This is my daddy!
Happy Fathers Day to you!
My hero
My role model
My savior and
My rock
No matter what stupid stuff I have done
My daddy has always been my glue.
We may not have been rich or able to take those crazy vacations or had all the name brand things growing up but my father always made sure there was a roof over our heads and food on the table. He worked hard for everything he has and has gotten. He worked hard to try to make sure his children were the best they could be.
I will admit I was a daddy's girl. I went everywhere with him when I had the chance. For many years he worked on the oil and gas rigs so he did travel a lot. When he was home he was usually working at some other odd job. I remember when he no longer worked on the rigs he worked three other jobs until he got his steady one he has now. This is just who my dad is. A hard working man. He was out hauling wood and broke his ankle. He had his surgery and a cast up to his knee and was back out in those woods cutting firewood so we would not starve and made sure those bills were paid.
We grew our food or raised our food as you can see above. You know what? I was a happy kid. You do not see this going on anymore. I will tell you now, because of my father I can live off the land and be able to hunt if I ever had to. Thank you daddy for this.
My dad and I were the best of buddies. I went hunting, fishing and worked with him. We spent many of days and nights out in the hay fields, lots of time out on the lake fishing, or me just hanging out with him while he did some dozer work, mended people's fences or helped out on others farms.
No one will ever ever take the place of my father. I love him dearly.
Thank you daddy for never abandoning me and for always being there.
"Daddy's hands were soft and kind when I was cryin´.
Daddy´s hands, were hard as steel when I´d done wrong.
Daddy´s hands, weren´t always gentle
But I´ve come to understand.
There was always love in Daddy´s hands."