Yesterday was a busy day of waiting not so patiently by the phone for information on our grand-daughter being born. Unfortunately my stepson lives a couple of hours away and my husband had to work and 2 out of 4 kids here at home are sick. While our grand-daughter was making her appearance we waited not so patiently at home :-(
This little girl was supposed to make her entrance on June 6th. Instead her mother had to be induced on June 11th. around 8 in the morning or around about there.
Around noon she was dilated at a 4 and had her epidural. Around 4 p.m. she was watching friends and staying comfortable and dilated to a 5. Half way there!! 8p.m. dilated at an 8, 10:30 p.m. she was pushing and Alison Star was born at 11:02 p.m. weighing in at 7lbs and 6oz!
There she is! Isn't she gorgeous? I can not wait to make a trip and go snuggle with this precious little girl!
Crap! This "Grandma" is getting baby fever!!