarian (Magyar).

NickALive! has a active Mapping Planet Nickelodeon side project, which aims to detail which country gets what feed. If you can help, let me know!

--- This January, Nick Toons Global will be airing:

-- The brand new show Best & Bester:

- 2023-01-09 16:15 1x01 Cactus Sitting / Disaster of Hole 2
- 2023-01-10 16:15 1x02 Get the Hump / Sing For Your Supper
- 2023-01-11 16:15 1x03 The Big Game / Mugshot
- 2023-01-12 16:15 1x04 Get Shirty / This Solves Nothing
- 2023-01-13 16:15 1x05 Rock-a-Bye Besty / Shake or Break
- 2023-01-16 16:15 1x06 Tenta-Flakes / Boss Level
- 2023-01-17 16:15 1x07 Stage Struck / Ball Count
- 2023-01-18 16:15 1x08 Bucket Pants / Get Your Skate On
- 2023-01-19 16:15 1x09 Spoiler Alert / Something Fishy
- 2023-01-20 16:15 1x10 Fair Share / Power Plant
- 2023-01-23 16:15 1x11 Best Fwends / The Trivialist Pursuit
- 2023-01-24 16:15 1x12 Bad Eggs / Out of Bounds
- 2023-01-25 16:15 1x13 Robo Stomp / Wood You?

"Best & Bester" is locally titled "Szipi és Szuper" in Hungary.

-- Brand new episodes of Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years:

- 2023-01-30 15:20 1x14 Help Not Wanted / Camp Spirit (Nem keresünk kisegítőt / Táborszellem)
- 2023-01-31 15:20 1x15 Hill Fu / Sun's Out, Fun's Out (Mucsa-fu / Süt a nap)

"Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years" is locally titled "Korall tábor: SpongyaBob alsós évek" in Hungary.

-- Brand new episodes of Middlemost Post:

- 2023-01-02 15:45 2x09a Gift of the Mech Suit (Ajándék géptestnek...)
- 2023-01-03 15:45 2x09b Worst Curse Senario (Átok legyen veletek!)
- 2023-01-04 15:45 2x10b Closed for Cocooning (Bábozódás miatt zárva)
- 2023-01-05 15:45 2x10a Summer Santa (Nyári Mikulás)
- 2023-01-06 15:45 2x11b Fear and Loathing in Yellow Springs (Félelem és reszketés Sárga Üregben)
- 2023-01-09 15:45 2x11a To Narwhal, With Love (Narválnak szeretettel)
- 2023-01-10 15:45 2x12b Inside Angus (Angus bendőjében)
- 2023-01-11 15:45 2x12a Pam & Jelly (Pam és Lekvár)

"Middlemost Post" is locally titled "Middlemost posta" in Hungary, and "Poșta Pe-aproape" in Romania.

-- Brand new episodes of Big Nate:

- 2023-01-16 17:20 1x15 Big Freeze (A nagy fagy)
- 2023-01-17 17:20 1x16 The Curse of the Applewhites (Az Applewhitek átka)
- 2023-01-18 17:20 1x11 'Til Death Do We Rock (Mindhalálig Rock)
- 2023-01-19 17:20 1x12 Randy's Mom Has Got it Going On (Randy anyja bekavar)
- 2023-01-20 17:20 1x17 The Thing That Wouldn't Leave (Amit nem veszített el)
- 2023-01-23 17:20 1x09 Best Laid Cell Plans
- 2023-01-24 17:20 1x10 Game Over
- 2023-01-25 17:20 1x14 The Future is Fuzzy

"Big Nate" is locally titled "Profi Noki" in Hungary and "Marele Nate" in Romania.

January 2023 on Nickelodeon Arabia

Paramount+ to stream all four “Indiana Jones” movies this January

Middle East - This new year, Paramount continues to thrill its loyal fans with the debut of new shows and seasons, which will be exclusively available on OSN and OSN+.

The Paramount+ channel will kick off 2023 with the release of all four “Indiana Jones” movies, including Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984), Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989), and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008). For longtime fans of Indiana Jones and Harrison Ford, this is an excellent opportunity to revisit the series and for newcomers to witness and enjoy the complete adventures of everyone’s favorite archaeologist.

Viewers can completely immerse themselves in the Indiana Jones universe as the movies begin streaming on the platform on January 8th.


“Underemployed,” MTV’s new scripted dramedy about five friends – Sophia, Daphne, Lou, Raviva, and Miles – destined to succeed as they graduate college and enter the real world, will stream on January 1st. As their master plan for dominating the world doesn’t go as planned, the show follows how the five friends try to stay optimistic despite dead-end jobs, terrible bosses, romantic mistakes, and significant life changes.

