Friday, November 10, 2006

Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL) Smacks Down the Local CAIR Director

In a truely remarkeble "Dear Ahmed" letter, Florida Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite basically told the Executive Director of CAIR in Tampa to shove his complaints where the sun-don't-shine. This letter is truely worth the read and should be circulated all over the net. Brown-Waite has just made my heros list.

Dutch to ban Muslim veils


  1. Joe: I agree, this Congress Lady's facial on these Muslim shakedown artists is classic. Score one for the good guys!
    CAIR is the PR wing of the Islamo-savages who want Americans to submit to their intimidation. I and others will not submit.
    Take that, Ahmed!
    F. Garvin, Esquire

  2. WELL SAID. Stick that up your water pipe and smoke it Ahmed.


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