Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dad. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back Home For A Birthday

This past weekend we went up to my parents to sort of celebrate my dads Birthday. We were all supposed to do it this coming weekend but plans changed the day of.
Anyways since my dad does not like it to be a big deal we did not do much but hang out, cook and eat. My dad is old school so as soon as he was done eating, off to bed he went. 

35 years of marriage

This is how it is done in the country! 

Glad my sis likes to cook because I do not!

Where am I linking up? Check it out Here, Under Wednesday.
Show me some facebook love as well, just click HERE.
It is always appreciated

Also I want to give my step son Cory a big shout out for being the eye behind the camera, except the sunflower picture! He did great for being 11!!
Thank you Kiddo

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday 7/10/13

Wordless Wednesday is by far one of the biggest hops I have seen so far. There are so many of them. I have some that I do link up with posted in my blog hops tab. Feel free to link up as well! 
On to my Wordless Wednesday Picture of the Week
By the way feel free to follow my facebook fan page. I post giveaways, updates and recipes and fun and cute photos at time and advocate for autism. Check it out--------->

Wordless Wednesday

                                            In Him We Live and Move

Amanda’s Books and More

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daddy's Hands

This is my daddy! 
Happy Fathers Day to you!
My hero
My role model
My savior and 
My rock
No matter what stupid stuff I have done
My daddy has always been my glue. 

We may not have been rich or able to take those crazy vacations or had all the name brand things growing up but my father always made sure there was a roof over our heads and food on the table. He worked hard for everything he has and has gotten. He worked hard to try to make sure his children were the best they could be. 
I will admit I was a daddy's girl. I went everywhere with him when I had the chance. For many years he worked on the oil and gas rigs so he did travel a lot. When he was home he was usually working at some other odd job. I remember when he no longer worked on the rigs he worked three other jobs until he got his steady one he has now. This is just who my dad is. A hard working man. He was out hauling wood and broke his ankle. He had his surgery and a cast up to his knee and was back out in those woods cutting firewood so we would not starve and made sure those bills were paid. 
We grew our food or raised our food as you can see above. You know what? I was a happy kid. You do not see this going on anymore. I will tell you now, because of my father I can live off the land and be able to hunt if I ever had to. Thank you daddy for this.
My dad and I were the best of buddies. I went hunting, fishing and worked with him. We spent many of days and nights out in the hay fields, lots of time out on the lake fishing, or me just hanging out with him while he did some dozer work, mended people's fences or helped out on others farms. 
No one will ever ever take the place of my father. I love him dearly. 
Thank you daddy for never abandoning me and for always being there. 

"Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle 
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands."

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Grandma?? Me??

Yesterday was a busy day of waiting not so patiently by the phone for information on our grand-daughter being born. Unfortunately my stepson lives a couple of hours away and my husband had to work and 2 out of 4 kids here at home are sick. While our grand-daughter was making her appearance we waited not so patiently at home :-(

This little girl was supposed to make her entrance on June 6th. Instead her mother had to be induced on June 11th. around 8 in the morning or around about there.
Around noon she was dilated at a 4 and had her epidural. Around 4 p.m. she was watching friends and staying comfortable and dilated to a 5. Half way there!! 8p.m. dilated at an 8, 10:30 p.m. she was pushing and Alison Star was born at 11:02 p.m. weighing in at 7lbs and 6oz! 

There she is! Isn't she gorgeous? I can not wait to make a trip and go snuggle with this precious little girl!

Crap! This "Grandma" is getting baby fever!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Time To Give Thanks

A Time To Give Thanks

This is the time of the year to give thanks. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and its a time for family and friends to gather and feast and give thanks. The "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated to give thanks to God for guiding them safely into the new world. This was a three day event with enough food to feed 90 native Americans and 13 pilgrims. Then what happened after?? Yes a massacre of the Native Americans. (Just wanted to throw that in there) 

Do you or your family have any specific traditions at Thanksgiving? I can tell you what I remember from being a child. My mother would be up all night the night before prepping and baking pies. My favorite is my grandmother's and my mother's traditional pineapple pie. Everyone in the family looked forward to this pie. We did not have a huge meal but it was good enough for us. I can even still remember the menu. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls, green beans, corn, sweet potatoes and of course pies. We never had many desserts just the pie. 

The day would begin with my mother getting up like at 6 in the morning to put the turkey on and then us kids would get up and watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade on t.v. while my brother and my dad were out hunting for the biggest part of the day. When my brother got older and moved out my dad would go by himself. We usually had dinner around 5 I believe when I was younger. Sometimes we would have other people stop by. I remember some of my parents friends coming one year, some friends thy had not seen in years. I also remember my uncle being there every year. 

As the years went by and we all got older the holiday started changing and a new tradition evolved. Thanksgiving was held at my grandmother's house (when she moved to Arkansas) and my Aunts, Uncles and cousins would all come and we all would have a wonderful Thanksgiving day at my grandmothers house. It was held at noon every year. After eating and cleaning up we would all head back up the mountain to mom and dad's house for the continuation of the celebration. 

Now more years have passed and the traditions that I once knew have disappeared. There are no longer any traditions in my family and it is really sad to think of it. I wanted to start my own traditions within my own little family but that is almost nearly impossible because of divorce, people work, kids are somewhere else..It saddens me. 

In honor of this holiday I will give thanks to the memories that I have growing up and my adolescent and young adult years ( I am still young). I will give thanks that I am alive and can remember those memories. No sense in me basking in my own misery just because our family can not be together. I will make the best of this day with the best that I have and thank God I have healthy, loving family. Maybe one day I will be able to start my own traditions. Until then I will just be thankful for what I do have. Love to all my readers and have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. Spend it with the ones you love and enjoy in wonderful conversations and be merry.