The entertainment doesn’t cease with Paramount+ as a slew of movies is on their way to OSN, including Out of Office (January 1st), Adventureland (January 1st), Goat (January 15th), and Black Snake Moan (January 15th).

With their own programming lineup to keep the audience amused, Nickelodeon’s networks are not far behind.

Exciting new adventures and hilarious hijinks await in all-new seasons of Nickelodeon’s hit live-action-comedy series Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan.” The show follows Dylan’s life as his grandmother realizes raising him is too much for her, so she sends him to live with her affluent son Myles Wilson, Yasmine and Rebecca and Charlie. The Wilson family household is soon turned upside down as lifestyles clash between rising hip-hop star Young Dylan and his straight-laced cousins. Premiering on January 8th, season three of Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan will follow Dylan as he continues his pursuit of stardom.

With NickToons’ brand-new show Best and Bester,” the weird and wonderful realities of BETTERVALE will soon become available at homes across the region on January 9th. People in this world are not born to moms and dads., instead, they are hatched from the mysterious EGGSISTENCE MACHINE and are transformed into distinctive bodies. Multihyphenate best-buddies-twins-duo, Best and Bester, have a unique ability – they are “nobodies” in a town where everyone is “hatched” into a body that represents them. A surprising, smart and spirited buddy comedy, the series is an embodiment of the notion that anyone can be whatever they want to be (literally), and that the best thing to be, is yourself.

The premium content of Paramount is enjoyed by a global audience on a multitude of platforms. Globally, we reach billions of people through our studios, networks, streaming services, live events, merchandise, and much more. Our studios create content for all audiences, across every genre and format, while our networks and brands forge deep connections with the world’s most diverse audiences. In streaming, our differentiated strategy is scaling rapidly across free, broad pay, and premium.

Paramount brands are available on OSN, the region’s leading premium entertainment content company, with most of the content available for streaming on OSN+. 

OSN+ can be accessed online and via iOS and Android apps. The service costs USD 9.5/- per month and includes a 7-day Free Trial, stream now at


Hit Live-Action-Comedy series “Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan” returns to Nickelodeon with a new season

The season three premiere of the show will debut on January 8th exclusively on OSN and OSN+

Exciting new adventures and hilarious hijinks await in all-new seasons of  the hit live-action-comedy series “Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan.” Premiering on Nickelodeon exclusively on OSN and OSN+ on January 8th, season three of Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan will follow rising hip-hop star Dylan as he continues his pursuit of stardom.

The season three premiere episode of Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan, “How to Catch a Scammer,” is a crossover that follows Dylan and Lay Lay as they are duped into buying fake designer clothing and must team up to track down the scammer. The series will air from Sunday to Thursday at 06:10 PM KSA / 07:10 PM UAE.

American comedy television series, “Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan,” follows Dylan as his grandmother realizes she can’t raise him anymore, so she sends him to live with her affluent son Myles Wilson. However, the Wilson family household is soon turned upside down as lifestyles clash between hip-hop mogul-in-training Young Dylan and his strait-laced cousins. Accompanying Dylan in his quest for music greatness is his uncle Myles (Carl Anthony Payne II), aunt Yasmine (Mieko Hillman), grandmother Viola (Aloma Lesley Wright), cousins Rebecca (Celina Smith) and Charlie (Hero Hunter), and Rebecca’s best friend Bethany (Jet Miller).

Tyler Perry’s Young Dylan is executive produced and created by Tyler Perry. Scott Taylor and Wesley Jermaine Johnson are Co-Executive Producers, with Angi Bones, Will Areu, Carmen K Jones, and Mark E. Swinton serving as producers.

Paramount brands are available on OSN, the region’s leading premium entertainment content company, with most of the content available for streaming on OSN+. 

OSN+ can be accessed online and via iOS and Android apps. The service costs USD 9.5/- per month and includes a 7-day Free Trial, stream now at


The nickelodeon All Stars with That Girl Lay lay Promo January 2023 nickelodeon OSN (Audio mix)

Nickelodeon Arabia - Continuity (January 26th, 2023)

Nickelodeon Arabia - Continuity (Ferbuary 01st, 2023) [English Audio]

Nickelodeon MENA Short Continuity (English Audio) (01/01/2023)

After "The Casagrandes" and before "Big Nate"

Nickelodeon Arabia | Continuity | DEC 22 - JAN 23

Originally published: January 03, 2023.

Paramount Middle East and North Africa (MENA) press release via Digital Studio Middle East.

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