Thursday, July 27, 2017

What a Difference 4 Hours Makes

View from our airplane window leaving Phoenix and our view as we are arriving in Pittsburgh.
What a difference of scenery in just a 4 hour flight!
It's so green!!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Aubree is 13 and got braces right after the start of 8th grade!  She did really well. Not too bad of an adjustment for her. We got Chik-fil-a for lunch before the pain set in. 

Her "Before" photo.

Her "After" photo.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Granny!

Just thinking of my Granny today. She was always so fun! I loved her cute little southern accent. She was my pen pal for many years. I wish that I would have gotten to see her more in my adult years and that my kids could have gotten to know her . . . someday!  I miss her!

A Visit from Natasha

I got to hang out with my old roomie Natasha Crespo (now Cannon) from BYU. She was in town and popped by for a couple of hours with her daughter. Fun times and good memories!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Happy 16th Anniversary!

Hard to believe 16 years has passed! We celebrated the day of our anniversary by going out to lunch.  Over the weekend Larry and Meagan had the kiddos and we saw a movie, went to the temple and lots of good food!

Monday, August 10, 2015

First Day of School

First Day of 8th, 6th and 3rd grade!
New town, new house, and new school.
This will be the last year that they will all be at the same school together.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Aaron's Baptism

Aaron had a beautiful baptism in January 2015.  

Aaron was baptized by his Dad.
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Grandma and Grandpa Christensen were able to make it to AZ for the baptism.

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We had a luncheon after the baptism that a few families from the ward attended.  
Aaron's baptism was held at the Stake Center on Sarival in Surprise. 
Along with Grandma and Grandpa Christensen, we also had Larry, Meagan and Bryton there as well as Dwayne and Debbie Logas.  From our ward, the Gardner family and the Hernandez family came, along with a few other families.
We had pulled pork sandwiches, pasta salad, chips, lemonade and chocolate chip cookies following the baptism for those who stayed at the pavilion outside the stake center.