Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wordless Wednesday. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back Home For A Birthday

This past weekend we went up to my parents to sort of celebrate my dads Birthday. We were all supposed to do it this coming weekend but plans changed the day of.
Anyways since my dad does not like it to be a big deal we did not do much but hang out, cook and eat. My dad is old school so as soon as he was done eating, off to bed he went. 

35 years of marriage

This is how it is done in the country! 

Glad my sis likes to cook because I do not!

Where am I linking up? Check it out Here, Under Wednesday.
Show me some facebook love as well, just click HERE.
It is always appreciated

Also I want to give my step son Cory a big shout out for being the eye behind the camera, except the sunflower picture! He did great for being 11!!
Thank you Kiddo

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 8/13/14

Want to know where I am linking up? Just click my hops and links tab! 
Please do not forget to like my facebook page, you can find that on my side bar! Thank you!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What Makes Me Feel Beautiful--Wordless Wednesday 07/16/14

There is a "challenge" going on around Facebook. You are to pick 5 photos that you feel beautiful in. 
I am not that self confident so I had my SO choose them for me. 

He had a hard time just sticking with 5 so he chose 6!
I thought this is the perfect Wordless Wednesday photo!

Linking up with
Such A Mama
Home of OHM
5 minutes for Mom
In Him We Live and Move
Clair Justine OXOX

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Not a Wordless Wednesday

Usually this is a non-worded picture post. Not today. This morning was a true autistic morning with a full meltdown to boot. I love my son being home with me all the time but he has to go to his Day Developmental school throughout the week and it is year round so therefore no summer vacation for him. 
My S.O. stayed home these past two days on Monday and Tuesday and he got Logan ready for school. (He returned to school this week following two weeks off due to tonsillectomy) Wouldn't you know it, he had no issues with Logan. He got up just fine and was happy go lucky. Today was my day.
I knew it would be trouble getting him up due to the fact he did not get to bed until around 10 and no telling how long he laid there before going to sleep. 
Yup full meltdown mode this morning, full of tears, yelling, hyperventilating and stomping feet. While my S.O. (significant other) got smiles, giggles and a great mood I get the devil child. 

You can find my link ups to the Wordless Wednesdays HERE

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 5/14

I know this is usually meant for pictures but this week I decided to post a couple of videos. My son Logan has ASD as many of you already know. He has been in ABA therapy for 3 months now. Here is something they practice and he is right on with it. 

Not only that but he can spell! At barely 3!!

Linking up to Wordless Wednesdays

One thing I believe that helps my son learn so well is his Nabi Jr. Check it out HERE

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 5/7/14 Edition

Things that you see at the zoo! 

Linking up with the many Wordless Wednesday blogs

Check them out HERE

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wordless Wednesday April 23, 1014

March 9th 2014 
The world lost a wonderful woman and heaven gained an angel. 
I love you forever

Linking up for Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wordless Wednesday 2-5-14

It is always Ice here! I want snow!! This storm here, brought power outages. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday with Explanation

Its that time again for Wordless Wednesday Link ups. You can Click HERE to find the link ups!

This time I have to put an explanation on the photo, well just because I think it needs it.

 Feet are just disgusting to me as well as to my Eric. That is why I had to snap this picture when I realized what we were doing. Holding Feet!!! Both of us were busy on our phones and so we could not hold hands so instead we were holding feet. Not even realizing it. 

If you want to join up with the Wordless Wednesday Link ups click HERE to find a list of them. 
Enjoy your Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 7/10/13

Wordless Wednesday is by far one of the biggest hops I have seen so far. There are so many of them. I have some that I do link up with posted in my blog hops tab. Feel free to link up as well! 
On to my Wordless Wednesday Picture of the Week
By the way feel free to follow my facebook fan page. I post giveaways, updates and recipes and fun and cute photos at time and advocate for autism. Check it out--------->

Wordless Wednesday

                                            In Him We Live and Move

Amanda’s Books and More

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

A Wordless Wednesday

I have not done a Wordless Wednesday in a long while so I thought I would join back in

 Mine and Erics Christmas Gifts to each other!!
Linking up with:

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday (kinda)

It is time for the Wordless Wednesday submission. I captured something just hilarious (to me) today while shopping at wal-mart. Not great quality, it is from my phone.

Oh yeah that is right! Not a joke. 

Linking up with


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What Happens When Daddy--Wordless Wednesday

It is yet another Wordless Wednesday. My how does time fly. 
This is what happens when daddy takes over taking care of the munchkin.

Guess it is to hard to sit him upright to change his clothes and apply eczema cream. 

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday Decision

There are so many hostesses for the Wordless Wednesday each week I find myself picking and choosing which ones I will link up with. I am keeping it to five each Wednesday and if you would like to link up just look on the -------> and see who you would like to link up with. So here it is, my Wordless Wednesday submission! Enjoy!

Miami Florida, 2009