Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Pathological Insanity. Even Stalin and Hitler Would be Blushing:

This is what is happening on American TV news these days. Literally, pathological insanity of the kind that would make even Stalin blush. Please watch this little segment from MSNBC and ask yourself if this seems normal?

And notice Chris Matthew saying "yeah" in the background.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Big Polluting Newspaper Gets Government Tax Bailout

Washington State Democrats have decided to extend tax cuts to left wing newspapers. Technologically speaking it’s kind of like extending tax cuts to horse-buggy manufacturers in 1909 in the face of growing competition from the auto industry, only it’s much worse because the horse-buggy manufacturers were not in a position to promote the political agenda of a certain political party.

What makes this stink even more is that, in effect, they are also extending tax cuts to some of the worst polluters on the planet. Newspapers need trees chopped down for paper, that paper needs to be processed with all kinds of chemicals; Then massive amounts of ink from fossil fuel is applied and massive printing machines consume massive amounts of energy. A large fleet of carbon generating trucks burn endless amounts of gas to distribute the paper to every nook and cranny imaginable. And then when they are done polluting for the day, they start the polluting process all over again for the next day... every day. It’s truly disgusting and harmful to the environment. But hey, their on “our side”.

They should die off like the arrogant dinosaurs that they are and be made to get a real job:

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Banning Savage? The UK Has Lost Its Collective Mind

Michael Savage is one of the most dangerous men in the world?
Michael Savage is one of Americas leading, nationally syndicated radio talk show hosts with millions of listeners daily across the country. I can only take him in small doses but I do find him entertaining and I agree with him more often than not. Apparently some mind-control freak in the UK bureaucracy thinks that Savage should be put in the same company as mass murderers and Islamic radical whack-jobs who have already pretty much taken over the UK, and he's been banned from the country! It's hard to describe how low the UK has fallen if they are so afraid of a talking head like Michael Savage that they ban him from the country. At first I thought this was a joke. Listen to Savage react to his banning here.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Obama's America: Journalist Arrested for Practicing Journalisim in front of USC School of Journalisim

Well-known conservative-leaning Journalist John Zigler was arrested in front of the USC School of Journalism for: asking questions...not being "official"... standing in the wrong place, or some such BS. This is a scene from Saturday Night Live... only it's real. Check out the dumbest cops in Southern California:

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Conservative Criticism of Obama on the Pirate Issue Is Dead Wrong

I spend a lot of space on this blog criticizing Obama. But the idea that he deserves criticism for the pirate issue is petty and absurd. When good things happen on Obama's watch, he deserves credit. It's that simple. The pirate matter is not a huge matter in the big scheme of things but a successful outcome was desirable and that's what happened. Congrats to the Obama administration, but more importantly, congrats to the Navy Seals. I agree with Bernie Goldberg and disagree with Sean Hannity on this one:

Friday, January 09, 2009

CNN Doubles Down on Pallywood Grievance Theater Video

CNN stands by its use of a video depicting the dramatic death of a Palestinian child in a Gaza hospital. The claim is that the child died of Israeli shelling. Of course, CNN wasn't there to wittiness that. It depends solely on the words of a guy who hosts Hamas' main website, and a Norwegian Doctor who openly praised 9/11 and has been a vocal supporter of radical Islam in general and Hamas specifically. Way to go CNN... Keepen it real, no bias no bull. Charles Johnson over at LGF, who exposed the phony Dan Rather documents is not impressed.

The most predicatable outcome of any Israeli-Palestinian flare-up is that a major Western news outlet will fall for a fake Palestinian greivence video and run with it... like this... and this.

UPDATE: Here’s an interesting update to the story of the obviously staged video from Gaza promoted and vouched for by CNN.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Bloomberg Speaks With Stupid CNN Info-babe

A stupid CNN info-babe (empty-headed pretty girl who reads teleprompters and parrots questions from her ear piece) questioned NY Mayor Michael Bloomberg today. The questions were at about the five-year-old level and came directly from PLO talking points (even though the PLO would really want to see their arch rival Hamas destroyed). Anyway, Bloomberg patiently answers the CNN stupid-info-babe's questions. He is clearly rolling is eyes and wondering how idiotic one has to be to get a job at CNN or as bureaucrat at the UN. Enjoy:

Friday, November 07, 2008

CNN Sells Obama T-Shirts - No Bias There

CNN sells Obama victory t-shirts on it's main web site, with the CNN logo on the shirt. You cannot make this stuff up. The bias is so deep and so ingrained that they can't even imagine that selling political t-shirts celebrating the victory of a specific candidate might not be perceived as... how should I put this? FAIR AND BALANCED.

Monday, October 13, 2008

CNN Admonish Black Person for Supporting McCain

How dare you not vote by race? And notice how CNN complain about McCain's "tone" as this guy is receiving death threats from Obama supporters: